Why does no one talk?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Duvenel, Apr 24, 2013.

  1. Duvenel

    Am I the only one that finds it weird that if I'm not in a squad/platoon/outfit that I can go for a 4 hour session on PS2 and not see another person talk or hear them speak? And no, I don't think voice macros count. o.o'
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  2. SgtScum

    I don't think most lone wolf players realize what proximity chat is but those who go for platoon play are usually well experienced with ts or vent.

    Guess its down to the psychology of the player as most lone wolves are most likely coming in from games that don't feature voice chat as a built in feature or simply are not interested in chatting.

    Even outfit play tends to boil down to the commander and a few select others talking with the bulk simply playing the game and following orders.
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  3. MFP_TK_01

    I don't find it weird at all. When I pug with squads I almost never say anything but they know I can hear.
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  4. Jalek

    The proximity music blaring at the warp gates doesn't count?
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  5. Duvenel

    Pretty sure they made that a bannable offence after one particular disc jockey got suspended/banned for it.
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  6. Vanudrax

    Dang, seems like prox chat is always full when I am playing. Of course there is always one 12 yr old who insists on squeaking out information as if the entire battle depends on him describing everything he sees and every move he makes.
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  7. MFP_TK_01

    I don't know about bannable but it is a executable offense if you are outside of the shield.
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  8. NinjaTurtle

    I only speak when I have something important to say as to not spam the com channels with drivel that is blocking important information or team orders from being given.

    I will for example say "2 TR Galaxies approaching from the south" or " "The VS sundy is parked over the south east ridge" (if I happen to be the first to find it's location). I won't start talking about stuff that is irrelevant to the situation
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  9. Duvenel

    Granted it has been a while since I've played for any length of time(getting 15-20 FPS the last few patches), but I just felt a bit isolated from all of my allies. When I like to lonewolf, it'd be handy to know what everyone else was doing so I could go to where I'd be the most help/use. Maybe I'll try playing later and seeing if I'm rewarded with that sweet sweet silence.
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  10. Duvenel

    I do the same, as like you, I don't like to clutter up the chat channels. But it surprises me that I only often see myself (trying - cus /reg is borked 90% of the time), to call out things like where the enemy have their sundy parked. Actually I've been told to shut up more than once because of the "don't kill the sundy, free certs" thing that people like to do.
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  11. UrMom306

    For me i disabled all in game voice options, I got sick of all the music spammers and people who just run around with their mic open. The game sounds turn down slightly when someone uses their mic and that caused me to miss kills or get killed cause i couldn't hear footsteps. For my squad/outfit we run with mumble as it's easier to deal with....and much more consistent
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  12. NinjaTurtle

    I would not run with an outfit with that attitude tbh.
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  13. CaptainTenneal

    I muted my prox chat day 1, pretty vile stuff at the warpgate that I didn't want to hear. I don't know if its better now, haven't turned it on since.

    I do see the little prox icon pop up sometimes when I run over a friendly with my prowler, I probably don't want to hear what they say :confused:
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  14. draiocht

    As for prox chat, it's range seems pretty short. (And the volume is based on distance?)

    I sometimes wonder if players simply don't know how to use the typeable chat, instead using jumping and friendly fire to convey messages (even if it's with the main gun of their ESF; which I suppose is their sidearm)
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  15. Lyrencropt

    Proximity chat is usually pretty well used in my experience.


    I **** you not, there was a 10 year old kid who kept saying this kind of crap. I TKed him about 5 times.
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  16. Duvenel

    Not sure what you mean by that...
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  17. Sledgecrushr

    Its good to have prox chat on at least away from the warpgate. Generally all the stupid **** on chat goes away once the bullets begin to fly.
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  18. Wildcardgsx

    make sure you have voice enabled, on and turned up.
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  19. K3STR3L

    I mainly use the proximity chat to show my disgust at the stupid engis who run past me not healing me or idiots who think it is a great idea to stand in front of a max firing dual onslaughts/mercies.
    It also comes in handy to thank the engis that do heal and to warn of incoming danger. To start with when the game was new many idiots would spam chat with music and stupid singing but I hardly ever see any of that now.
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  20. Kosetzu

    My hero. This is just about what I end up doing sometimes. Worse is when there's someone like that in platoon describing EVERYTHING he does, his emotional states, how he is bored, his OMG unreal kills and deaths... you name it. Some even wants to make additional vehicle sounds for the "enjoyment" of everyone across the map.

    If there was a way to punch them over the internet I probably would...
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