Ceres dying again

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by P4NJ, Apr 26, 2013.

  1. P4NJ

    Huge desync issues (we were in a galaxy waiting to take off only for the driver to tell us over teamspeak to drop over Crater firing range), disconnects, hit detection, everything seems to be messed up. I know a lot of other people are experiencing this too. Any chance that the server could be restarted?

    Also, this isn't the first time Ceres has been in the spotlight for being buggy and having seizures. Perhaps it's time to check if there's anything wrong with the hardware itself?
  2. pagan

    Yer its laggy as hell atm
  3. maShine

    Its because ceres ist more than full. You have a queue for the trainig area! And the server queue is so big you cant get in. its luck if you get a place in the server queue.

    At the moment the server is to weak/small for the weekends
  4. P4NJ

    Looks like it affects some people a lot more too, so we have one person who can spawn vehicles that most of us can't see (but some can) and someone else has to get into it to make it visible to the others...

    Seriously, FIX THIS.
  5. Otulien

    So, Ceres isn't dying, it's just over populated.

    What we need here are the Server Transfer Tokens. And a free first one at that.

    Come on over to Heliodine :rolleyes:
  6. Winky


    Helios <- Put TR here.
  7. ObsidianSoul

    Yes. I'm glad I'm not the only one. It's unplayable. It seems connected to the CPU/GPU switching and it happens most often in regions with large amounts of people AND vehicles (especially aircraft), or when crossing region borders. It started happening to me in GU6. And it's still happening.

    Symptoms include: freezing, twirling tanks, flying vehicles, flickering and disappearing terrain, terminals not responding, delayed damage (i.e. people i shoot die a minute later, and vice versa), delayed chat, delayed actions, everyone warping around in both the game and in minimap, stop motion lagging, and terminal icons in the minimap not appearing until about 10 seconds after you've flown into it.

    The funny thing about it is that I've asked other people if I'm visibly lagging. Apparently I'm not. Which explains why I die so often now, because people can still clearly see where I am. It's just that I myself don't know where I am.

    Also flying is pretty much a game of trying to find the least populated regions now and hoping you dont freeze and crash into a mountain on the way, or lag and suddenly get punched full of bulletholes by an ESF you can't even see.

    I really miss Mallory.

    Win7 64bit
    Core Duo E8400
    4G RAM
    Radeon HD 6670