Can we remove some OHKs ?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Sebyos, May 5, 2013.

  1. Sebyos

    Honestly there's a lot of OHKs in this game and I really don't care about most of them. But one thing is sure the game rewards bad players way too much trough a few of these OHKs.

    The OHK weapons that need to be fixed are the rocket launchers, the grenade launchers and the engineers AV turret.

    -Honestly the rocket launcher nerf against infantry should have been done a long time ago when they decided rocket launchers should be primarily anti vehicle weapons. Rocket launchers need to do 750 damage against infantry.

    -Grenade launchers aka noobtubes. They are usually heavily defended by a small minority that can now say they got nerfed over and over, but it's still a very easy to use weapon. If I was deciding I would remove it from the game, but if they want to keep it in , we may as well have it do what I think a grenade launcher should do. It should be a weapon with decent aoe and low damage to help clear rooms out a bit, but not a OHK weapon for the low skill players.

    -AV Turret. Those are just incredibly poorly balanced. Here's how I see it compared to other anti-vehicle stuff.

    Phoenix : Laser guided rocket balanced by 750 infantry damage, a big blue animation and short range.
    Lancer: Charged laser balanced by low infantry damage, big blue beam and lower damage at range.
    AV Turret: Guided rocket that OHK infantry, has no animation or rarely renders and has infinite range with full damage.

    It just doesn't make sense to allow the AV turret to OHK infantry and not the other weapons. The AV turret needs to do 750 damage to infantry.
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  2. FatSheriff

    I agree totally on the AV issue, I believe it needs a range limit.
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  3. EliteEskimo

    Good post Sebyos:cool:
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  4. HadesR

    + shotguns

    They are both as bad as each other in the noobtube stakes , with the latter being a lot more common .. So kinda have to nerf them both if want to nerf one
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    Have you unlock military google to shoot very far ?
  6. IamSalvation

    ok for Rocketlaunchers.... at least they should also damage the person shooting them. ATM you can fire a Launcher straigth into someones face from less then 1 meter away and your shields are barly scratched.

    As for the UBGL: To use this thing you have to use the most gimped weapons for the class. ALL SF/S Varaiants suck bad, they are only used bacause of the UBGL.
    The UBGL is only good because it can instant kill.
    Have you ever used this thing?
    There is no use in this if you take away the 1HKO! It takes AGES to reload it, it has 10m arming distance (does NOT 1HKO in this distance!) and it has a terrible arc.
    It really is NOTHING for "Low SKill Players" its about the hardest to use weapon that there is.
    Why would a noob go for this if he can use a Rocket Launcher? Launchers have no arming distance, have LOTS better shooting Arc, more Splash, do more damage to Max Units and Tanks.
    There is really no need to nerf it any further...
    If you die from it so often it seems more like you are one of this "Low Skill Players" you talk about...

    Same for AV Turret... if you kill infantry with it its mostly an accident.. i don´t think anyone uses this for the purpose of sniping infantry.. its simply to hard to hit nd you only kill with full hits.
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  7. Sifer2

    I had proposed a new HA shield once that was designed to counter OHK. Would kick in automatically blocking high damage shots like rockets, then needing to recharge. Kind of like the Immortal unit in Starcraft 2. So you would give up extra durability against small arms to not get instantly gibbed out of no where all the time.

    But if they don't do this then I would agree cutting back on some of the instant death spam would be nice. Thing is it's mostly only noobs that spam rockets. And it's not always a good idea to nerf noobs as you don't want them to be completely unable to get kills. It's just a question of making the game more enjoyable to play over all. And instant death shotguns/rockets kill some of the enjoyment of playing Infantry.
  8. Pikachu

    Removing it from RL would take away too much fun. I would rather have their splash damage increased for the user so he will die as well if he's right in someone's face with it. Someone else suggested that rocket should have an arming distance, just like UBGL currently has. I would be fine with that.

    UBGL has bugged me all the time, and I felt cheap for using it. I think damage should be >= 750 and have a short lasting concussion effect.

    AV turret, I would rather turn down the damage to <1000 and turn up the fire rate instead. I hate the phoenix solution. It could have a limit to it's range and the laser beam could be visible so enemies gets some form of alert.

    I would like to try the game for a week with lancer able to OHK when charged, see if it brings more pain to us than fun for the vanus.
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  9. HadesR

    You do have a good point .. Sometimes the rocket launcher is the only counter a new player has to being shot in the face by a shotgun they haven't been able to unlock yet..

    Cheese breeds Cheese so to speak
  10. Duff_Chimp

    Stop trying to nerf the game into mediocrity...

    Rocket launchers should one hit infantry, they are rockets FFS. Limited ammo and long reload time, they are hardly optimal weapons for killing infantry, just let the 'noskill' brigade use them, fine by me.

    Grenade launchers are currently much more skill based than guns, their trajectory and splash makes it pretty hard to actually 'one-hit' kill anybody.

    You can one hit kill people much quicker and easier with a sniper rifle, they take literally no skill. I really don't get you OHK whiners...
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  11. EliteEskimo

    Another option on the infantry guns side is to make infantry shields have a somewhat significant impact against small arms fire and a slightly bigger impact against explosives. (Not enough to stop a tank shell from killing you mind you)

    I don't know if you remember Sebyos, but back in Beta TTK was higher and infantry battles were much more entertaining because the blue shield bar could take a fair amount of bullets and more explosive damage before it broke. Now it's a mere shadow of its past self. I think this should be reverted to make game play more fun and less "COD instant kill" in nature. Currently CQC is very unsatisfying unless you're in a Max suit.
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  12. Pikachu

    The annoying thing is that they leave no track of the shooter. RLs leaves smoke trails in the air. The guy with UBGL could be anywhere and his weapon reloads faster.
  13. TheRealMetalstorm

    Quite the feisty one here, eh?

    Here's how it is. The UBGL isn't a weapon in the conventional sense. It's like the lasher.
    What's the role of the lasher? Support. Area suppression. (limited) indirect fire. Is it meant to be the most lethal thing facing the enemy? No. What does it do? It's a force multiplier. It denies the enemies cover, and flushes them out to face the actual killing shots.

    Same for UBGL - it's meant to be a large AoE to be able to reach round corners. The high arc isn't high at all, from the front of the WG you only need to aim slightly above the door to tube the spawn room. Take that height divided by the length, and inverse tangent that - i'd say at most 15 degrees, if not much less.

    UBGL is a squad support weapon. It's not the OHK button.
    According to you, the "UBGL is only good because it can instant kill"... now, imagine the AV Mana turret does 0 dmg to vehicles.
    It would be good only "because it can instant kill". Does this mean, we should not change that fact? No! It means that we should fix the actual problem. In the case of the hypothetical faulty AV turret, it's the low vehicular damage. In the case of the UGBL, it's the poor area denial ability. Increase arc, keep max AoE radius, flatten out the AoE radius scaling to be a consistent 300-490dmg.

    Thank you for your time.
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  14. TheRealMetalstorm

    no, shields should be lowered but health increased. This will make long range weapons feasible. Currently, TTK at range is so high that nobody worries about getting shot while approaching a base/at long range, because they can regen their "lost health" (shield).
    Lowered shield will make long range combat important, as you whittle away their health as they expose themselves from cover to advance. This will make actual defense possible.
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  15. EliteEskimo

    Wouldn't either increasing health or shield durability accomplish basically the same thing?:confused:
  16. NOTHAN

    One solution would be to replace lethal weapons by potatoes spears
    This would require about fifty shots to kill an enemy (if guy is good.)

    Soon we'll talk about OneShoot by overpowered gun, OS by snipers, OS by tanks, OS by rockets...
    In fact, it will become a battle of barbie only because you whine for one fatal shooting.

    So please, unlock and "one shoot" too !
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  17. JudgeDeath

    You know .. its not wrong that you get killed, not even if its a oneshot.

    They will die .. you will die ... everyone will die on their turn. Thats just how the game is and goes. If you want some mechwarrior type of endurance and gameplay then go and play one of the upcoming mech-f2p games.

    Personally I am fine with dying to a ANTITANK rocket to the chest. It kinda makes sense eh ?
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  18. TheRealMetalstorm

    shields being increased is very different from shields being decreased (while keeping total health+shields to 1000)
    More shields = larger amount of damage that needs to be done before you do "permanent" damage.
    Imagine you had only health in ps2. Every bullet you take will make you one bullet easier to kill. Cover would be extremely important as you can't just duck and get back to max hp. Medics would be important.

    Ever played Counter Strike? You wouldn't charge in that game despite the long TTK at range. You wouldn't want to take a shot, because you couldn't recover hp/regen shields.

    In cqb, it doesnt matter since nobody has the time to recharge the shields, so lowering shield and raising HP won't touch the TTK in cqb.

    However, at range, it's easier to start causing "permanent" damage.
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  19. EliteEskimo

    I played CSS a lot. I just thought they would accomplish similar things because the Nanite Health injector sticks which resotre your health are so prevalent and very very useful. Although based upon your points I think you're right in that Health would be the better thing to increase. Good call.
  20. TheRealMetalstorm

    It makes logical sense. It doesn't make for good gameplay.
    It doesn't make sense to use an AT rocket as a single shot OHK before switching to your primary SMG/LMG as a HA.
    But people do it. Why? There are some things that don't work IRL work well in games. Sprinting around and jumpshotting with a rocket launcher is one. Surviving the pressure wave is another one.

    Let's just encourage fun gunplay instead of silly "exploits" that weren't meant to be used.
    Lowering AT rockets to 750dmg won't cause you any problems, would it?
    You don't mind dying, i'm sure you won't mind surviving.
    Unless you're one of those people who benefit from the OHK.
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