EURO TR get out of Waterson

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Nomad1, May 7, 2013.

  1. Nomad1

    You are ruining the server. too many tr right now. I totally blame totalbiscuit for this and his fanboys. 50%+ right now wordwide. #wtf
  2. MykeMichail

    Maybe that'd explain the sudden presence of a couple of dozen low battleranked, extremely laggy TR players on Briggs who decided to try for a continent cap of Indar during an Esamir alert.
  3. Czuuk

    I am Czuuk Waterson and I disapprove of this message.

    H4TZ eagerly await the return of the supposed glorious leader of the grand Terran Republic. When last we met we were but the learner...
  4. Cougarbrit

    TB has barely touched the game in months, he certainly hasn't talked about it much. He's busy with his work and SC2 stuff. It's unlikely he'll be coming back anytime soon.
  5. St0mpy

    Do you have any data on that? Can you show me in the spreadsheet?
  6. Total_Overkill

    Common knowledge that 60% of all Waterson TR players were at one time, or another, a part of BRIT /snicker
  7. NinjaTurtle

    I joined the server as an NC just to have the opportunity to kill TB.... I have not yet achieved that objective and may well never.
  8. NinjaTurtle

    Also this has jack all to do with TB and more to do with the WG rotation. The TR pop has has a significant boost since the rotation
    • Up x 1
  9. Zakuak

    Steam Roll tactics first thing in the morning, wish I wasn't at work so I could partake.
  10. LGhost1904

    This all started just after the alerts came out. In the first week or two of the alerts, NC would win all the early morning alerts with ease. It just hit out of nowhere one morning where EU players came over to Waterson and have been taking over continents ever since, the biggest challenge is to keep them from cont capping an alert where they are only one territory away most of the time. I just leave the continent to where there are less of them (they are stronger on every continent)... Maybe if everyone did this then they would get sick of ghost capping and go back home but not likely with the alerts.
  11. CaptainYamerica

    Gotta love those fourth faction players.
  12. Mythicrose12

    Put it this way.... They're spending the majority of their time doing absolutely nothing. It surely cannot be that much fun going from empty base to empty base during their "prime hours". The fights they find are in their favor 15:1 or so (numbers pulled straight out of my bum). The only thing that is tasteless is when Slyguy posts a triple cap gloat thread becasue of the TR aweseomeness from these antics.
  13. MartianDiscoFish

    As someone from Europe, the only reason why I created my TR character on Waterson was because there were only 2 EU servers at launch, one for my VS character and one for my NC character, so I had to make a TR alt on an East server.
  14. Slyguy65

    Sigh...this kind of annoys me, since i know for a fact NC had pop advantage for the past month and a half they always had +10% global pop cause of EU people...


    Not even a week after rotation and nothing but TR OP TR OP OMG OMG

    ...Seiously, don't get mad at us that we actually make the population advantage NOTICEABLE, by actually dominating, not our fault the NC couldn't use their pop advantage effectively.

    Second off the british youtube guy moved his outfit to connery or something, they don't even play anymore.

    The ignorance of all these TR whiners irk me (waterson specific TR whiners that is)
  15. LGhost1904

    Why would WG rotation cause population spikes?
  16. CupBoy

    It doesn't. People make stuff up on the internet.
  17. MikSchultzy

    I don't know, but it always seems that the TR are doing SOMETHING, and as a VS I constantly feel outnumbered by TR. Worse, is I get that feeling on all three continents when I am on/playing. I don't get that feeling when I am fighting NC. It used to be that I felt that way fighting NC, and TR felt like unorganized rubbish. I would say the coin has flipped.

    Mind you, this is strictly how it feels to me, no more.
  18. Paisty

    As an example I'll use the SE warpgate on Indar.

    That warpgates surrounding areas are all deep narrow valleys. The canyons/valleys have a funnel effect for the factions with the other 2 warpgates. The Indar SE WG is notoriously difficult to defend, as many players have stated and I agree with.

    The Northern Indar WG has wide open spaces allowing the faction controlling it to take any route they desire out of the WG.

    The SW WG on Indar is relatively balanced, except the "triangle of death" which has 3 points within 300-400 meters of each other. (one of the points is Ceres something another is a satellite and I cannot remember off hand the name of the other point. But it leaves defenders alot of nearby spawns)

    My buddies and I were discussing the large TR pop spike since the WG rotation, over the weekend. The 4th faction seems to love Indar and hates the SE WG.