Will TR Ever get a 143 Damage or a 845 RPM Carbine?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Gary, Apr 24, 2013.

  1. Hoki

  2. Aztecoatl

    I thought TR were supose to have access to the fastest firing weapons in the game . At least for Carbines & Assault Rifles .. In that case why not give TR & VS a 200 dmg LMG :eek:
  3. sindz

    And lets not forget, you got 10 bullets extra in each gun, you dont tihnk that is 40000 times better than any gun the other factions might ever have?'

    Kids in TR crying all day.
  4. Hoki

    Vertical recoil is just easier to control, and it has a lot less.
    Honestly I'd do a direct trade of 10 rounds per magazine for the serpent's recoil.
  5. WalrusJones

    The TAR is better for shoulder fire in CQC/Medium range..... Its the only .75 movement speed rifle for the TR.
  6. lilleAllan

    I play both NC and TR, and I hear this al the time. I'd just like to point out some things from experience:
    NC has access to no 0.75x movement speed carbines except the lame NS-thingie. If the Razor had 0.75x movement speed it would replace my merc in a heartbeat. While the AC-11X looks good on paper, the carbine damage drop-off, lowest NC carbine bullet velocity (why???) and recoil kind of defeats its purpose. So for me the Merc and GD-7F are the only interesting carbines.

    NC LMG's are very similar: EM6, Anchor, GD-22s. SAW S all have almost identical dmg output with some minor variations (GD-22s from a numbers perspective is just a worse Anchor).While the TR lacks long range options as good as the SAW, the NC really lacks good close range LMG options - the EM1 and Anchor are a little meh imo. I prefer my CARV to both.
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  7. sindz

    I call BS, try actually playing with it. A 845 ROF gun with only 30 bullets and 2.65/3.8s means you will hit that long reload time every single time unless you are fighting lone targets and you cant even dream of taking on more than 1 guy at a time. Thats why TR guns are **** op, recoil means **** in CQC which carbines are used, and 40 bullets are prob the best thing in the entire game, since it allows you to take on multiple targets and reload when its safe and everyone is dead, with serpent, you take 1 guy down, dont have enough bullets for the other guy and hit 3,8sec reload midfight, guess if you survive that.

    So all you TR kids only look at numbers on spreadsheet, try making a vs char and tell me.

    And this is also the sole reason, why every VS player with a clue, gets the VX6-7 and not the serpent. So cry more about a faction have access to a useless gun. Typical TR behavior.
  8. irishroy

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  9. gigastar

    On the subject of the Serpent, it doesnt exactly have a stellar hipfire cone of fire, especially when compared to the VX6-7, but its biggest problem is actually its fire rate.

    Its a gun with a 30 round clip, a fire rate of 845RPM, and the longest reload of any VS carbine by a huge margin.
  10. Gary

    i would much rather have 30 rounds with upwards 1 second in some cases of reload speed.., Again we get no variety we are forced into this. oh wait, the VS get that plus the higher damage and higher RoF, wasnt a problem since they had increased drop off... now however pretty much every VS weapon out does the TR counterpart. They were designed with benefits to compensate the incresed damage drop off, this was removed and the weapons did not get tuned.

    LMG's we get no TR mag bonus... we get 100 capacity but so do the the NC along with the 200 per damage on the same weapon. The TR's hardest hitting LMG has 75 rounds... so the NC get the mag capcity + the damage and the TR get one or the other.
  11. sindz

    Read the post i wrote and the one gigastar wrote.

    and where do we have higher ROF? And where do we have higher dmg? Same dmg on our guns, onnly thing is, our 845 ROF carbine is useless acuse it has 30 bullets and 3.8 sec reload time. So that gun is out of the question.

    And our high dmg dmg?
    Yeh, 167dmg 577 ROF fire carbine is so op. Cause if you want slow hard hitting weapons you go LMG, not carbines. Since carbines have garbage velocity speeds. Carbines are close to medium only, and trying using 577 ROF gun in CQC vs 800-845 (and 896 in your case SMG) or shotguns.
  12. Hoki

    I has lynx almost auxiarilalaboo* I'm just saying I reload usually with 15ish left in the mag on average. A 40 round mag just isn't necessary in most situations. Yes of course its a benefit in other situations, its saved my *** before.
    So like you suggest, lets get real and not look at numbers.

    I believe I was the first in this thread to say I don't care about 800rof vs 845rof, NC and VS can keep it.
    Though if the 10 extra rounds per mag is so sought after, I might up the price. I'll trade serpent's recoil AND 1x reflex sight for the amazing 10 extra rounds.

    The recoil isn't a stat I'm just eyeballing it. I know I hate the lynx's horizontal recoil, wish it were brought in line with the other two.

    And actually can we just turn this thread into my official complaint about VS's 1x reflex? I want it. I want it like a fat kid want cake.
  13. SolidSnake

    I missed this. How was the Carv nerfed?
  14. Malsvir Vishe

    I am serious. I've started to use it extensively and it's a pretty awesome carbine.
  15. Gary

    On numerous patches...
  16. sindz

    You can't have the same recoil since you have bullets, I cannot tell you how much i want 10 extra bullets, id trade you every sight in the world for 10 extra bullets. with extra bullets you can even hipfire like a madman and get away with it. And aslong as the recoil on lynx is only pull to the right, its easily managable and doesnt matter since again, its CQC weapon.
  17. stabbystabby

    you also have an extra 10 bullets, so your recoil looks like its more because you're firing off an extra 10 rounds.
    wish my GD-7F ect had an extra 10 rounds.
  18. Paperlamp

    Thing is when it comes to carbines and LMGs we don't have very good mid-long range options and currently there are several CQC replacement options that aren't class specific and really none for mid-long range(well...maybe slugs?). NC really gets the best weapon options due to this IMO.

    Personally I think our ARs are fine, as they're just more powerful weapons than carbines and even our 143 damage options are viable out to pretty good range. I use the starter for CM, went back to it even after picking up the TRV. TAR might be better but 1k certs for a class I don't play as much anymore...eh.
  19. }{ellKnight

    On the other hand TR have a 845 Assault rifle which melts face in close range. It does have the worse hip fire out of all TR ARs though but at least it has Adv Laser.
  20. nella

    Looking to trade my GD-7F for a Jaguar, willing to add another 1000 certs. PM me.