TR now have the best warpgate on every continent??

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by iamrob7, May 3, 2013.

  1. Alesteex

    Warp gates need to be warp gates and not the invincible mini-bases they are now. They need to put back in some type of Sanctuary or single main base for each faction. I'm sure once they start adding in some more continents they can get more creative with how they handle warp gates and continent travel. The current system is just completely lacking any strategic depth.

    Hopefully the game will evolve to offer us something better.

    I would love (or dread haha) to see a massive invasion force popping through a warp gate for a sudden continent invasion.
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  2. Zaik

    the warpgates on amerish and esamir are not nearly as crippling as the SE indar one, this really isn't a big deal.
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  3. Ash87

    So, what the OP is saying, is the VS held the best warpgates for 2 consecutive months, and the NC held it for a considerable time before that.
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  4. Czuuk

    I followed it with a petty insult? Has your staggering intellect warped your observation of time?
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  5. Sparks

    Oh yes time to reap the benefits of all Indar alerts now!
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  6. NoctD

    Its a long ways for the SW WG guys to get there, and the NW guys will get stuck at Mani... its hardly bad. Holding Nott and Ymir is easy too, as long as you bother.

    Also for the SW, there's really only one base that you can hope to hold on to if you get attacked, Two Stone Beach, but its still a small outpost, just near the WG. If you lose Jaeger's Crossing, which is easy enough for the NW guys to go, they can hold it against you and make your life miserable.

    The NE WG has Northpoint Station, a bigger tower facility, surrounded with a bunch of crazy rock formations so air has trouble there, and its not too far from the WG. There's also Stillwater Watch which provides no room for attackers to hide from a strong force coming from the WG.

    I'd take NE anyday.
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  7. }{ellKnight

    I'm going to miss the NW warpgate on esamir... it was really fun for SoV to push all the way to the vanu doorstep (aurora, apex, stillwater) and just hold off agains huge odds. Bet some people thought "they're there AGAIN!?"

    Althought, I guess it will be fun to fight somewhere else for a change.
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  8. Zakuak

    Oooh so they did rotate them, I didn't even notice wth? lol I logged in around 5pm eastern just to check out gear in the Depot, didn't have a chance to look around.

    This'll be fun!
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  9. iamrob7

    Those rock formations also give air the ability to seek cover easily.

    Jaeger's Crossing is an easily defensible base. The NW guys will only get stuck at Mani if they don't cap Mani which they have as much chance of doing as the NE WG forces. If they get mani they can push out to Northpoint and Stillwater.

    SW WG can hold onto Eli and Glacier, Glacier is a nightmare to attack because of the bridge and hills around it. Behind glacier are several small bases, but behind Saerro is Stillwater and Grey herron, right on the WG and right on the link to Mani also.

    The SW WG is far better tactically. I'm presuming you are NC or TR, in which case take note of how often the VS will now push the NE WG as opposed to pushing the SW WG. I guarantee it will be far more often.
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  10. iamrob7

    It is the most enjoyable warpgate for fights without a doubt. Just ****** in every other respect.
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  11. NoctD

    I play all 3 factions on different servers so I'm familiar with all the WGs and patterns. Out of the 3, I'd take NE over SW over NW. NW is the bad one of the 3 for sure though.

    Wasn't the original TR WG in the NE btw?
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  12. Beartornado

    It might be crap but I missed that warpgate. Not to mention Phoenix Launchers will be hell to deal with if it comes to you trying to push through those canyons.

    That being said, thank god TR has the northern warpgate. It consistently seems to give some advantage to the faction there, hopefully more TR start fighting now.
  13. iamrob7

    Yes it was and I'd love to switch, my main is VS. I've also played all 3 continents repeatedly. The SW is best warpgate on Esamir for holding more territory by a country mile for me. Whereas the Northern warpgates are more fun because there are more big fights in the north more consistently, which is part of the reason why the SW warpgate = more territory control.
  14. Farlion

    Can TR please have the NE one on Esamir back? I hate that SW one more than I hate the canyons on Indar...
  15. Kabs1982

    Until the latest update TR had the worst warpgate locations for the last update, so its just fair and you just complain since you lost your good position until next update. so stop crying, live with it as TR did before.
  16. iamrob7

    Sigh, no, we had exactly the same WG as you the previous rotation. I couldn't care less personally, my point is simply if you give one faction all the good warpgates you will get population imbalances. To maintain an even population each faction should get one good warpgate each. I'm delighed the TR have the northern warpgate, it's the most tedious place to have on Indar.
  17. Gary

    All part of the population balance plans... Rotate gates to give the low pop faction the better gates, Follow this up with buffs and other unneeded Changes... Once population has reached sufficient level start process again with new faction...
  18. Xind

    Hopefully positioning will make up for our lackluster infantry weapons.
  19. Ghosty11

    Sounds like they mixed up the rotation directions, was clockwise on Esamir and counter-clockwise on Amerish, but for this go they went counter clockwise on Esamir and clockwise on Amerish. SOE please fix.
  20. Herby20

    No, it can't. The Northern Warpgate on Indar has the advantages of terrain bottle necking any ground based forces. There are only about 4-5 roads that go through the cliff face that separates the Northern and Southern half of Indar. Esamir is almost entirely flat, and thus forces can move across the equator much more easily and expand in any direction.

    The Southern Warpgate for Amerish is actually the opposite of the Northern Indar one; It is the hardest to break through enemy defenses because of the surrounding mountains and three closest territories being located up in those mountains.