Serpent = massive buff, GD-7F = nerf?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by McLulzypants, May 2, 2013.

  1. sindz

    The serpent was comepletely useless before compared to VX6-7, but even as a VS player I find this massive buff to the serpent weird and out of place.
  2. sindz

    Sorry but thats is a bunch of BS. Take a look at the spreadsheet, VX6-7 has better COF numbers all around, and it only gets better with adv laser.

    VX6-7 is still better at hipfire, but not enough to be worth it over the serpent now. Since VX6-7 has higher first shot recoil and more vertical recoil,
  3. SpcFarlen

    Fastest firing carbine getting more recoil, seems about right. As for this threads title, i dont really think reload speed changes on the Serpent really merit "massive buff" since its handling is the exact same. VS as a whole have faster reload speeds, its part of their faction flavor.

    This patch was to actually made weapons fit into niches. Most, if not all, the fast firing weapons we too capable at medium and even longer ranges. If the recoil is too much to handle, use a different weapon. Not every weapon was meant for every person or situation.
  4. Phazaar

    What makes you think the GD-7F is better than the Serpent? Your assumption of 'best weapon for CQC' currently seems to be 'highest ROF' - I put it to you that it's very clear that's not the deciding factor; control and accuracy factor in just as much, hence the Lynx/Jag are both fantastic carbines, especially with their extra 33% rounds.

    The stats are pretty widely available; throw down a few google searches and you'll find them.

    So the identical SMGs and identical shotguns make up the difference? Interesting idea.
  5. Xhaleon

    Don't know about you, but left-pull guns are easier to manage for more people than right-pull.

    Most people are right handed, so their keyboard is on the left. If they really needed the extra mouse movement for that clutch shot, there's more space on the right.
  6. Jadith

    Right, until the increased recoil and first shot multiplier make it less accurate than the Serpent as soon as you fire the first shot.
  7. sindz

    what, that has nothing to do with COF. as it stabilizes. And first shot or recoil doesnt matter in CQC hipfire.
  8. MrHenderson

    I'm confused.

    GD7F = 845rpm, 143 damage, 3s reload, 500 muzzle velocity.
    Serpent = 845 rpm, 143 damage, 2.89 reload, 420 muzzle velocity.

    One has a slightly faster reload, the other slightly better velocity. ZOMG IMBALANCE NERFZORZ.
  9. Ghosty11

    According to the weapon spreadsheet the hip fire CoF of the VX6-7 is better than that of the Serpent. Now with the adv laser the Serpent might be fine, but the VX6-7 is still better at hip fire all things equal.
  10. ColdCheezePizza

    Serpents on daily sale, does it make a good 3.4x/grip mid range? because if I have to put a laser on it might as well use my SMG or buy a shotgun for cqc.
  11. Ghosty11

    It's not really a good mid range weapon. You are better off with the Pulsar C for that. It's arguably better in CQC than the SMG's since it has a lower TTK, but the limitation is the 30 round magazine and slow reload times compared to the second gen SMG.
  12. Springheel Jack

    Don't forget it's on Sale today.

    Buy monkeys, buy!
  13. S0LAR15

    As a Serpent user, I noticed that the old serpent was an inferior version of the GD-7, I guess they saw that too. However they've just switched the two round in ranking. Before though, the GD7 had stupidly low recoil in all directions, and was good in CQ, it did need to be given more horizontal recoil for sure, but it also needed its bloom normalised for 143 damage type.

    Tbh given that the mercenary is so good who cares about this nerf.
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  14. Paperlamp

    They get outperformed by TR/VS even when you look at NS weapon and C4 stats according to those charts.

    GD-7F seems reasonably balanced with the Serpent looking at the new stats though. It has worse recoil but considerably better velocity, I think in CQC they're probably close to equal while Serpent will be better vs. stationary targets at mid range, GD-7F vs. moving.

    The real loser here is TR.
  15. Xhaleon

    GD-7F is just a more versatile and longer-ranged version of the Serpent now. Bad COF bloom ain't too bad, it prevents it from getting too effective at range. Still think there could be a bit of tweaking to do, though.

    Yes, the loser for Carbines has always been TR. The problem isn't their stats, its their extreme horizontal recoil. The pull is too strong and too wavy, making it just that much harder for them to use it anywhere except a very narrow range band.
  16. Bill Hicks

    Are you serious? it had the fastest fire balanced by a ridiculous reload speed which is very dangerous in cqc. Now NC does not have any carbines to compare to the other factions.
  17. SpcFarlen

    It was also used at ranges where it shouldnt have been because of its lower (pre patch) horizontal recoil. Ever see someone use a 4x scope of the GD? Hell on my NC account i used to run one. It was a weapon meant for clsoe range but players soon found out that it was better at medium distances. Its the same reason why you dont see every TR using a Carv, its only meant for close range, a patch gave it more horizontal recoil months ago.

    Im not arguing that the Serpent is now balanced, but their stats are near identical now. GD still beats it in projectile velocity by almost 20%. So unless that get brought down 80m/s, stats will vary slightly.
  18. WalrusJones

    The Jaguar doesn't feel that bad, mind you.

    Its just excessively average at medium range, close range, and long range.
    Its so average.... That I get dizzy averaging my averages.
  19. Prodigal

    TR weapons subpar? Like seriously?


    Well at anything other than close range the gun bounces all over the place now. Used to be my favorite carbine and now they added recoil that you cant control. The Trac-5 starting gun is literally the best TR carbine now, the rest have been made into laser sight guns which I wouldn't use.
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