The Harasser Lumifiber Trim + Horn (VIDEO)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by N7jpicard, May 2, 2013.

  1. N7jpicard

    G'day guys. Today we're going to take a look at the new Lumifiber trim +Horn for the NEW Vehicle The Harasser in Planetside 2

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  2. NoctD

    Cool - but I still can't believe that people actually use lumifiber on their vehicles in game... and they do!
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  3. N7jpicard

    I am a huge fan of Tron so it is a instant buy for me. Looks totally amazing.
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  4. ddp

    Well I must say that driving this "new" old vehicle the harrasser around is the most fun I have had in this game, the last time i had this much fun with a ground vehicle was ummm Planetside ONE! Keep up the good work SOE!
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  5. Lazaruz

    I was curious about the horn, thanks. It sounds a bit odd to me.
    Lumifiber isn't my thing, but whatever makes the disco Vanu easier to kill is alright in my book.
  6. Ronin Oni

    Can't Lumifiber be toggled off like headlights?
  7. N7jpicard

    Haha easier to kill no way it blinds people because it is so fabulous to look at they forget to shoot.
  8. Flukeman62

    sigh...yet still no Dixie horn... why SOE WHY??????????????????????
  9. N7jpicard

    Yes, you can clearly see that in the video.
  10. Ronin Oni

    knew what it looked like and what horns sounded like... so didn't watch :p
  11. FTree

    Please get a better youtube intro.
  12. N7jpicard

    Care factor zero mate. All you do is say the exactly the same thing every post I make.

    Move along idiotic troll.
  13. N7jpicard

    :p haha well yes you can turn them off and on :)
  14. Ronin Oni

    Thanks, yah I watched it after your previous post... interesting activate effect
  15. N7jpicard

    It is a cool bug which I hope they never remove with the gate defuser!