Physx Bug

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by GlowingPotato, Apr 30, 2013.

  1. GlowingPotato


    There is an issue with the Physx particle system.

    After a while, Physx effects (like elevators) seems to be out of synchrony with the game rendering speed. Like if the game is rendering faster then the physx stuff. This also cause a frame rate drop, for about 10fps.

    To FIX this issue i just need to ALT+TAB the game. But it returns after a while playing.

    My system specs is:

    FX 8350 @ 4.2Ghz
    GTX 570 (lastest stable driver)
    16gb RAM

    This also happens with the workStation at Work, that is better than this one. system specs is

    2x Xeon @ 3.3ghz 16 cores
    2 Quadros 4k
    24gb RAM.
  2. UnrealGaz

    2 xeons? oh god what fps do you get on that baby?
  3. werzinator

    PhysX is still pretty much in beta, like the rest of the game at this point
  4. GlowingPotato

    Belive or not, 45fps at really large battles. 60 at normal gameplay. (Vsync On)

    Back on topic, do SOE team have knowledge about this "bug" ???