Spawn camping has gotten worse with the armor buff

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by treeHamster, May 8, 2013.

  1. treeHamster

    Because it's much more difficult to kill tanks, they are stacking up at spawn buildings faster and the camping/spam of the spawns is at least 2x worse, maybe 3x than they were a week ago before the stupid buff.

    You tankers wanted some buff for when you sit out in a field except 80% of the tank experience is sitting at a spawn pressing M1 as fast as you can. For that, you don't, nor should need a rear buff.
  2. iller

    We can shoot Rocket THROUGH those spawn shields... We don't have to walk right up to the edge of most of them for that like we do with regular guns.
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  3. SinerAthin

    Do you have any idea how vulnerable those tanks are when they are sitting on the spawn point?

    They never check behind them :D
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  4. treeHamster

    Yeah but how are you going to get behind them? Magical rainbows?

    The only class that can easily get around them is the Infiltrator but they don't get tools that can deal with the tank. It used to be people saying "Well if there are tanks camping your spawn, go pull an ESF and destroy it." Fat chance of that if there are more than two or three tanks. If there are four or five, you can't get within half a click of those tanks without getting destroyed.
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  5. Ghosty11

    Just coordinate your fire with your spawn room comrades. They blow up very fast when focused. If your alone, farm the infantry with an UBGL, or just go some place else.
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  6. treeHamster

    You're joking right? I think we are playing two different games here.
  7. haldolium

    Bases needs a re-design.

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  8. Soundmonitor

    FYI c4, also if you are stuck at your spawn room because you have a lot of armor chucking HE rounds maybe it's time for you to use the tunnels or move on since you are outnumbered... That's a pro tip btw...
  9. Ghosty11

    This is a team game right?
  10. Rentago

    We keep telling them that, but they refuse to want to accept that they are wrong, the developers want to think that they can do no wrong.

    The spawns were designed terrible, they have been made to be camped. No matter WHAT they do at this point will not fix this, its plain and simple, they ****** up thinking players wouldn't do what needs to be done to secure a base, which is STOP THEM AT THE SOURCE.
  11. Kupcake

    I actually agree. They still haven't fixed the core problem. They just pushed the game toward Vehicleside again. It's kinda sad how easily I just plow through attacking infantry now.

    Infantry and vehicle meta need harder separations. It's fine if vehicles kill infantry on open terrain, but it's idiotic that tanks and planes can actually spawn camp inside major bases. And I say this as a dedicated tanker.

    Poor base design and pop imbalance on some servers are the critical issues facing this game nowadays.

    And can we stop ******** about being able to attack vehicles from behind shields? You can't do it, sorry. You can't use bursters to counter air effectively from behind shields. You can't use launchers to counter tanks effectively from behind shields. There are too many blind spots, and it's far too easy to avoid the arcs where you can be fired it. It doesn't happen to any meaningful degree. It's a stupid strawman created by whiny pilots on these forums.
  12. treeHamster


    I use my Scythe and camping spawns is incredibly easy. OHHHH they shot half a burster mag at me, I don't know HOW I'm going to do something like, fly over the nearby hill and repair. You can't destroy something from inside those shields unless you get like 8 people together and ALL shoot within 0.25 seconds. The drivers will just move away and repair.

    Yeah no sh*t such as walls around the ENTIRE base and everything inside an underground structure. We've been asked for this for almost a year now without the devs listening. Since they aren't going to fix the bases, the tanks simply don't need armor buffs.

    NOW if this game were 80% played in open fields and between bases, extra armor on the tanks would probably be justified, However considering they gave them a buff to fix a problem that only occurred 20% of the time but imbalanced the other 80% of the gameplay time, it was unwarranted and stupid.
  13. Gary

    If you are being spawn camped you can pretty much assume the base is capped and either spawn on a sunderer or go to another base.
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  14. SinerAthin

    I normally spawn at a nearby base, drive up on a hill behind them and plonk an AT turret down there.
    Or I spawn an ESF at a nearby base and fill their rears with rockets :p
  15. Oreo202

    No. You're all kinds of wrong. Stop making these foolish threads.
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  16. treeHamster

    That is the problem, this shouldn't be the case. Once some vehicles roll in, the base is lost. Bases should be defendable. If they're not designed that way, then vehicles really don't need to be very powerful. We saw this with Prowlerside 2. That's six solid weeks of evidence to show why we don't need vehicles to be very strong with the current way the bases are designed.
  17. Oreo202

    Go pull a tank yourself or stop complaining.
  18. holycaveman

    If tang girls have you surrounded in your spawn area.


    move on.
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  19. Soundmonitor

    Ever heard of tunnels?
  20. Ennkay

    how come you circle jerkers haven't addressed why it's possible to shoot the spawns with vehicles? Does anybody vaguely remember early on in development when it was said that there would be a point where you have to dismount and carry on the attack on foot. The spawns shouldn't even be accessible for vehicles. It should be the infantry's job of rooting out the last bits of resistance.