[VID] Infantry Training - movement & suppressive fire

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Loopback0, Apr 21, 2013.

  1. Loopback0

  2. Volccis

    Then wild Liberator appears.....
  3. Loopback0

    ... and gets shot down ;)
  4. Jeslis

    .. I was waiting for the liberator to appear and get shot down.. wtf.. The cake is a lie.
  5. Cowabunga

    You guys really gave that hill a hard time - It being suppressed and all. I hope it managed to pull through.
  6. Loopback0

    Yeah the hill actually vouched to be removed from the map afterwards.. ;)
  7. Phazaar

    And yet still I only ever see your guys running about on their own getting blown to pieces by rocketpods... ;)

    Jokes aside, good video. Nice to see people are trying to apply tactics to the game, if only the game rewarded them!
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  8. Shinrah

    I would prefer if they did some flight school sessions. 7/10 some friendly crashs my Scythe out of the sky I see a DIG tag :eek: . Every time someone on our TS is like "wtf, that dude just afterburned into my <insert aircraft here>" the reply is "DIG again?".:confused:
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  9. Phazaar

    Hahaha it's funny that half the time my Reaver gets rammed out of the sky it's also DIG... Seems they use you Furious Gaming guys as target practise ;)
  10. TheBloodEagle

    Hey nice video. It is great seeing people doing such tactics & major props on using Starship Troopers music. I'd like to see a video of this in an actual combat situation though, specifically the larger open field battles & outpost battles.
  11. Singed

    Usually squads don't move with that precision. Glad to see someone who takes their outfit seriously. Although since the combat style of PS2 Is either get zerged by tanks and ESFs or zerg with tanks and ESFs, this isn't very common.
  12. Korn Sarum

    In this game, suppression isn't as effective as in real life, because most players are not afraid to die.
  13. Van Dax

    Haha the smashing into things scythe might be me-I'm a horrible pilot. I once ran into a friendly hovering scythe while trying to land, got reported for griefing-god I'm bad a flying.
  14. Konstantinn

    Real world tactics don't always apply. This would be useful in very few situations. Even when it would be, there's probably something else much more worthwhile squad members could be doing instead of keeping tight unit cohesion. Such as reviving non-squad members, firing at air, dropping ammo, laying mines, repairing, spotting and so on.

    Also you are suppressing one point in each movement, which would be great if enemies aligned themselves along hills in a very specific pattern. Most of the time however you are getting shot at from multiple points and directions, staying out in the open is rarely a good idea. As Korn Sarum mentioned, people aren't afraid of dying, so suppressive fire doesn't work too well in this game.

    Cool video though.
  15. Liberty

    This is the kind of thing I'd love to see in PS2 when it comes to infantry combat. Sadly with the way the resource system and respawn times work, its easier to just pull whatever you want and charge headfirst into battle until you get enough bodies to break the lines.

    I tried pitching the idea of SWAT 4 style breaches with flashbangs and concussion grenades combined with organized room sweeping with some friends, as well as squads running IRNV and dedicated smoke launchers but it sadly never really took off. There is so much potential for this depth of gameplay given the size of the game, sadly the mechanics don't really support it.

    I think the furthest we've ever gotten is trying to establish clear firing lanes where when trying to lock down a tower mid level spawn room where you don't have people on both sides shooting down the hall at each other. *sigh*
  16. Obscura

    Really nice to see a VS outfit doing these organized infantry tactics :D The sentinels do very similar things(though we're alot smaller), we have seperate divisions for those who want to specialize in a certain role. Your vid gave me some good ideas for training to pitch to my outfit too lol
  17. idclev50

    You guys were lucky the grass didn't shoot back
  18. Udnknome

    Darn I thought this was going to show me how to a d a d a d teleport like I see people do all the time.
  19. Van Dax

    We are the honourable side of vanu, we don't do that ****.
  20. Loopback0