Please help me with my Infiltrator strategy

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by NecroArbiter, Apr 30, 2013.

  1. NecroArbiter

    Hello guys, I am a Terran Republic infiltrator, and I need some serious help with my tactics. My parents will not buy Station Cash for me, so I must earn my gears myself. The thing is: I SUCK SO MUCH!!! I have a few questions that need to be asked deseperately in order to increase my skills.
    1. Which type of gun should I go with? Sniper or scout rifle or both?
    2. If sniper, which gun should I pick? M77-B is only 100 certs, and according to planetside 2 wiki, it is more accurate, less reloading speed, and much more. It is an one headshot kill, two body shots kill sniper. But, it seems like that Terran snipers favor SR-7 more. They say that it has more muzzle velocity, which means lower bullet drop, bullets travel faster, etc. Please reccomend me a good, affordable sniper rifle for me. I have only 30 certs or so, because I am a noob and I really suck. So please do not recommend me one of those super expensive ones.
    3. If scout, should I pick the fully automatic one or the semi automatic one? (there are only two)
    4. If sniper rifle, which scope should I use?
    5. I know this sounds stupid,but please do not laugh at me: how do you use the sensor dart gun???
    6. Should I get the hunter cloak (default) or the one that wears off faster, but protects me a little bit?
    7. Which type of armor should I get?
    8. Which pistol should I get?
    Here are all my questions. I appreciate it if you can help me.
    And just saying guys, I do not get what is so good about SR-7 that people love it soooooo much. If I have 1000 certs, I will buy the RAMS .5M instead of SR-7, because it has a higher damage. If I am wrong, please tell me and why I am wrong. I do not get the muzzle velocity thing either,why is the less bullet drop and the faster bullet speed soooo important?
  2. InfamousOrnio

    1. If you are a beginner grab a sniper rifle if you want to snipe or if you have the certs grab a SMG for CQC
    2. Pick up the M77 B, you'll get the hang of using a sniper rifle and it's extremely cheap.
    3. Pick a sniper role, for a scout I like semi-autos, but sniper rifle is better than scouts at the moment.
    5. If you think there is an enemy or if you are paranoid, fire the dart gun in the direction where you think there are enemies, if there are you will see them on your mini map however using recon dart will give away your position on the minimap.
    6. The hunter cloak is better than the nano cloak. grab the hunter cloak.
    7. I have nano weave, but other people say flak. Nano weave gives you more health, but flak gives you more resistance to explosives and mines.
    8. The default repeater is good for a beginner, after saving certs grab a Commissioner.
  3. NecroArbiter

    Sry guys, but I just changed to NC, so which sniper should I grab now? Should I stick with the bolt driver or go for Other guns?
  4. RobotNinja

    1. I recommend setting up three loadouts in order of personal preference: 1. SMG 2. Bolt Action 3. Scout Rifle/Bolt Action w/ Inf Scopes
    2. If you have Alpha Squad you'll get decent bolt action rifles for each faction. Otherwise, there are slightly better damage variants for each faction.
    3. The automatic scout rifle sucks compared to the SMGs so I would go with a semi-auto...or better yet a SMG!
    If you get a SMG, for the lower mag/ammo variant get extended mag, for the higher mag/ammo variant get advanced laser sight. I recommend the HSNV scope for either.
    4. For sniper rifle, I recommend 8, 10 or 12x. Personally, I use 12x.
    5. When fired the Sensor Dart shows nearby enemies on radar. If shot at a vehicle the dart will stick the vehicle as it moves. Upgrading the dart improves it's range and lifespan. You can use this when capping or defending points to pinpoint enemies hiding in corners. You can also use it to help allies identify nearby enemies. Just be aware the sensor dart gives a "ping" sound which enemies can hear which can alert them to the presence of a nearby Inf.
    6. Hunter cloak lasts longer. Nanoweave Cloak doesn't last as long but gives slight protection. Personally, I wouldn't rate the slight added protection of the nano-cloak as enough of an advantage to rate certing into it. I would also hold off on the final level of hunter cloak because we'll probably be getting new cloaks in the maybe next year, like the stalker and boost cloak we had in Closed Beta.
    7. Nanoweave. Atm, Infs don't have any anti-armor capabilities (although they had a anti-material ammunition cert in Closed Beta which surprise, the devs removed at launch) so it's more likely you'll be engaging Infantry and bullets. Also, Nanoweave will help you survive blasts from enemy Infs' proximity mines.
    8. The NC and TR both get decent default pistols. The Beamer kind of sucks. The only person I've seen who had no complaints about the Beamer was a hacker who had about 20 headshot kills in a row with the Beamer. If you're looking at the new pistols I suggest the Commissioner for it's raw stopping/killing power.
  5. InfamousOrnio

    NC bolt driver is the best and get a Rebel pistol
  6. Tyzh

    Bolt Driver is good. (I like the 8x scope, myself.) Someday you may upgrade it to a LA80 or Longshot, but you have lots of other things to buy first.
    The Rebel Pistol is not needed, either. The Mag-Shot is one of the best pistols in the game. (You can get the Rebel later for lulz, though.)
    You are going to want to pick up Bouncing Betties fairly soon. At least one of them.
    Upgrading your cloak as often as you feel comfortable doing so is a good idea.
    Disregard upgrading the Recon Darts. They have some uses but upgrading them won't make a big deal there. Pick those up after you have everything else you want.
    The extra grenades are a low priority, though the EMP grenades can be quite solid if you use them well.
    If you eventually want to do more than snipe, SMGs are pretty popular for infiltrators. Without SC, they'll run you 1000 certs, though.

    As for the suit modification, if you max out nanoweave to rank 5 (which is expensive) you can survive headshots from other snipers at 75m and beyond.
  7. Mustarde

    Your first mistake was leaving the Terran Republic.

    Had you made the correct choice, the M77-B is a great choice for those who have to make their way with certs only. It is statistically identical to the bolt driver so I suppose you can just stick with the default rifle.

    There are lots of answers about scopes, it's mostly a preference thing. I think the default (6x) scopes are perfect and rarely use higher optics except for long range sniping.

    Stick with hunter cloak. Hold off on scout rifles until you really know what you are doing with infiltrator (if you are going cert only, you'll figure this out by the time you can afford one). Armor is preference and playstyle. I like flak.

    The pistols are all pretty equal. I like the TX2 the most, but have been using the TX1 repeater a lot lately and it works just fine.

    The subtle differences between the RAMS.50 and SR-7 won't be appreciated by most casual infiltrators. In practice, I find the numbers translate into much greater differences. And I prefer higher rate of fire over bullet velocity. However the M77B is too limited at long ranges or with a suppressor for me to chose it over the SR-7.
  8. Ztiller

    First begin by telling us What you want to play as. Close range infiltrator, or sniper-infiltrator? Behind enemy, or behind friendly lines?
  9. zaspacer

    I have TWO Infiltrators of each faction. The first ones I played as a budget player with no SC spent. So I have been where you are now.

    Bolt Action Sniper Rifles are very good and are used by almost all Infiltrators.

    Scout Rifles (Auto and Semi-Auot) are currently bad guns. Do not get them.

    Since you are NC and on an SC budget, you have a good enough Bolt Action (NC14 Bolt Driver) starting out. Use that as your main gun with the following attachments options:
    1) Suppressor (for close-mid range sniping when enemies are nearby and you need to be sneaky) 100 Certs
    2) either a 12x Scope or a 10x Scope (it's for extreme long range sniping. most people prefer one or the other, so go in VR and try them both and see which you like better and get that one) 30 Certs

    You start with one loadout, but will get more as you level. You gun loadouts will be:
    1) close - medium range: w/ default Scope (6x) + Suppressor
    2) long rage: w/ default Scope (6x) (no Suppressor attached)
    3) extreme long range: w/ 12x Scope (or 10x Scope if you prefer it to the 12x Scope: try them both in VR Room) (no Suppressor attached)

    Suppressor is 100 Certs and each Scope is 30 Certs. Total cost for using gun = 130 Certs.

    I suggest you watch this to learn how to play with your Bolt Action:

    Seriously. It will give you an idea about what you can do with Bolt Actions at closer ranges. (with a Suppressor) WATCH IT. Fast forward through the parts he is using a MAX or the SMG, cause you are watching to learn about using the Bolt Actions.

    You only need to use the Suppressor when closer to the enemy. If you are shooting them when they are all far away, you don't need the Suppressor. Suppressor just makes sure that when you shoot that you don't show up on their radar. But Suppressor lowers damage some and it also makes the bullet drop more, so it stinks when used from far range. (so take Suppressor off when doing long range shooting)

    Stay with the NC14 Bolt Driver. Save your Certs.

    You can learn on the NC14 Bolt Driver. Once you know how you use it well and have Certed out other key areas, then you can head to the VR and test other guns to see what you like.

    Key Areas to Cert:
    Hunter Cloak (up to Level 4 as you get the Certs)
    Sunderer > AMS + Stealth Level 1 (let's you make a Sunderer for troops to Spawn at from an enemy terminal you hacked)
    Proximity Mine (first get the Level 1 to get familiar with it)

    Other Certs I recommend getting:
    Flak 3 (will stop a Personnel mine from killing you)

    Handy Stuff to Cert into along the way:
    Flash > Wraith (to travel into where you want to play from)
    MedKit Level 1 (handy to keep you on the battlefield longer)
    Flash > Radar (at the 75 meter level or higher) + Sleath Level 1. Great for exploiting the battlefield; just Spawn it and dump it in a hiding spot. Don't stay with it, just play normal and enjoy it's boost.

    Scout Rifles are currently bad guns. Do not get any of them.

    Start by using the default Scope (6x) for Close - Long Range.

    I use the 12x Scope for Extreme Long Rage. But some people prefer the 10x Scope for extreme long range. You should jump into the VR Room and try out each Scope and see which you like. The great thing about Scopes is that they are pretty cheap in Certs price.

    You should aim and shoot at a wall or the ground or a rock. Don't shoot it too far away. You will see it travel and stick to that surface as a yellow ball. Once it's on that surface, it will show on your mini-map (lower left) any enemies that are moving within a small circle around that yellow ball. The enemies will show up as red dots on your mini-map.

    If the mini-map is too small, press the "]" key to zoom in, or the "[" key to zoom out.

    Sometimes it is bugged and does not work. So don't be confused if nothing shows up.

    You can reload darts by re-supplying at a terminal or from an Engineer's Ammo Pack.

    Get the Hunter Cloak.

    Hunter Cloak is very good. It's what all Infiltrators use. It's probably the best ability the Infiltrator Class has.

    Nano Armor Cloak is currently bad. Do not get it.

    Flak Level 3 will allow you to survive a Personnel Mine. It costs 61 Certs to get Flak Level 3.

    Your starting NC pistol (the Mag-Shot) is very good. Use that one. It's what I use for my NC characters.

    You do not have any SC, so don't worry about getting other pistols for now. You will have many other things to put your Certs into first.

    If I had the SC, I would take the RAMS .50M over the SR-7 too. But ultimately it's personal preference.

    You can try them all in VR and see what you like. But they are too expensive for you now anyway.
  10. zaspacer


    1) Take advantage of the Alerts to get free Certs. Just join in when they are about to end and collect Certs.

    2) Type in MLGREPORT into the redeem area to get a free bonus pack. Pack includes:
    * MLG Decal for Infantry
    * MLG Decal for Vehicle
    * Limited Duration XP Boost
    * Limited Duration Resource Boost
    It's a free giveaway by SOE to celebrate PS2 being a MLG game. Whatever character you open it with will get the stuff, so make sure to open it on the one you want. If you type it on the website, then whichever character you log in with first will get it. More info here.
  11. NecroArbiter

    Guys, i just converted back to Terran Republic becuz i want the exp boost. NC has the most people, so they do not have exp boosts. Plus, I can get M77 B for 100 certs, which is extremely affortable. FOR TERRAN REPUBLIC!!!!!!!
  12. NecroArbiter

    And guys, can infiltrators use SMG? aren't SMG stand for Sub Machine Gun? Isn't it that only heavy assaults can use SMGs?
  13. DarthGoogle

    Heavies use LMG, which stands for 'light machine gun'
  14. Get2dachoppa

    Yes, Infiltrators can use SMG's. For Terran Republic you have the option between the Hailstorm or the Armistice. They both cost 1000 certs though.
  15. m44v

    It shows enemies that are moving in the minimap, enemies that stay still won't show. The uncerted sensor dart you start with is worthless, it has a very short range. If you want if to be useful you need to upgrade it, rank 3 is probably the very least I would get.
  16. Dr. Euthanasia

    Here's one bit of advice for you: Never try to use your cloak to avoid being seen by people in close range. If you're sneaking up on someone, you should only cloak if you're worried that one of his teammates might look at you from far away. Being behind someone is a guarantee that they won't see you, being cloaked in front of them is a gamble that could go either way. Your odds improve based on how distant the people looking at you are, and past a certain point you literally stop showing up even as a distortion on their screen.

    Turning your cloak off makes an easily identified noise, and you can't shoot while it's on, so turn it off the instant you think you can reach someone without anyone else looking in that direction, and from as far away as possible. It'll allow you to fire on them if they turn around, and if they don't, you still won't give them the un-cloak warning sound before you shoot them in the back this way.