Stop beggins for nerfs please. It's getting annoying.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Scorch Draken, Apr 26, 2013.

  1. Scorch Draken

    Come on people, I'm tired of seeing people say "nerf this, it's OP". It's getting tiresome very fast. They can't satisfy every player's exact wishes, they can settle some of them. Besides, begging for nerfs isn't going to do anything but get you spammed and trolled.

    But if everyone wants nerfs, then I guess we could just use the gag guns that when you shoot, a flag comes out saying "bang".
    • Up x 1
  2. SizeDoesMatt

    People have to understand that a certain weapon will always be OP in certain situation, while it will be just average in another situation.
  3. PhiladelphiaCollins

    How about no. Does no work for you?
  4. WalrusJones

    I would cert into that gun.
  5. Ash87

    Nah, people don't want to think about ways of improving a weapon, it's got to be easy: Vanilla or Chocolate choices.

    You don't want to strain people on the internet.

    Besides it doesn't matter what people say, the answer is always the same.

    Chocolate is OP, nerf magriders.
  6. Otulien

    Everything's OP. If someone else can use it better than I can, it's all of a sudden the weapons fault - not mine.

    Even if we all had the same guns, with the same aesthetics, and the same sounds, people would still cry OP.

    "He has a better headset than I do! Not fair!"

    "His internet connection gives him an unfair advantage!!"

    So, alas, just get used to it. Be happy that it's still in the realm of the game.
  7. Scorch Draken

    exactly! Think about it, you can't snipe someone with a shotgun, but you can one-two shot at close range.
  8. Scorch Draken

    Oh, I know, I'm just trying to get it into people's thick sculls, so I see it less often.