How Should We Dodge Mines If This Happens

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Killzor, Apr 23, 2013.

  1. Killzor

  2. Pr0ph3tx

    you mean how are you supposed to dodge a mine when you're recklessly charging into enemy territory?

    Maybe you should pick a different approach.

    Or are you implying AT mines should come with a flashing lights and giant sign that says MINE HERE.

    Don't you ppl think this game's been dumbed down enough.

    Also that mine stuck out like a sore thumb. Even for that crushed up beercan you call a PC.
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  3. chrisbeebops

    You can dodge that mine very easily if you avoid the crown.
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  4. RomulusX

    If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a mine!
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  5. Pr0ph3tx

    seriously man. why didn't you just reverse and get the hell out of there?
  6. BalogDerStout

    Did that engy running by just drop the mine? Hard to tell from the video, cause if an engy is either lucky enough or has the foresight to drop a mine in your path, then, well, you deserve to die.

    Also you're complaining about mines being placed in a defended base while you cloak and drive up the most heavily defended and guarded part of not just the base but the map? Really?

    You're the reason mines are getting nerfed into easy mode.
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  7. Oakwalker

    Mines as a concept is fine, but how they are sometimes used is quite overpowered. If you run over a mine with your vehicle, well i guess you didn't care about that vehicle very much. But if i'm parked and a suicide bomber comes up and chucks some mines under me, then well, thats kinda fr00ty.
  8. P4NJ

    Actually he's talking about the fact that it exploded even if he was quite far from it... perhaps because of latency on someone's screen you actually detonated it?
  9. Pr0ph3tx

    ehhhh that's ambiguous. that's still within the bounds of acceptable warfare
  10. Pr0ph3tx

    well first off he was lagging pretty bad. Also he charged in. You don't know what other mines were around.

    One time I had 2 mines laid out (bouncing betties) and someone was walking near but was not going to trigger them. I sniped the mine and created a chain explosion.

    Those AT mines don't have as much range as you think they do.. unless something changed I dunno
  11. Advanced Darkness

    yep ... i lol'd
  12. chrisbeebops

    If you are driving a tank and don't see an engineer running up to you to blow you up, its your own fault.
    If you don't bother defending your sunderer and an engineer runs over to it and blows it up with tank mines, its your own fault.
  13. P4NJ

    I'm pretty sure he slowed down the video so we could see what was going on and that he wasn't lagging?
  14. Pr0ph3tx

    All jokes aside, when you get used to the map, you'll notice people tend to place mines in the same area. They'll catch out offguard less and less
  15. Pr0ph3tx

    The video itself is quite choppy. If his framerate is suffering, he's lagging. He's streaming right? He's using his upload, that'll lag you.

    Also... hehehee

    Its too late to stop where he did. YOu gotta be ATLEAST 300m away from the objective before you move in. All hell could be breaking loose around him and there's no way he could've known. There's platforms up there
  16. Oakwalker

    Hey man, I've demonstrated many times its possible to jump from an afterburning reaver, land on the sundy and throw some mines on it without anyone knowing. Theres only a 3-5 second window that someone can stop the evil deed, and hell sometimes people can't aim worth a damn even if they catch me landing.
  17. Loegi

    At that speed and where that mine was placed I doubt you could've seen it anyway. It's a miracle nobody shot you anyway.

    Git gud.
  18. FlayvorOfEvil

    Cmon, they are already the size of 16 inch deep dish pizzas with a levitation mechanism built in. Do you want them to become disco balls now?
  19. KAHR-Alpha

    1) Low framerate and lag are two completely different issues
    2) Baseless assumption, him recording doesn't imply he's uploading at the same time
  20. Fned

    The video's choppy because it's slowed down. So you can see what's happening. On the off chance that you actually watch it.

    The mine appears on the ground 7 meters in front of him and explodes two meters to the right of his Flash...

    Hard to tell if that guy running across deployed it just then, or if it just appeared out of nowhere right in front of the vehicle like they so often do...

    Either way, it's weird that it went off so far away.