Video - VS LA with SMG

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by RoosterNE, Mar 1, 2013.

  1. RoosterNE

    Sharing with my fellow PS2 players

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  2. Lakora

    Nice vid, so one thing I noticed is that you're using the Eridiani? Dunno the spelling without an extended mag and Adv.Laser instead you find that to work better than an extended mag?
  3. Paqu

    You bought that SMG before the second one was released? If so it must have sucked to see a new one with 50 bullet magazine released so soon after the first one. That 25 shots looks so little.
  4. Lakora

    Or he prefers to actually kill people instead of tickle them. ^^
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  5. RoosterNE

    I do prefer the 25-round SMG to the 50 round... as it does seem to drop them faster even if I do need to reload after each engagement. But honestly I am still torn between the Eredani SMG and the VX6-7 Carbine.

    Couple more in case there is any interested.

    With VX6-7

    With Pandora auto-shotgun
  6. RoosterNE

    Since I hip fire a lot I find the Adv Laser to be a huge help... more so than having more rounds to throw down range. But that is just me personally. I know my son who also plays LA a lot prefers the extended mag... but he aims using the sights a lot more than I do.
  7. Lakora

    Makes sense, I got both Extended mag n Adv.Laser but I think I'm leaning more towards the Ext.mag since I can't hip fire accurately enough to save me from a polar bear hugging me.
  8. Paqu

    Ah ok then. I have been planning to get the 50 round version so I could start using the infiltrator more. Whenever I use the VX6-7 I often find the 30 rounds being bit too little especially against HA's. So thats why I was thinking how painfull it must be with 25 rounds.

    Good stuff on those videos and nice knife use as well.
  9. Lakora

    Well the 50 round versions (60 for TR) does less damage than the older ones. A lot less damage, at least for NC...

    NC SMG #1: 25 Rounds: 143 damage
    NC SMG #2: 50 Rounds: 125 damage

    Now RPM is a different story where at least for NC the second one wins... BUUUT having that extra damage as an Infil or LA wins out over the RPM in my opinion. Mostly since if you need the RPM you're fighting them head on which obviously isn't a good thing. xD
  10. Paqu

    Well it takes 7 bullets to kill with the 25 round SMG and 8 with the 50 round version. So not that big of a difference and with 50 bullets you can miss more or take out multiple targets with one clip.

    But I will trial both VS SMG's just to get the feel of them both.
  11. RoosterNE

    I wish they hadn't modified the Pandora. It was perfect as it was. It really feels like you have to buy whatever the latest weapon is in order to stay as effective.. Pump shotguns in this case.
  12. Prince Planet

    Props on your skill RoosterNE.

    My Planetside life is like a roller coaster. I love watching well skilled players. That excites me and lifes my desires.

    Then I go in game and get depressed as hell that my SMG doesn't seem to act the same as in the video. Yeah it's the player pulling the trigger I have no doubt.

    None the less we just try our best.
  13. PaperPlanes

    Just pick something you're having fun with and dedicate yourself to auraxium, then pick up a new weapon.
  14. RoosterNE

    I find the secret to enjoying myself and having good runs in game has a lot to do with NOT caring about getting killed. That being said, each person has their own preferred playstyle. I am terrible, and I mean TERRIBLE with Heavey Assault and engaging at long ranges... which is why I play LA almost exclusively.
  15. Mrasap

    Compliments to the awesome gameplay and thanks for uploading this. Though I'd have to say these videos show the effectiveness of your playstyle, sick knifing reflexes and a solid computer, rather then the SMG. These kills could've been made with any gun, moreover if you had a shotgun you could've additionally taken out the MAX on the tower in the first video.
  16. Sedisp

    Couple of things.

    1) NC is 167 on the 25 round magazine and is really the only empire in which the SMGs are actually debatable on which one to get.
    2) Your second statement doesn't make a whole lot of sense. RPM has absolutely nothing to do with flanking.

    On the subject of the SMGs there is almost no reason for the VS to pick the 25 over the 50. TTK wise they're all nearly identical . The slower RPM makes missing rounds more punishing which is compounded by the magazine size being halved and DPS wise the 25 round magazine has a whopping 17 damage more.

    The only actual advantage the 25 round one has is more predictable ads recoil.
  17. spoono

    to me it looks like you are warping and exploiting the "out of sync bug"