New Infiltrator Montage

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by DrankTHEKoolaid, May 3, 2013.

  1. DrankTHEKoolaid

    Enjoy! Thanks for Watching.

    • Up x 4
  2. InfamousOrnio

    Another good video as always KoolAid :D
  3. Astraka

    I can't believe I've never once run into you. Guess I'm just lucky.

    Glad to see you've come back to your roots and started putting out more Infiltrator videos!
  4. blitzmacht

    Is that the cyclone with extended mags?
  5. AnuErebus

    Are my eyes deceiving me or did those guys actually appear outside the turret when you hacked it? :eek:

    For some of the shots it looks like it. Others Couldn't be extended mags seeing as the laser sight is evident in most shots.