Lawllipodder gets what he wants

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by flynn444, Apr 22, 2013.

  1. flynn444

    I thought this was pretty funny

  2. Kapernum

    Looks like you're shooting from inside the spawn. That wasn't what he wished for.
  3. flynn444

    Nope, it was outside the spawn room when I killed him.
  4. RobotNinja

    Rocket Launchers don't fly through spawn shields.
  5. flynn444

    They do in most rooms, but in this case, I had to use the lift to the roof to get a shot off.
  6. RobotNinja

    Maybe, if you have your launcher sticking outside the shield or you're halfway through it yourself but if you fire a rocket straight at a's going to explode on the shield.
  7. JP_Russell

    Not quite. Sometimes shooting out of any of the spawn shields or the warpgate bubble with explosive projectiles is buggy and one gets blocked randomly. But aside from that, almost every single spawn shield in the game can be shot out of with anything. The newer spawn shields at the top of air towers can't be shot out of at all, of course.
  8. RobotNinja

    Ah, okay. I guess I haven't tested it that extensively. Just never seems to work for me.
  9. Jeslis

    Uh, yes they do. Go try it.