Why does return now switch between window mode

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Sminky, Apr 26, 2013.

  1. Sminky


    Every update it seems SOE want to make PS2 worse for me. With the latest hotfix the return key now seems to be hard mapped to window mode. A key I have set up for jump. I just don't understand it, has anyone else found out where it is in the options to turn off?

    and just why they have done this in the first place?
  2. Total_Overkill

    This is not new, it happens when you Alt+tab out of the game... to stop it from happening, you need to press Alt when you open it again. ... then everythings back to normal.
  3. Sminky

    ahh ok thanks, oddly I've never come across it before and I alt tab out a lot in the game
  4. Elrobochanco

    Also protip this is the same thing that sometimes causes you to stop being able to bring up the scoreboard with Tab or switch seats with function keys.