[Suggestion] SOE - Too many nerfs makes players plans useless

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by KariH, May 5, 2013.

  1. KariH

    NERF - is kind of miscalculation. Sometimes it is ok but too many nerfs kils preplaning.

    Example - Magdriver - OO whats a powerful features - lets invest to that -> *NERF* - > SHTTT - lost certs and time.
    Airhammer - well - specialized weapon which needs skill but skilled it is op - lets invest... NERF --> Shttt
    Burster - lets invest extended magazine --> SOE personel informed it will be NERFFED more. -> SSsssSS

    Soe - I do now ask WHERE I will invest without nerfing? You are taking one game element out because of nerfing policy. Peoples canot anymore choose what they are develoiping or it is made wery uncertain.

    So only levelling method would be boost all others than nerf certain equipment. Thats more polite policy than nerfing. Nobody like to make bad deals. If many are buffed/boosted there would be minimal complainers even if some items actually is downgraded because genneral level just go higher.

    And many has said this before - nerfing is some kind of testing failure.
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  2. WalrusJones

    Choose something that handles fun, not something that is powerful.

    That investment won't screw you over, almost ever.
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  3. IamSalvation

    Perhapse you should invest in stuff that is not OP?
    Or don´t rage about OP Stuff getting balanced?
  4. GSZenith

    next lolpodder claims release air was balanced.
    any bets?
  5. FateJH

    See the number of certs down there in the sig? Yeah, I don't use SC.

    (1) Started back before GU1 when I wanted to get the (then mediorce) second Burster to help with the then ineffectual AA effort. A buff to AA rendered it unnecessary for the most part and previously overcompensating yet still inadequate AA efforts were at least workable. Felt no need to overpower. Earned up to 500certs more before spending it on a Battle Rifle, then started stockpiling again. (2) Following a platoon roflstomping trying to take Tawrich/hold Crossroads, I decided an AV route would be worth following-up. I wanted to get to 4 AT mines, cost at 800 certs; I was expecting the mineifled implementation, I got explosive pizzeria specials; lost interest. (3) I switched to 3 C4 bricks which increased the cost to 900certs and then thought (4) why not optimize my explosive capacity for 1800 certs. Then I realized I wasn't finding myself using explosives as much anyway. Still considering the Striker for AV but that leads to ... (5) Decided adjusting CQC style might be appropriate and started hunting for a Carbine that I liked that handling on. After I thought that, GU8, and now the weapon I had been looing at doesn't seem appealing anymore. Similar possibilities when examining HA weapons. Oddly enough, the CARV is now a good enough in my opinion but there's no certs to be spent there. :/ Considering the Armitice now because I will never pick up this game's shotguns.

    I had considered my MBT at some point but that was easily defused when I realized I didn't find driving around it in enjoyable.

    I'm not necessarily a picky person but I can't bring myself to make rash decisions on things like "inventory." I come from an SP RPG background mainly and the closest thing this has that I can milk as character customization is loadout and what I equip. So it's a big deal for me.
  6. Sultan Pepper

    The OP has a good point though. Having so many weapons and systems being altered so regularly does make it hard to plan the best builds for your classes/vees. So many things are on the chopping block that making purchases can become a craps-shoot.

    I'm sorry you two, but this is a fantasy wargame simulation, not the Sims. The most powerful weapons are the most fun. People shouldn't rage as much as they do when their favorite weapons get changed, but the OP's point is about the frustration felt by having so many items changed so often that it undermines character planning, which is a valid point. Planning a roadmap for your class can be just as fun as playing that class (to me anyway).
  7. IamSalvation

    I don´t even know what he means with "Magdriver"... if its the Magrider... yes i have invested in that too. On my NC Alt i have a fully certed Airhammer. On my VS Main i have Dual Bursters with extended Mags.

    Only the Magrider is a bit over nerfed... but i am sure they will fix this... Bursters are mcuh to powerfull atm and need some toning down.
    If you only get Bursters because you can ROFL Stomp any Air with it now... yeah... prepare for dissapointment... if you cert into them to have a good AA Choice you can pull at any Base or Sundi... nothing will change... it still will kill or chase Planes away...
    You see? It´s only a matter of what you expect from a weapon... and you should never expect something staying OP for a long time... This is a good thing most of the time.
    Yes, sometimes SOE is a bit fast or harsh with nerfing, but overall i feel they are doing a good job at balancing stuff.
  8. PhiladelphiaCollins

    Stop certing into FOTM ********.
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  9. Roland0077

    Link to the post nerfing Bursters please
  10. Liquid23

    but all the cool kids are doing it !!!!!!!!!
  11. Nogrim313

    you mean like a magrider? sorry been there and thats were this all started
  12. WalrusJones

    How much did you let the power level of the thing you were using get in the way of "How does it handle?"
  13. Nogrim313

    so your scat max hasn't got any certs spent on it and you don't have a pheonix right?
  14. BengalTiger

    Grab something that's an underdog, and not new and shiny- just as Collins suggested.
    Learn to use it when it's uphill all the time.

    I put a lot of effort into the Vanguard, had to adapt to lolpodders, AV MANA turrets and other threats, but since I enjoy tanking, I just figured I'll have to live with it and kept on tanking.

    Then when the equipment, that long forgotten thing nobody really uses anymore, becomes upgraded up to par (or its OP counters get nerfed into balance)- a run of 39 kills to 2 deaths (and it was shooting nearly exclusively vehicles) will become possible.

    Same story with the Skyguard- I bought that for cash soon after the game was released and air was a bit overpowered; now I can shoot a fighter down and still have a few shots left in the first magazine (not to mention learning how to suppress or kill non-air targets with it).
  15. PhiladelphiaCollins

    Nope and Nope. Try again.

    My MAX has about 14 minutes of playtime on it.
  16. Nogrim313

    having played with mags from beta on, there were never that op. it excelled in tank v tank early simply because the other two were lacking.

    the problem was the other mbt's got the buff they needed when the anchor got massively buffed and the vanguard got the super fast gun. things would have been great had it stopped there, but then they took a hatchet to the rest of the mags stats and nerfed it down to a level playing field par with the old tanks
    the imbalance wasnt fixed it just flipped 180 degrees and rather than 2/3 of the tankers whining it was too strong and 1/3 saying it was fine it went to 2/3 saying it was fine and 1/3 quitting the game (over dramatic but not that far off)

    the problem lies in the 3 empire issue no matter how balanced something is 2/3 of the players will want that 1/3 to suffer its just annon internet gamer nature.
  17. jdono67894

    All I have to say is those cert reset tokens are gonna make SOE a lot of money.
  18. Jalek

    I took my NC MAX out the first day I played, running around outside an outpost without a clue, lobbing grenades and shotgunning anyone that approached. My first six kills. Now I don't even know how I did that, must've been people more noobish than I was. Don't even have a second shotgun for it, never used it in a biolab.

    Got bursters and usually only use them a minute or two to chase off the ESF that podded my lightning, then go do something else.
    They don't have enough toys to be any fun, can't even scout since they have no optics.

    Magriders are pretty fun, but I end up looking for odd places to access, buildings to get on top of, that sort of thing.
  19. Sifer2

    Arguably they do it on purpose as part of their business model to keep you buying new stuff. I mean the new things they add almost consistently get nerfed. The only things in recent memory that have not are the SMG's. And the shotgun they added to the Flash lol.
  20. siiix

    its not balanced , its messed up

    its not balancing if it:
    -done because of lack of popularity, or do to reasonless crying/whining
    -so they can sell in 2 weeks new weapons again
    -if they make stuff probably intentionally bugged/useless (striker), and then they never have the intention fixing it nor refunding my money

    NEVER buy a new weapon again until 3 weeks have passed, if it still works in 3 weeks chances are it will stay the way it is ... (work around to avoid getting SCAMMED again)

    OR just accept the fact that they scam you and buy new weapons but accept the facts that in 3 weeks they be useless... the problem is that in a few months your inventory will be cluttered with junk you never use again
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