why do you keep ruining varity (airhammer)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Sminky, May 2, 2013.

  1. Sminky

    I just don't get SOE

    They keep seemingly trying to narrow ways of playing. They keep nerfing relatively ineffective ways to play that people pick up just becuase the games getting slightly 'dull'

    case in point the NC Airhammer, it was a fun if relatively stupid weapon to equip, why nerf its function even more with its damage reduction.

    This and soo much else over the last few patches, makes me hope Firefall can deliver, I genrally don't understand what SOE are doing. The tank buffs are insane. Alll they really needed was a reduction in rear armour againsts ESF's and they needed that 4 months ago. I like to role a tank, but they have now going to weak, ineffective and borring to just OP & boring to play.

    Just generally huh?
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  2. Van Dax

    because hilariously it was the highest performing esf weapon by a wide margin.
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  3. BraSS

    the Scythe is the highest performing ESF, why hasnt it been nerfed too?
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  4. NoctD

    Because of the many lame people in the game like you, is the real answer.
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  5. jelf

    I guess a lot people won't mind leaving the airhammer intact as long as other factions can get the same variety and viability of different playstyles.

    Sadly the thing is other factions simply don't get as much variety as the NC(e.g. no sane people in TR ever use the Banshee) and it is not fair to give NC several kinds of viable playstyles while other factions only one or two. And SOE went for the easy route to balance it.
  6. FigM

    I played as NC for a few months and maxed out both rotary and Air Hammer. Both have advantages and disadvantages as far as ESF dogfighting goes. However, Air Hammer is vastly superior for Air to Ground attacks as well as killing libs/galaxies.

    The nerf to damage is entirely valid for anti-ground and anti-lib/galaxy. But it is bad for ESF dogfighting.
  7. DashRendar

    I'm a little peeved by this, but only because this update didn't bring a Reaver nosegun fix like we all hoped. I knew the AH was "overperforming" which is not really the same as overpowered, but it's similar, but it was sort of a band aid thing that made the convergence not seem so bad most times. I knew when the convergence got fixed and now all ESFs are on the same level ground that the AH would have to get nerfed or else it would cross from overperforming to overpowered. The difference is now we get a substantial AH nerf and no convergence fix. What is the point of that? They need to go hand in hand. It's a little foolish and yes I'm mad about it.

    Oh and the Scythe still rams.
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  8. Van Dax

    woah thats totally hostile, I've never even been killed by the AH
    I was just stating a fact
  9. Accuser

    The AH needed a nerf, but not this nerf.
    It should have had its damage against aircraft and armor cut in half, but left its damage against infantry alone.
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  10. Ketobor

    Common misconception due to people not knowing how to read statistics. If you adjust score per hour by the exp gains from factional manhour differences the Scythe is lower, it is just that Vanu is consistently underpopulated.

    That said, I would have liked to see A2G noseguns buffed up to AH's power rather than see it nerfed. For the most part they have pretty bad DPS, making A2A noseguns better for everything but killing infantry.
  11. EvilPhd

    People only went to the AH because of the vortex being nerfed.
    Then they poured CERTS into the AH to make it viable. Stock AH is terrible. Fully CERTED = not so bad.

    MLG Balance demands :eek: SLAPPERS ONLY :eek:
  12. Sminky

    just seems a shame, I had also only recently just thrown certs into it. I never learn ;) It was nice to to have something that wasn't so badly effected by the Reavers nose gun alignment.

    For me the Vortex was vastly faster at taking down Libs and ofther ESF's, even single target infetry. Perhaps I was using the AH wrong. But for me it was just a fun but worse alternative. It just didn't seem to need the nerf.

    The way they are balancing this game and casuing headaches I'd love it if all factions got an eqiverlant.
  13. CupBoy

    That's a bold statement considering the lack of evidence in your own post.

    Either way, the Scythe also scores higher in kills/hr and vehicle kills/hr.
  14. loleator

    I approve of variety, make the hammer a good weapon for killing infantry. However nerf it's damage against aircraft.

    You don't like this? Yeah, that's because you were using it for air targets.
  15. Ketobor

    Alright, I was thinking of PPA when I said that and kinda blurred two sentiments. It is rather unclear why the Scythe does better, probably photon pods.

    Oh, and ramming.
  16. DaninTexas

    Glad the nerf came in when it did. I was going to buy it. Saves me the trouble now.
  17. anaverageguy

    Make it good for infantry? That's akin to killing the weapon itself. Going close to infantry in any significant battle is a death sentence, as many reavers found out a lil while ago when they were getting focus fired to death by small arms, no flak.

    And in case you were wondering, AH can't be used effectively even as it is against infantry except in close range. It doesn't even have itself described as an anti-infantry weapon, so get over it.