Why Planetside is the most played game on my pc

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by VanuZuma, Apr 21, 2013.

  1. VanuZuma

    Despite all the issues and frustrations that come with this game I think anyone here can agree that when the game is going good it's one of the best, if not the best at what it does. Gotta also hand it to the devs, although GU7 seems to crash at launch quite a bit i am getting the best performance I have had with the game to date. It seems like we are on the right track and I can't wait to see where it goes from here. Anyway would love to have people post what they like about the game, and those moments that only planetside can give you.

    My recent amazing experience consisted of holding a base from NC attackers and getting a 12 kill streak and then running across esamier with about 30 squademates getting heavy resistance and having a great battle to the next base. Nothing better than a great infantry battle with air and armor supporting like they should.
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  2. FlayvorOfEvil

    I like the large open field battles on Esamir with 5 Sunderers spawning waves and waves of troops.
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  3. VanuZuma

    Yes after this morning I think esamir is my favorite place to play
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  4. TintaBux

    Got stats to show it?
  5. Acceleratio

    Esamir is the best because here the most mature players and outfits fight. Its too difficult for the crownfolks to have fun here. I love this continent
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  6. Shockwave44

    If it's the only game at what it does, then what are you comparing it to? If you're comparing it to nothing, then of course its going to seem the best. That's like saying you're the fastest runner in the world... if there is no one else to run with.
  7. Rudette

    Glad you're enjoying yourself!
  8. FlayvorOfEvil

    Wow, you just reminded me that my character has not set foot on the crown ever since the whole server merge thingy.
  9. TintaBux

    Take that as a no.
  10. L1ttlebear

    You quoted yourself in an attempt to "prove"(?) Someone wrong about an opinionated statement giving praise to a development team and their hard work lol

    Does that not seem even a little pointless to you?
  11. MarlboroMan-E

    PS2 is the only game left on my PC.
  12. Soundmonitor

    It's better than any shooter out there, I used to play CS until I downloaded PS2, and I never looked back. The old school kill go to objectives, die, wait are over for me.
  13. Hemi

    SciFi battle's on a mass scale. I despise all the modern day shooters and WW2 crap.

    Besides the battles, I can just stare across the endless icefields of Esamir, escaping the troubles of RL. Even when I repair an abbandon base I find myself listening to the crickets on Indar. Even the stations themselves are feeling like a real place were memories with friends are recalled. My fridaynights are spend in front of the computer with a big smile on my face.

    Ill be playing this game for a long time...
  14. SiosDashcR

    Been actually looking for alternative FPS games to play so I can raise my ****** on KDR only (since I can't get a solid 60, never even mind 30 FPS on PlanetSide 2).

    Still looking, have not yet found one that's as great as PlanetSide 2 (one that's free - that is.)

    Makes me kinda sad because I do want to try out an FPS game where I can get a solid 60 and just play for personal ****** reasons.

    However on PlanetSide 2, my play style's entirely different and I'm usually just the Sunderer driver- mopping infantry down with my maxed out Mag Size Basilisks, 1.75 zoom optics (with my two outfit mates gunning) and getting a nice 23k SPH usually.
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  15. Moukassin

    i'm hooked to this game :oops: everytime i get bored i change my class/vehicle/weapon and I am having fun again

    here is a montage of some great moments i had
  16. void666

    I'm addicted to planetside 2.
    It's far from perfect. But when it works it's amazing.
    I just can't go back to battlefield 3.
  17. Cyridius

    Only because no other game supports a scale like this.

    I'm gonna quit and move to the Elder Scrolls Online though when that comes out. Provided it's actually good.
  18. Ultramarine

    Yesterday I spotted a Vanu sunderer in a hot zone. There were allied and enemy platoons, aircraft bombing the area, grenades going off, tracer fire every which way and Me. Myself running through the chaos with C4 in hand running through a field of explosions and particles flying. To make it to the other end, slap on the C4, get out of there and set it off just felt so good that being killed by the dual photon pods, also felt right. Just wish I'd had the thought to tap the record button before i did that
  19. MFP_TK_01

    I used to play BF 2142 (mostly Camp Giblator and Tampa Highway) almost religiously up until my computer declared it a virus(lolEA), and one thing that I used to always say was that I wish they had gigantic world maps. Why hello there PS2 continental conflict. Seeing those massive rolling convoys, even the enemy ones, never gets old for me.
  20. Goretzu

    I've no idea why everyone wants to play on Indar, personally it's Esamir>>>Amerish>Indar for me.

    I do wish they'd hurry with rolling out more continents though, one of the nice things about PS1 was the change of fighting on a lot of different continents.