NC on woodman

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Belua, May 5, 2013.

  1. Simferion

    I concede the point. Apart from some hours in the night (CET) where Vanus are the plurality faction, NC has most population. But quantity doesn't mean quality.
    I sometimes lack a real teamplay and organized platoons.
    Anyway welcome to the real world where what is liked by the majority of people,that' s usually crappy.:)
  2. Farlion

    Don't worry, most of the TR is a unorganized mess too.
    But as it stands right now, we have the warpgate position advantage.
  3. Osskscosco

    Stop insulting your own outfit!
  4. Simferion

    Oh yes, you are right, but at least we have the quantity.... :rolleyes:

    And out of curiosity, were you the prowler driver who I destroyed together with his tank and his gunner, jihading him at Splitpeak pass days ago and who badly insulted me badly in chat? :cool:

    I play on Ceres as a TR and the zerg problem and the lack of playing skill is still there. This game requires some time to be played so it's easier younger people will constantly play it.
    Other than that it's lacking an ingame tutorial and some real metagame (the most abused term in gaming history).
    My Ceres outfit is going to do (or at least was thinking about) some babysitting about new recruits.

    People keep asking how to deploy a sunderer, how to chat, how to this and that. This means the game is lacking an important feature. I find sometimes funny expert players are expecting new ones to know something they themselves didn't know ten seconds before they learnt it.
  5. Razeroth

    It was sarcasm hence /s.
  6. Nurf3d

    Wait we should care about gimmicky Alerts? I prefer keeping the Indar lock is more useful.
  7. Klyka

    But IP only has two letters :D
  8. Loegi

    Really? I find that the only faction worth a damn on Woodman is the VS. TR never seem to be able to accomplish anything, and NC are always pushed in by VS while they seem to only be focussing on VS. I guess TR's a bit better than NC though, I can't remember the NC winning an alert once, while the TR sometimes do win.
    • Up x 1
  9. Nurf3d

    NC just removed Indar Cont lock from VS, Alerts mean nothing.
  10. Loegi

    It's off time, most people are either at school or at work now. Now this means nothing.
  11. Nurf3d

    In my country its Bank holiday here so not really, but hey when do the TR actually do anything if you think winning an Alert is actually more important than removing cont locks then shrug.

    (Let's not say anything about VS taking the cont lock at 4am)
  12. lilleAllan

    VS own Woodman. Seems they are better organized and have a lot of skilled, high level players.

    Luckily, their outfit names are kinda lame. That's the only comfort we have. (Looking at you KOTV)
  13. MartianDiscoFish

    Maybe if G0Ds actually left their reavers and help capture bases, NC would be more successful on woodman.
  14. Klyka

    I don't know, I think "Keepers of the Void", "Myriad Apocalypse Project" "Vanu Vanguard" and "Iron Pulse" are kinda cool names
  15. Cokeslo

    I really think you guys do fine I see lots of skilled NC players on Woodman just as many as other factions I won't name any names but I have a lot of people in mind

    The only thing I think you guys are missing is an outfit to organize the lone wolves
    I do see a lot more NC without an outfit on Woodman
    As far as having inexperienced players I think any faction with a population advantage is going to have that problem I know VS did when the Magrider was OP (I am not saying NC has anything that is OP just that you guys have on average more people)

    When it comes to alerts I seem to notice that NC push way too much in the first 30 minutes and then both VS and TR warp gate them so they can never push out before the alert ends, normally you want to hold territories until the last 30 minutes and then push

    I think you guys do okay though honestly saying that one faction has more skilled players than another is an absolute falsehood and will get us nowhere

    Anyway keep up the good fight you insane cardboard box wearing corporate slaves
  16. fludblud

    Like mentioned earlier on, with NCCT gone G0ds are now the only large NC outfit left on Woodman and despite our numbers we are struggling to manage three continents on our own. We do better when 151 platoons are around but that doesnt happen very often.

    KOTV has the luxury of being able to have their entire outfit crammed into one continent during an alert, confident that the other VS outfits can hold their weight in their absence. G0ds doesnt and is consequently stretched too thin to bring any serious firepower to where its needed.

    Also to any G0ds players, we now have a forum up so we can have a centralised place to create events and interact with one another without spamming outfit chat all the time ingame, sign up use it!
  17. redsevenski

    This is the worst excuse in the world, and I'm sure every server and faction suffer from it. You'd be amazed how many woodman TR are convinced that there is VS/NC alliance. Its just making excuses for poor performances. The only alliances/agreements exist to remove the Indar continent lock, and event then these are exceptionally fragile, short lived and ignored by the majority of each faction.

    To the OP: I think running with the zerg of any faction is always going to see the same frustrations. Playing as part of an outfit that matches your play style can shelter you from a lot of these frustrations but never all of them!
  18. lilleAllan

    You're biased, Klyka :)
    Iron Pulse is sort of cool but I have no idea what it means
  19. Loegi

    Alerts are more important than breaking cont locks at off times. That's how most cont locks work anyway, with a very underwhelming opposing force. At least alerts result in 33/33/33 usually, so that actually means something for how well factions perform.
  20. Klyka

    Honestly? Neither do I.
    I guess we are made of iron but have a pulse? Or we shoot iron pulses at people?
    Or maybe we send pulses through iron with our might?

    Whatever it means, I always liked the ring of it.