TR MAX ability 0_0

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jeralamo, Apr 18, 2013.

  1. xGreedFuSioN

    Le sigh, stupid people.

    How many times has it been said that the stuff on the test server/newly released stuff has LOTS of balancing to do?
    That's why it's called a TEST. SERVER.

    Hint hint, the answer.. is... ALOT.
  2. zoobadoo

    We are aware this is the PTS...but if ever there is a good time to react to stuff it's on the PTS so...

    The problem with this lockdown ability is only one thing:

    ***You will be able to effectively "one-shot" ESFs before they even have time to react.***

    keep in mind that Max units will not render until long within their effective range.

    So even if the lockdown is "balanced" in its limitide arc of fire...its enoughh of a problem that it turns it into a "one-shot" esf killing machine. It is in all effect as if the lancer would one shot ESFs too. There is a good reason it does not.

    This "shot down before given time to react" is what is the potential problem. The initial contact.

    After the initial stage of combat, where you know that ther are bursters in lockdown on the pad is another matter. It is then balanced beacuse of it's limited mobility and arc of fire. You can counter it.

    The problem is you wont have time to react to the *first* shot...and you wont see the MAX either because of rendering.
  3. WalrusJones

    Talking about its balance level with test server stats is silly:

    Zelot mode makes the flamers hit for 1430 damage per tick.

    Will that go live? NO.... (I would hope.)
  4. zoobadoo

    Talking about balance when stuff is still in testing, is actually precisely the right time.
  5. bobzebrick

    No, the TTK wasn't that low, if this happens you are a bad pilots and should get the hell out of the air anyway. Also it's a test server... I don't expect you kids to understand the concept of a test server, but if you could leave the tears until this goes live, or actually go and post in the test sub-forum, that would be awesome :rolleyes:
  6. WalrusJones

    Well, I suppose.

    Complaining is the right word.
    Getting the right values: Worth your time.
    Complaining that the values are broken: Pointless for now.
  7. zoobadoo

    I see it more as trying to get the devs attention to a thing that might be scewed should it make it to complaining I suppose ^^
  8. zoobadoo

    Posting in the testforum is a very good idea...will do that.

    TTK seems exactly that low based on vid posted here, and I'm pretty far from a noob pilot. Also pretty far from a kid being 40+ , but I cant speak for everyone else here ofc...
  9. bobzebrick

    Yeah I did make a huge sweeping generalization there. Only actually go and post in the Test Forum if you have been on there and tested it though, goes without saying. I don't see why anyone should be complaining in this thread if they haven't done that already honestly. The values on the weapons and even some sounds and effects are placeholder. It's not far from what you will probably see go live, but still needs tweaks and polish.
  10. WalrusJones

    Treating testing imbalances like something to be angry about is NOT the way to handle it.

    But, being concerned, go ahead!
  11. zoobadoo

    You are absolutely correct about this not being the right place to QQ about test stuff. I humbly redraw from this thread to the correct forum...pls hold your fire on the way out.
  12. Guardsman99941

    If Matt Try's to screw up TR again, oh there will be blood
  13. Zar

    lol face it if anything gives us an edge in the pool of nc lawl weapons, will be cried about till its worthless hell seems to work for all sides now slowly getting everything = worthless once we are firing paint balls people will stop ********..... but then the nc will say our paint balls are frozen or some nonsense. >.>
    P.S anyone else noticed that everytime they nerf something they start selling a better version thats broken as hell like 2 weeks later? or am I insane? if so i will wear my tin foil hat with honor!
    • Up x 1
  14. spoono

    like the 4th empire recently going to vanu? :)
  15. Yetskii

    Well, some people do have lives and have to go to work.....
  16. NC_agent00kevin

    I see someone is still butt hurt about thier flinch nerf...
  17. vanu123
    ZOE is not OP, it just makes us good enough to where we can compete with NC and TR maxes whereas before we had the worst one in the game. I wont mind small tweaks but I already can tell they will take a sledge hammer to this, thus making ZOE and our maxes useless again.
  18. Ganelon

    No you didn't.
  19. vanu123

    Yes we did, we got destroyed by NC maxes. TR maxes were easier but could still take us out easily.
  20. Ganelon

    Everyone did.
