idea for eng defence deployable

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by nonefoyourbussiness, Apr 23, 2013.

  1. nonefoyourbussiness

    time for defence deployables to control access to bases and defenceable positions.

    been thinking about this for bit and think that mines and such are not a good way to stop the zerg more durable things need added like the eng barriers in ps1

    things that can be depoyed to deny the enemy access to certian points but not limit them to being outside

    have tank baracades like in ps1 for putting outside and walls like the ones on bridges that can be placed inside to provide cover for defending troops.

    and doors a placeable door that an eng can setup in a room that blocks off an entrance to a room.

    these can all be destroyed with c4 rockets etc but have large enough hitpoints so as a single guy can't clear them solo

    also on last note have them take the turrent spot so if want to deploy them have to give up your turret
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  2. Aegie

    Some interesting ideas but I think they should wait to give more things to the most played highest scoring class until they have done some other revamps first- perhaps starting with the least played and/or least scoring and moving up from there.
  3. nonefoyourbussiness

    true I can see were your point and agree there is some class that need work.

    but to be honest could give them to any class its just something the game realy needs something that would help all not just the eng or what ever class got them. in my opinion to much time is spent on developing offence weapons and stuff and not enough time thought or effort put into the defence part of the game.
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  4. quicKsanD

    Just make it like the Halo deployable shields.

    You'd just have to restrict them so people can't block doors.
  5. nonefoyourbussiness

    never realy did the halo thing but sounda about like the right idea all tho blocking doors would be good thing as its defence and with way bases are there are 3 or 4 ways into most rooms anyway just restrict them like sunders only one ever so many meters