"Negative" is a filtered word now

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NyaR, May 2, 2013.

  1. randalthorr



    IN GAME.

  2. Profileiche

    I have a dream! A dream that all Forum Nicks and backgrounds can have any colour! That No One with a black Nickname and text is ignored on this forum anymore!
  3. K3STR3L

    I wanted Bagpuss for a name but for some reason the pink and white stripped cat is inappropriate and disallowed. What do SOE have against such a awesome cat.
  4. Bad News


    oops sorry couldn't help myself, guess i have a ban coming for using that word now :(

    Americans always talk about land of the free, but only them and north Korea have this much censorship...
    What is freedom?
  5. Padapong

    i've got a forum warning for being racist because i called a french player racist...
    it's a weird world.
  6. Nogrim313

    was playing around the other day and noticed this negative is censored, gay is not... wtf
  7. The King

    I have never had an issue with this.
  8. Torok

    Dat TR curtain of censorship

  9. Gadamlu

    that is what you just said
  10. Cl1mh4224rd

    I don't think you know what "freedom of speech" actually is. It's not a blanket right to say anything you want any way you want without consequences. It's a very specific concept that only applies to the government (as in, they're not allowed to suppress it). Private entities like you, me, or SOE have no such obligation to allow others to say anything they want while they're on our property.
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  11. Zenanii

    What scares me the most is that the discussion about the in-game censoring of the word Nega is one of the deepest, most educated and most well-mannered I've read in a good while on these forums ._.
  12. TheBillOf3D

    Plus you don't see the VS posts at all.
  13. RHINO_Mk.II

    Monkey language is obviously full of profanity and obscenity.

    Ook ook!
  14. MarioO

    Does anyone have a list of the censored words? I have a feeling that they only censor words that aren't insulting anyone like everyword having "igger" in it. I think there were times where you couldn't write the name of the member of a certain religious group, as well...
    I think most of us agree that insults are a thing no one needs, but if SOE wants to prevent them with censorship, please make at least sure not to censor a normal conversation with it oO
  15. gudman591

    Wazzup negas, PS2 is a racist game alright.

    I've seen platoon commanders telling "black people" to get into "black galaxy", "brown people" to "brown galaxy". Yo what's that, a segregation?! What's up with all that rampant racism, yo nega?!
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  16. PutteFnask

    Be happy, back in the early days of BF1942 I was banned for a month from EA's official forum because I typed "this gun fires like a can of ****!". Filters just sort the bad words out and no ones getting banned.
  17. Bolticus

    I heard back in Beta that whenever someone sweared, it would replace that word with "Nanites".
    They should really bring that back.
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  18. Qoph

    Forget shotguns, I'd pay 700 SC for this.
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  19. NyaR

    I used a word? Call the waambulance, and while you're at it go back to digging rocks - NC rock dIGGER.
  20. Wildside

    I've always been very amused when games start censoring words, or banning people for having a nickname that's several characters away from the phonetic spelling of a derogative term used to describe certain population groups in a country that most users do not live in and thus will never have heard of.