MaleVsFemale voice Emote, which do you notice the most?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SinerAthin, Apr 26, 2013.

  1. SinerAthin

    So I was fighting in a battle recently where it got really intense, but then something hit me and I felt like asking it on the forums:

    When you are in a chaotic battle or your attention is focused on a single task, which voice emote do you tend to notice the easiest? The male shout for Ammo/repairs or the female shout for ammo/repairs?

    I normally didn't think much about it until now, but I think that the VS female shout, with the higher pitch in their voice, is actually easier to hear and notice during a battle.

    What about you guys? Which voice do you seem to hear the easiest in the thick of a battle?
    And what is your faction?

    Also, are there any particular enemy shouts you pick up very easily?
    I remember that I seem to be able to hear a female NC from almost a mile away(which usually results in her brutal demise ^^)
  2. bobzebrick

    Female NC is ridiculous, it almost makes my ears bleed.
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  3. loleator

    The voice acting also depends on the language the enemy has selected for their game, not every country speaks english you know? so your tactical planning might be in vain. Just play with whatever you like the most.
  4. Leonard DeVir

    It may very well be the case that you notice female voices much more. Male brains (I assume you are male) are hard coded to recognize high freqency "shouts" (language) of our species - speak, we can hear women and children talking/screaming much better, and maybe youll notice that you rather react to women laughing in real life. It has somthing to do with protecting your flock and searching for "this one woman" (you know what I mean ;) ).

    Another point, maybe we are so accustomed to hear male voice emotes that the female ones stick out much more.

    My two Euro Cents.
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  5. Zitroxious

    the tr chick sounds like she doesnt give a ****
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  6. Kociboss

    NC female...

    The voice...The pitch... It opens a certain door in my brain...Which leads to psychopathy.

    When I hear that "I think I'm broken111!!!!11!!oneone111" I just stop caring about my K/D or safety. I simply have to put on my shotgun loadout and shoot the bi@tch.
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  7. St0mpy

    when i hear the womans voice i just think oh theres another one of those guy with breasts players :D
  8. Fumblewatt

    NC all-around, NC max: "Stomp", "Stomp", "Stomp",*Shotgun noise*, "Stomp", "Stomp"
    "Inimi inginiir spattid"
  9. SinerAthin

    I think she actually sounds just like a veteran TR soldier :p

    I suppose it makes up for the crappy TR Male voice...

    That's exactly my own reaction xD

    I wonder if Female NC Characters typically have a worse KDR than Male NC Characters...
  10. PieBringer

    Personally, EVERYTHING stands out to me. Which is why I hate ambient sounds when I'm trying to listen for footsteps or otherwise. Having such sensitive hearing is both a gift and a curse...

    On the note of the female NC voice: Please tell me you guys are joking? In terms of eardrum breaking pitch, nothing even comes close to the TR cloak.

    Also, for some reason... The only two voices I have trouble differentiating are TR and VS female. Did they use the same VA for them, or two different sisters/twins?
  11. Devrailis

    NC girls <3, especially when they ask for ammo. I can't say no to them. :oops:
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  12. Cleaver

    I'm glad I'm VS, as the TR and NC seem much harder to distinguish between than VS and TR/NC. If I hear a voice, it's super easy to tell if it's friendly or not.
  13. MorganM

    I'd just like to apologize to the NC in this thread... their voice actors were terrible... just terrible. First time I heard them over Twitch I LOL'ed. I mean the TR guy SAYS cheesy things... like the content of his statements are cliche and cheesy... but the voice actor is actually good. The NC says the lamest, cheesiest, crap, and on top of it.... voice actors suuuuucked.

    Sorry NC, you got the short straw on voice actors! TR VOICE ACTOR IS OP!
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  14. Cougarbrit

    Do you deliver the ammo hot and fast sans casings?
  15. MorganM

    This is why I actually choose female avatars in games. I know most players are male. I know on some level they are more inclined to do what I ask, help me, give me free stuff, etc etc. I know some will read this and think "No way man I don't fall for that". That's fine... not everyone does... but plenty do and it's just a slight little advantage. If it never worked I wouldn't do it!
  16. wingspan

    I only hear opposing factions voices. I guess I'm just numb to our generic NC guy and malnourished girl voices.
  17. TheBillOf3D

    The NC voice sounds like a little kid. The first time I heard a max, I though it was Al from Full Metal Alchemist.
  18. MilitiaMan

    TR Female has the best emotes imo, followed by VS Female.

    NC Male is amazing...."That was cute, good try!" is an amazing insult!
  19. Fenrisk

    Them Vanu women always need more batteries....
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  20. Strottinglemon

    Any NC callout makes me hate them even more. They literally sound like 7 year olds.
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