Connery Population (im)Balance - Need a solution

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Onetoo, Apr 27, 2013.

  1. Onetoo

    Anyone who plays on Connery (and I'm assuming other servers too) knows just how imbalanced the population can be at different times of the day. Example:

    7pm MST 04/27/2013 - Esamir Continent Alert

    I love this game and think that the Continent Alerts can be some of the most fun I've had playing it, but only when the factions are balanced (This usually takes a full continent). When the population becomes unbalanced, the Alerts can be the most painful and frustrating experiences to be had in PS2. They clearly highlight the importance of numbers and prove that when population control gets out of control, gameplay and fun can take a sharp nose dive.

    Even with the massive XP/resource bonus for the outnumbered team(s), a one sided alert like the one pictured above isn't fun for the underpopulated faction. We need a solution that will at the very least balance these events and stop the spoon-feeding of XP/victories to the faction that holds the highest population percentage.

  2. sage1210

    that happen on every servers now. since this game has a free 40c for conquer a continent. every body keep switch to the winning side to get free certs points. and honestly with out a rule "smaller army gain extra exp." things seem go worse every day.

    by some reason, i found unregister shot seem come back to this game too. 1 mag at point blank for 1 kill or be kill after it fail.
  3. HadesR

    Should post continent not World pop numbers when talking about continent specific alerts
  4. Onetoo

    The numbers were very similar, but next time I'll take pictures of the continent population as well. Also, if you want I could post pictures from other Alerts, I have been saving them lately for the purpose of bringing this to Higby's attention.

    @Sage1210 "every body keep switch to the winning side to get free certs points."

    I agree with you, but that picture was taken in the middle of the Alert, not at the end. I've recently started switching factions in the last minute of an Alert, because getting XP on my alternate is better than zero on my main. Not that I'll ever seriously play my NC character though, I would feel terrible making the balance even worse.
  5. HadesR

    Most alerts on Connery if not on Indar are over pop'd by one faction or the other .. Indar is only one can normally guarantee 33/33/33 .. That's prime time ofc