Rockets + Ammo packs need to go

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DurandaI, Apr 26, 2013.

  1. LT_Latency

    Why should infantry have to walk back to base if tanks dont???? Tanks are faster and stronger
  2. Distortoise

    As a Lightning driver, I have no idea why you think that. Maybe if you're resentful of heavies because you want to park a tank somewhere and be totally unfairly unreachable by the defenders when supplied heavies are literally the only thing they can do to rat camping tanks out.

    Heavy nests with engie support tend to be very temporary things, and I love them. If such a thing has formed on a hill overlooking an armour column, 9 times out of 10 it's early Christmas for you to wheel around to the far side of the mountain and either start massacring the crowd back there if you have HE or destroy the Sundy (if present, usually is) if you have anything else.
  3. Vastly

    What are you talking about? The whole point of the PS1 inventory system was that it didn't "force" you to do anything. I could be medic with AV and AI. I could be engy with AV and AI. I could be medic and engy with AV and AI.
  4. Awass

    Seems a bit extreme. How about making rockets cost 3 to 5 infantry resources a piece. Not much, but enough to make people think twice before spamming. It would force people to be deliberate in how they use their rockets while not limiting them too much. For example, you would be able to get 9 rockets for the price of a frag grenade, but if you lose track in the midst of all your spamming, you could still end up wasting a lot of resources.
  5. DurandaI

    Im not sure where you are comming from, having free rockets that are not refillable via ammo pack seems alot less extreme than making them cost resources imo... but im not against that idea, though it is very unpopular around the forums.
  6. Awass

    Having to resupply them at terminals is a lot more extreme because there will be so many situations where there are no terminals near you. Having to stay close to terminals would be incredibly annoying. If your nearest terminal got hacked, if you lost the base or forward spawnpoint, if you're with an infantry push between bases and you're not near any terminals, if your sundy got blown up, you'd have no way to get more rockets without running for a few minutes to a terminal then running back to the fight. Costing only 3-5 resources per rocket is a relatively small price to pay.
  7. LGhost1904

    I don't ever have a situation where I need more rockets being far away from a terminal. I usually only need them when I'm defending a base as that's when vehicles roll in... Enemies rarely have vehicles at bases you're attacking and you should have a Sundy with you anyway. Ammo packs usually only save 50 meters of running, if people can't post up by ammo packs then they will post up by their Sunderer... Won't change much.. I don't like Aircraft lock on launchers though but they aren't a big issue for me, just annoying
  8. Distortoise

    By the by, while the Lancer can be a big threat to a tank column and I'm sure every retreating tank driver I've killed with my Phoenix have shouted choice words about it at the screen, just about any size of TR Heavy nest at range is rendered absolutely impotent by IR Smoke. Ever since I've gotten IR Smoke I don't think I've ever been hit by that multi-lock on rocket thingy they have.
  9. TomoB

    Now that mines are half-useless, I rarely use medikits (I either die or there's medic near), and I'm not spamming grenades at astounding rate, I wouldn't mind if I should pay inf resources to get rockets, lol.
  10. BlueSkies

    1) Spawn vehicle of DOOOOM!!!!

    2) Encounter squad+ sized force dedicated to destroying your vehicle of DOOOOM!!!!

    3a) If unskilled, lose the encounter

    3b) If skilled, flank enemy position and get kills

    4(if 3a): Suggest game adapt to your playstyle

    4(if 3b): Suggest (3a)ish players adapt to game
    • Up x 1
  11. DurandaI

    As ive said, i am not opposed to any kind of rocket limiter, I just think that to the average player, making a resource cost per shot is a big investment, especially if they only play for like an hour or so every couple days.
  12. TheJosephChrist

    So you guys like Tank Zergs? Noted.
  13. Mafarett

    Every other class doesn't though, Everyone but Infils can carry C4, Engineers also have AV turrets. Tanks have HEAT ammo that is effective against both, ESFs either use rockets or just stick with fuel and use their nose cannon against everything, Dalton works just fine against infantry as a AV weapon.
  14. ChaosRender

    While I see no reason to nerf heavies a having the rockets not refill at ammo packs or refill slowly would hurt far fewer HA that making them cost resources which will hurt all HAs, in all parts of the game.
  15. ChaosRender

    Just out of curiosity did you think about the other side of this problem as well, namely the Ammo Pack? I would make the suggestion that ammo pack refill rockets at say 1 every 10 sec, but also that Engis can no longer turn there turret in to a Ammo pack, they must choose to ether have a Ammo pack or a turret?

    This would reduce the over all spamming of ammo packs, but make it so small organized groups are not hurt as much by this change but sill limited by slower refill speeds.
  16. Bill Hicks

    Rocket spam? sounds like people who dont know how to use infantry to me. I get up on the hill and rack up kills. Maybe you shouldn't spam vehicles.
  17. siiix

    spam ? how about bullet spam :) rocket spam is not the problem , the "core" problem is that they too effective
  18. DurandaI

    Not really, no matter how "effective" they are, that will always be moot if they can spam them infinitely, there should be no need to nerf rockets any more than they already have, infact as ive said multiple times in this thread im alright with a buff to rockets to compensate for the inability to spam rocks indefinitely
  19. siiix

    you do NOT nerft anything, you buff vehicles, there for its irrelevant how many rockets there are... why is this so hard to understand ?!
  20. Sumguy720

    What if engineers were instead limited to a certain number of ammo packs? Like, three, or something. Or what if they had a lot of ammo packs but the ammo packs only had a certain amount of ammo?

    Also the packs wouldn't disappear until they were used up or they were 50+ meters away from any allies? That way an engineer could cert into
    • ammo packs with more capacity
    • Being able to carry more ammo packs
    But the ammo would never be infinite. So maybe a rank 1 engineer ammo pack cert would grant two ammo packs that can resupply 10 magazines each, and a rank 5 would have 6 ammo packs, each containing 20 magazines/rockets.

    This would solve the infinite ammo thing, without nerfing the engineer's functionality in most situations with heavy assault classes. You'd have to tune the numbers better than I do though, I'm just throwing a bunch of figures out there.
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