Why you should play Terran Republic

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by belthazor3457, May 3, 2013.

  1. belthazor3457

    Nuff said.
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  2. Germanius_GER

  3. InfamousOrnio

    Good video, needs more XPLOSIONZ
  4. tastyBerryPunch

    This video is proof that TR is overpowered! Prepare the nerfs SOE!
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  5. Mythicrose12

    ...just like a Michael Bay film!

    Plot? Nah. Acting? Nah.. Lots of fire and explosions? Hell yeah!
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  6. }{ellKnight

    OP vid made me change from the TR to something else.
  7. Xind

    Are you trying to express TR ghost caps more?
    Don't know who you're going to recruit with this one.
  8. Oreo202

    He's trying to convert Mattherson NC.
  9. metrotw

    Don't worry the warpgate rotation and what will be happening to them on a nightly basis will take care of that. ;)
  10. Zenanii

    Yeah, join the TR! All you have to give up is your human rights. Who needs freesom of speech, privacy, or democracy when you can just let the republic decide your life?
  11. Hibiki54

    Nice ghost capping there, pal.

    Live Free in the NC!
  12. Alesteex

    Cause we'll kill you if you don't.
  13. Dis

    I was expecting to see a body of text like this:

  14. RocketKhruschev

    Sieg Zeon!... Hail the Terran Republic!

  15. Littleman

    Hey! We still have democracy! You're just not allowed to leave your homes after 8:00 p.m.! ... Or vote for that other guy.

    And who are you to talk about human rights or privacy when you're trying to forcefully "advance" the human race into some kind of hive mind super organism?
  16. NaySayer

    War propaganda!!
    (That victory flower at the end is awe-inspiring)
  17. huller

    oh, THIS discussion of "TR is evilz" from uninformed VS/ NC again?

    do I have to comment on how you pilot your magrider again? and how you seek to force everyone to get the rectal magrider opration module?
  18. Zenanii

    If a person wants to turn into a "hive mind super organism", who are you to stop them? We simply encourage people to evolve to the best of their ability.

    Oh no, I'm not implying TR is evil. They are cold, opressive and unsympathic. There is no evil in it, it's simply the result of taking efficinecy to the extremes and reducing humans to numbers on a paper instead of treating them like individuals. I can't argue that your society isn't effective, but the cost is too high. More importantly, your completely unjustfied fears of progression has your society trapped back in the stone age. Medical solutions and general quality-of-life solutions right in front of your eyes, but instead of embracing these wonders you shun them.

    As for the module, it's been tested extensively and no long-lasting side effects have been detected. None is forced to take the impants and those pilots or drivers who (willingly) chose to do so recives full insurance for free for anything that might happen during operations.
  19. LT_Latency

    Because we rule with a iron first of Awsome
  20. Minimum Force

    Wait.. what? This is coming from a Vanu that is basically subjected to a cult of alien/advanced technology? Those pants are too tight and they appear to be cutting off the blood flow to the reasoning portion of your brain. Ditch the ultra tight spandex and don't drink the koolaid.
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