grounder vs striker

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by GSZenith, May 2, 2013.

  1. GSZenith

  2. kadney

    Interesting thread. Grounder.
  3. TheBloodEagle

  4. GSZenith

    2-0 grounder :O
  5. LeBigJimbo

  6. GSZenith

    to late already destroying bads in planes with striker :(
  7. ColdCheezePizza

    Grounder for me, the missile tracking seems much more reliable and I cant live without dumbfire ability, suck it max's
    • Up x 2
  8. Caserion

    Grounder, the Striker is more of an AA bazooka, though not THAT effective at it even though everyone says it is...
  9. SEMoslaw

  10. Takoita

  11. WalrusJones

  12. Terrahero


    Based entirely on it being a far more reliable weapon, yesterday the Striker descided to go through a wall to my right to reach a distant target that was slightly to my left. I ended up just damaging myself with the splash. And thats just one of the many examples where it glitches out and essentially fails (or even damages myself or my allies)

    Damage-wise the Striker only wins if the enemy doesnt take counter-measures. And due to the long wind up to get all rockets out, its fairly easy to avoid enough of the Striker to not take more damage then a Grounder. And counter-measures against the Striker include twitchy movement. You don't have to be doing any aerial screws either, just tapping forward/backward is enough to confuse a couple of rockets and send them in completely the wrong direction.

    But due to the lack of a dumbfire the Striker cannot be used against MAXs, Infantry or Turrets. The Grounder does have a dumbfire which means it can still be used against Vehicles but also Infantry, MAXs and Turrets. And if an Air unit is foolish enough to put himself in a position where dumbfire can reliable hit him, a Grounder can get a hit without going through the lenghty lock-on.
  13. Covah

    Striker for 100% open-field against people with no flares / smoke.

    And decimator for everything else :d

    I mean for towers and biolabs ofc.
  14. Paisty

    I only pull my striker if I have an elevated position overlooking a large open field. The amount of time it takes to get the 5 missiles off, compared to the amount of damage the 2 or 3 missiles that land will do, is not worthwhile. (at least against any good pilot or tank driver, nubs are easy)

    The Grounder on the other hand seems to hit for about the same damage with 1 rocket as the 2 or 3 that the striker will land against enemy air. Ground vehicles are easy to take out with dumbfire on most occasions, so i do not need a lock on for that. Plus lock ons vs ground vehicles means your usually dead from standing in the open.

    So Grounder.
  15. Dedsquirrl

    Cert both when you can.

    I have a striker loadout for when the skies are full and we need a deterrent.
    You don't get many kills, but the extra ammo is nice for scaring off air and getting the occasional kill on the pilots that want to get off just one more pod.
    I wouldn't bother firing all five shots. Unless it is a Lib or a limping fighter. You are more useful running them off, breaking their strafing run or making them disengage from a friendly Mossie. Just pop one or two shots to make your point and watch the flares fly. Or the ABs kick in as they scoot away.
    You get the hang pretty quick for when you should just fire one or two or if it is an unload moment.
    It is fun when you have a friendly engineer nearby resupplying ammo so you can just spam that crap, but not really more useful.

    Otherwise, the grounder is much better.
    The dumbfire lets you get shots on vehicles without them slaughtering you while you wait for the lock.
    If an infantry surprises you around a corner you can dumbfire his face.
    And you still get locks on air.

    The Deci does hit harder. But if you can hit air consistently with a Deci, you are a bad man.
    Deci seems to shine for me when there are butt tons of MAX units. Amp defenses and stuff like that.

    Grounder is much more versatile.
    Unless your only role is trying to run off air for a while, it beats the Striker hands down.
  16. Soundmonitor

    Ive been saying it since the Striker came out... grouder all the way
  17. SiosDashcR

  18. Dr.Insomnia

    Grounder is my all-round carry. I can hit most ground with dumb-fire, and it features lock-on so that I can keep ESFs on their toes.
    Striker is not an option for standard use thanks to being useless against turrets and MAX.
  19. ErrdayHetzering

    Never EVER died to a grounder flying my reaver, but boy have i been shot down by the striker.

    This thread is full of disinfo.
  20. Pazzonni

    Never even seen a grounder in the kill screen and i fly libs and reavers often. I haven't seen the ahni lately either. The striker on the other hand is the only lock on that has killed me since it was released. This includes the VS lock ons if you catch my drift.. Luckily nowadays i know how to avoid most of the rockets, but they still get me sometimes.