What was your worst investment of Certs/SC?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by JackFr0st5, Apr 30, 2013.

  1. Madmojo


    Also I bought a grill for my sundie and hubcaps thinking I could use both at the time. The grill at least carried over to my alts.
  2. WalrusJones

    I hear you.

    Particularly on my skyguard.

    Its funny rolling around in the north deserts, watching scythes not be able to spot you, and having reavers not recognize you as NC.
  3. Kroova

    Worst: 4x Scope on the T9-Carv
    Best: AV Turret
  4. sSie

    Worst sc= Nemesis AA launcher for full price. Will never see a return on it.
    Worst certs= Eidolon Battle Rifle. Any LMG or AR is better suited at medium range. Only thing it's good for is scaring away infantry with the sound of its bullets.
    Best sc= Has to be commissioner at the moment. Anything is better than the VS pistols and I can use it on all classes.
    Best certs= Flare. 2200+ kills and rising. This thing is a work horse pure and simple.
  5. KariH

    Annihilator is now bad but I earned a lot of exps using it so balanced.
    Skyguard WAS bad but is ok now. Supports now AA MAX cooldown
    NS-11a why the HHH I bought it????? No big difference.
    A2A Tomcat - whta I was thinking?
    Second burster is best buy. Understanding that 2 MAX make more than double points togetAher than one lonely max is decisive.
    HE to Vanguard - not good. I have almost abandoned whole Vanguard. Big fat slow target. After racer it is big fat target (not slow) HE to Lightning is posibly totally different thing?
    Banshee - interesting weapon.
    Perhaps air investments are all bad because I have fingerproblems(arthritis rheumatoides) especially when SOE does not support joystic propely(lacks accuracy, up-down).
  6. j3thr0

    worst: buying AV turrent w SC and buying all the launchers with SC(VANU), and certing out any zoomed scope.
    Best: thermal and infrared, nothing beats this two
  7. DeeX

    By worst:
    Lightning Heat (with certs)

    with SC is bought nothing I regret :)
  8. The Fizz

    worst: Annihilator
    best: c4, gd-7f
  9. MaxDamage

    Wheel cosmetics for Sunderer when I found out you couldn't have multiple at once. :[
  10. The King

    Photon Pods.
    And maybe the Artemis.
    There are a few cert ones, but I don't have it in mind.
    Also, maybe the Saron. I don't really have enjoyment with it when someone else is gunning... Cannot move my mag and when I do, people on it say stop, stay still! lol when it's nearly dead

    Also, when I bought a camo. I applied it and was seeing if I can remove it and put it back on.
    Well, I had a camo for 11 seconds, lol...
  11. bNy_

    Worst: Any weapon bought with certs
    Best: Max radar for flash & ESF
  12. Joram

    Worst SC spended the Artemis (VS battle rifle). Worst certs spended Deimos (VS first pa shotgun) yes i know, its op and all that stuff but it boring as hell play with that weapon.
  13. Springheel Jack

    Worst: Suppressor for a Parallax.

    ******* worthless in every way.
  14. cfnz

    Worst: Zepher & Dalton for Liberator, A2A missiles for ESF. These were daily deal SC purchases (1050 SC :() primarily for outfit usage, I don't fly as I find the controls clunky and haven't put any effort into finding some that work for me. Virtually no-one in the outfit plays anymore so these are a complete waste.

    I also kind of regret buying the Haymaker (700 SC :()- an SMG would be a better option for me but they didn't exist at the time.

    Best: Probably the Skyguard. This was also a daily deal purchase (350 SC :)) and I've got a lot of play-time out of it. I really like it.
  15. Detonator

    Worst: Ghost VS12 Sniper Rifle

    Best: Saron HRB
  16. FoeAngel

    Worst: Command channel
    Best: Dual bursters, prenerf Hacksaw

    Straight up tie for best, glorious while it lasted
  17. ItsJustDash

    Flak armor for Reaver =|
  18. Metal Insomniac

    I can't believe people actually buy the 1k cert weapons with certs...

    Anyway, my worst would have to be level 3 flak armor and shield recharge for my infiltrator. Back when I was a noob, I thought all of the suit upgrades stacked. :rolleyes:
  19. FlayvorOfEvil

    Right Arm Scatter Cannon.

    Best? I dunno. Everything else?
  20. RHINO_Mk.II

    Worst Cert Investment: Rebel
    Best Cert Investment: Zephyr/TankBuster/NC6 Attachments

    Worst SC Investment: Lightning HE
    Best SC Investment: Left Arm Burster/GD7F