[NC] ADK/UCA Reaver Combat Flight Training 4/25 8:00 CST

Discussion in 'Helios (US West)' started by Excellentz, Apr 24, 2013.

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  2. Whiro

    I'll bite.

    How do you plan to handle the daunting logistics of running an NC vs. NC 'showdown'?

    Because the winner will be Weapon Lock, I'm calling it now.
  3. NytDragon

    Not a lot apparently. Lack of true stories, lack of stats, lack of teamwork, lack of respect, lack of true leadership, lack of pretty much everything. Let us know when you're ready to play PS2.

    This is about as close to something you've said that I've agreed with, I can't openly agree with you though because well, your a Vanu. ;P

    • Up x 2
  5. MiZrY

    You are the same dude that that started a thread crying about how TR/VS were teaming up on NC back on Genudine are you not? You whined about that for weeks. Back when I was in ADK I even remember you jumping into their TS crying about it. Now here you are acting like a badass.

    Then you come and derail a thread and disrespect a guy that is just trying to help people? You are a pathetic individual.

    oh yeah... since you like to post outfit stats
    82IN #3
    VX9 #148
    • Up x 1
  6. Recce

    Hahaha, so you'll ROFLSTOMP 82nd now? I don't know what you are smoking, but I'll have some tough guy.
  7. Excellentz

  8. Excellentz

    there is no "us", only you. Everybody likes the rest of VX9's members lol
  9. kaptinkrunch88

    VX( is a good outfit. Don't let one Troltard ruin your opinion of a good outfit.
  10. Jrv

    Well good thing they follow my orders, or that might be relevant.

    I heard some big talk coming from 82in a couple of posts back, does that mean you'd like to accept the challenge?

    You know it's funny, I don't like posting outfit stats, so your whole post is void. To be perfectly frank, I don't think they have any relevance whatsoever, as the average mean of an outfit does not represent it's killing potential at maximum cooperation and with the current regulars. That, my friends, is something that can only be judged in a competitive environment, but since you're all so cowardly, I suppose we'll never know until one of you grows balls.

    Ah yes, the old genudine drama. Back then, when ADK and VX9 were the only relevant outfits on NC, that sort of cooperation was required. Now, with massive overpopulation? It's hardly necessary.

    Qualify your opinion then maybe people will care.


  12. Jrv



  15. Jrv

    You know if you spent half the time playing the game as you did being stupid on the forums, you probably wouldn't suck so much and have to compensate by talking so much nonsense.

    While we're on the topic of a popularity contest:

    586 posts

    493 posts

    I'm overhauling my Forums and half the stuff on it, which means I've been very busy, and there's a tab open next to it I can easily refresh. Though your only one of the Juniors at VX9 so you wouldn't know much about the Paperwork side of Leading a Clan, you have Superior Officers to wipe your bum for ya.
  17. Jrv

    The executive officer of a =VX9= division does plenty of paperwork, and considering our Planetside forums alone have over 6000 posts, I'd say I've got a little more work than you in that regard. Your forum, your community, is a JOKE compared to ours.

    I don't go out posing and looking for friends or enemies, I just say what I mean, which is rarely popular, that and likely half of my posts have been deleted.

    Assistant on a subsection? Wow. Do lots of building forums from the ground up there huh.

  20. Jrv

    Ah, so you just post without any agenda. Like a child with nothing to do. I'm here looking for a decent challenge, but you're here just to be an internet tough guy, which is funny because you and your outfit are some of the worst on the server.
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