Zergs becoming the only fights

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by LeBigJimbo, Apr 24, 2013.

  1. LeBigJimbo

    A few months back, zergs were not too much of an issue and you could almost get out the popcorn and garden chair and know exactly where and when one would emerge and roll past each night. They would roll on for about 2 hours then fizzle out......but now, 90% of engagements are against zergs. Either I struggle to find more than one lone guy or end up facing down a small armada which always manages to miss the zerg the other two factions have going. This is starting to make the game really boring and taking all the skill and creativity away from it. Has anyone else found this and does anyone know of any solutions in-game or theory based? If it carries on like this, I can imagine myself and many folks walking away from this game.
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  2. Littleman

    Just you and seldom few folks. We're here instead of in BF3 or CoD for a reason.
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  3. Oreo202

    Find an outfit that looks for zergs to kill, join that outfit, profit.
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  4. GTGD

    This is how it's been since launch, and will continue to be unless they implement the lattice and redesign the bases.
  5. LeBigJimbo

    ...but that is only when they are online (NB. Best TR outfit in the world atm).
    When they are not, it is hell.

    No longer can you go around finding small fights between the big ones. It is either zerg, nothing, or do something with the outfit when they are online (which is a lot, but times vary ofc).
  6. Teegeeack

  7. DrEvilPenguin

    I know right? It's almost like they are trying to build the game in a way to set up :"truly epic massive combat"... and not a small squad based tactical shooter...
    (Check the logo on the front page)
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  8. jjruh

    Welcome to the beginning of the zergification of planetside 2. With standardized cap times and the upcoming lattice system, the devs have make it clear that organized platoons are not what they want to aim the game towards, its the lone wolf in the middle of a zerg they want to please.
    I really think this is a bad path to go down, it will take out any form of platoon tactics that made this game fun in the first place. Instead of organized gameplay from large groups of people, we will just be forced to fight at zergpoints with hunderds of others, no matter if we want to or not.
    Dont get me wrong, the game will still be good, but because of this, it will be dry. It will turn into a larger version of battlefield 3...
    I dont even see why they need to do this in the first place though, Any pubbie can just find a zerg and stick with it, why do they need to destroy the fun of all the organized players to let the pubbies have the same amount of fun?
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  9. 13lackCats

    Use of the word zerg is an indication that one is more interested in censorship than counter-tactics.

    jjruh is right, only worse. Dumbing the game down via lattice is going to DESTROY re-playability.
  10. Littleman

    I hesitate to call platoons massing at some poorly defended backwater as being "tactical." It's still zerging, just on a smaller scale.

    No platoon lead that feels they have no strategic part to play in a massive battle is worth following, ever. If I had 48 guys loyally following my command, I'd be directing them towards where it will hurt the enemy the most in the immediate vicinity of the battle. Need a generator at an amp station down? LA up, get on those damn walls, and HOLD them. That's just one of many examples I've come across as a solo runner.

    If the platoon lead and his crew are looking for some form of recognition or glory for single handedly winning the battle, they're doing what they do for the wrong reasons.

    Long story short: Most "strategists" in PS2 are a friggin' joke.
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  11. smokemaker

    Zergs becoming the only fights

    Translates to : Big fights are starting to take over.
    I say good news.
    I am about large masses fighting each other.
    There are tons of FPS with small groups.
    PS2 is designed around large fights.
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  12. ent|ty

    My main draw keeping me playing was defending bases with 1 - 3 others against small squads on Esamir and Amerish, and sometimes Indar. Away from the slide-show battles (even on an 8-core AMD), there was fun to be had with smaller battles.

    Now with the changes, all an enemy has to do is cap the points, then rush to cut me off and camp me in my spawn, while the cap points cap the base for them. If I turn them and sit on them to try to recover them, nothing happens.

    The advantage is to the attacker, just no fun for the defender.

    Add to that, that with the alert systems most of the fights are in fact against Zergs, all there is to do is die, and spawn at another base, otherwise you'll just be farmed.

    1-shot weapons, lock on weapons, spamming ESFs, tanks and Libs have removed all tactics, strategy and firefights from the game, and it has become so dull and boring, I can only log in with less frequence each time...

    RIP Planetside 2.
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  13. Captain Kid

    How is this a bad thing?
    I mean there should be room for outfits (special ops groups) to do their sneaky thing and other outfits preventing them from doing it but in my opinion there isn't enough being done to direct the zerg.
    Lot's of the time there are multiple small fights instead of one big fight!
    Yesterday we had a large armour column taking a base and I couldn't wait till we got to the next base and meet the enemy zerg.
    But because there is no lattice and no general command the group split up and once again it ended up in a relative small fight.
    I want 500 vs 500 battles not 50 vs 50!
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  14. f0d

    imo the battles in ps2 are way smaller (but more of them) than what i used to enjoy playing in ps1 even though there are more people in a continent in ps2 compared to ps1 (which is odd that more people = smaller battles)

    personally i play planetside for those huge flustercuck battles and not to fight alone with 20/30 people in an outpost in the middle of nowhere away from everything - if i wanted small battles like that i would play battlefield or something

    hopefully the battlelines/lattice system will bring back the massive multiple days battles we used to see in ps1 - i really cant wait :)
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  15. Codeak

    If there was aaany sort of strategy that could be implemented into the game i think that would fix a big blob of infantry from consuming everything in their way.
  16. jjruh

    While no, there isnt anything TECHNICALLY directing the zerg, its not hard to find out where they are going next, and you dont need to have access to command chat to be able to tell. ALL zergs follow a particular pattern, and I can tell you with 80% certainly where a zerg is going to go next, even if I'm not in that battle. And with almost 99% certainty when in that battle.
    So they dont really need to funnel people down a specific path, that just makes the game less fun, and takes out ANY room for tactics among the "special ops groups".

    As for the big fights, I'm not so sure that if you had 300 vs. 300 fights 24/7 you would love them anymore. I think after a while, you would long for those times where it was just a handful of people. Its all psychology. There arnt too many massive 400 on 400 battles and because of that, we long for them, and when they happen, they feel amazing, despite the real drawbacks that are there. You overlook the drawbacks because its an amazing experience that you dont get very often.

    I call it the "candy bar" syndrome. I'm sure everyone here loves candy. And if you only have a bar once a week, or once a month then its a special thing, you savor it more because of its rarity. However, if you have 1 candy bar a day, or 3 a day, or even 12 a day, while its good for a while, it gets... almost sickening. Something that you craved, you now dont want it. (dont believe me, then try it. Go to the store, and pick up 30 candy bars and try to eat them in one sitting, and see how tired you are of candy afterwards) This is the same principal with the large battles, they feel better than they really are because we only have one a day, or one every other day.
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  17. LeBigJimbo


    So where is the skill in big fights? Sure, have one or two big fights per continent so if you want that, you can join it. But when everything is either empty or a massive swarm? Player skill can't do anything so you have to also rely on numbers. GL HF if your faction is outnumbered on your server.
  18. FatSheriff

    The game is advertised as having huge battles if you want small tactical fight play CS. Or make an outfit and build an organised Zerg that can out play the random zergs.
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  19. WalrusJones

    The items they have been adding lately, namely the buggies, are explicitly to show love to small teams...

    They seem to be trying to create as many ecosystems as they possibly can.
  20. LeBigJimbo

    Pro-tip, check out the outfit I'm part of in my sig. :rolleyes:
    Also please explain why, if it is meant to be 100% huge battles (which it is not, simply that large battles are PART of it), why do they have no population control?