SOE, You are losing us by the hundreds and I understand a few stay.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Duke, Apr 24, 2013.

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  1. SizeDoesMatt

  2. Starlocke

    I always thought of hundreds as a few, not the other way around in an online game. Maybe I'm mistaken and a "few" are playing thousands multiboxing comps haha. Fact is, I read your post and all I saw was you repeating yourself for the majority of it and grasping at straws hoping some grab some for you. I shouldn't even be responding to this but I'm bored and my meal is still cooking so I'm sorry for criticizing you. It just sounds fairly unfounded and misrepresented, and I'm VERY surprised you have gotten all the replies you have gotten, maybe others are in a similar circumstance.

    I don't see why the reference to Americans was necessary, in fact, I'm sure the overall literacy of the United States is higher than that of Brazil.

    Funny thing is, now you're calling us "Americans". What happened to the foreigner held double standard when using the word "America"? Are you claiming that Canada and Mexico have deplorable educational systems as well?
  4. Jex =TE=

    I can also read his post fine. So what - you just came on here to derail the thread by telling all of us that you can't understand it whereas we can? Or were you just ranting because the style with which he writes isn't to your taste? Either way, I don't think anybody cares.

    Perhaps you should have asked for some clarification so you could, you know, actually contribute to the thread?
  5. Sinist

    Its kind of obvious they released the game six months too early.

    That said I think Planetside 2 will have enough of a game out right now to last long enough for them to implement what's missing.

    New continents, new base's, LLU captures, ANT runs, working warpgates, tutorials, continent locking, Battle Islands, Lodestars, thumpers, rocklets, AND ALL THAT GOOD STUFF FROM PS1 WE ARE MISSING.

    If all of the above doesn't happen in 6 more months, the game is going to start to decline to unhealthy levels.
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  6. Aegie

    I do not see anything particularly constructive in this post.

    Do you see any well articulated suggestions? Any ideas for improvement beyond or more detailed than "PS1 is better"?
  7. Aegie

    You mention this other post of yours but here I really do not soo much in the way of constructive suggestions about how to improve the game. You point out some of the downsides- meat/cert grinding, depth, purpose- but I do not see any concrete or well articulated ideas to make improvements in this post.
  8. Lividicus!

    OP is right on a few points....

    Firstly, Mainly the only people left on the forums are the Planetside Fan Boys that would defend this game longer than they would defend their own mother. I'm honestly sick of the community, anyone who jumps on with a decent idea or a critique gets SHOT DOWN by the fan boys and made out to look like a moron.

    Second, I am with the OP. I absolutely love(d) this game! But over the months and through the patches I must ask myself, "wtf am I doing online again?" Between the hackers, the fanboys, the bugs, and the exploits that people take to the absolute extreme, I am finally done. I log on with my wife to have just a little "fun" before the day begins, we grab a prowler, and are gibbed before we even get to our destination. It's to the point of un-playability. There is no point in pulling a tank unless you're doing a MASS TANK run, same with ESF's, and if you go infantry you're more likely to die to a bug or hacker than a legitimate enemy.

    Third, Whether you Fan Boys would like to admit it or not, the game is in ROUGH shape. Numbers dropping more and more every single day. I solemnly regret spending the 50 bucks I have on SC points, SOE ate my quarter and asked for me to put in another! In reality, if they don't fix all the issues, even the fan boys will roll out before summer hits. Sony has shown me a blatant disregard for people as individuals. As long as the fan boys pay the sub each month there's no reason to cater to anyone but them.

    Fourth, Don't try to tell me "fanboys don't exist". Start a thread that says "OHK Shotties gotta go!" And see how many people will pop in the thread and say "You're a noob, I can kill shotties all day long" or "Shot guns are perfectly fine". When, in reality, that same person is using the shotgun and really just doesn't want his carrot taken away. I've noticed Fan Boys love those carrots!

    Lastly, I am just simply done SoE. And I'm honestly hoping that I'm not the only one and this game burns to the ground. You greedy, illogical, shrewd pricks deserve to eat salt all day long. You're nothing but thieves, taking peoples monies in exchange for a CARROT that you will exchange for a different one after it goes rotten!

    /'Nuff Said!
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  9. Jex =TE=

    The purpose he's referring to is having some objectives to complete. For instance, if I play a game of Armed Assault 2 with my mates on a Coop mission we have an objective to complete however we want to tackle it given the resources available to us. We take on the mission and we either win or lose and then that's it, we're done with that mission. We completed it to either degree. With PS2, there is no end to it at all. It's exactly the same game over and over, just run around and kill people and take bases. I think some of us find that boring after a while and require more out of a game than mind numbing run and gun.
  10. Jex =TE=

    Funny you should say this and I don't fly myself but yesterday I saw a scythe just hanging in the air and started to shoot at it, along with other people on the ground until it blew up and we all got XP for it. I was wondering at the time what the scythe pilot was seeing - he was literally stuck in one spot and was definitely lag - which is getting worse. I don't remember the lag being this bad, but recently everything is warping around, not all the time but enough.
  11. Holomang

    What game are you playing?
  12. Jex =TE=

    You just need to know the right girls.... ;)
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  13. Jex =TE=

    What grass someone up because you don't like what they're saying?
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  14. Jex =TE=

    And a month later they merged over half the servers?
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  15. Advanced Darkness just said in one post what ive been saying in bits and pieces in many posts. I cant even add to that. I even said the exact same thing about them ignoring everything that worked or didnt work in PS1. I tried to get a rise out of anyone in the planetside 2 youtube forums once they opened it. I, like you, gave it a shot even though you could see way before the beta that this wasnt really going to be a sequel to Planetside.

    Glad you came to your sense, its time to chalk this up as yet another piece of filler while we play the waiting game for the next REAL big game.

    You can never get honest reviews for these games anymore. These websites just hand out 9 and 10 / 10s after logging in, looking around then logging off. Then some other sites start throwing out awards and to top it off you get the guy who talks the most with their own youtube channel who goes along with it all. Then laughingly does a 180 and starts saying all thats wrong with the game...what a joke.

    swtor all over again.
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  16. Bolticus

    Maybe those 440k that left after 2 hours of play couldn't run the goddamn game?:p
  17. Advanced Darkness

    Well coming from PS1 myself you'd have to think about how you felt if your much anticipated BF4 came out and it was a world of warcraft clone and no one used guns (unless they were a hunter) and your squads consisted of gnome mages. Also all the technology went backwards instead of know like how in PS1 you used nanites to deploy multiple items and in PS2 you can only deploy what you can carry in your pockets.

    For the Horde
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  18. Advanced Darkness

    I lol'd :D
  19. wwwyzzerrdd

    Personally I've had a game-breaking issue (read: games unplayable) since GU02 that a dozen+ replies to my technical support ticket still haven't solved. I was able to play the game PERFECTLY for months before it started happening, so....

    I'm sure i'm not the only one that has virtually quit due to their awesome "optimization."
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  20. Chinchy

    This guy is someone that posts while he is pissed (drunk) on the PSU forums, he is the lowest common denominator over there pay no mind to what he says.
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