Terran Republic underpowered?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by xArchAngelx, Apr 20, 2013.

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  1. BuzzCutPsycho

    I am glad you agree. If it'll make no difference than surely you have no problem with the T9 CARV being restored to it's launch day performance right?
  2. BuzzCutPsycho

    Nah. I'll settle for all of the TR weapons being restored to what they were at launch.

    Since flinch has been nerfed I think it'll be fine.
  3. Giggily

    Sorry, but the original recoil mechanics were pretty terrible.
  4. LameFox

    'One of these things is not like the others...'
  5. Xhaleon

    Bazz, do you think that reducing the first-shot recoil multiplier for TR guns would make them many miles more manageable, without altering any other stats?
  6. GhostAvatar

    Read what I responding to and see if anything you have said actually has any relevance whatsoever;
    Are you really saying that the Carv has less recoil than the Gauss Saw? you sure you are not trolling?

    And just to make it obvious to you how irrelevant your response was, I was not comparing the weapons against each other overall, nor was I saying that one is better than the other. I was responding to a single statement and a single statement only by reinforcing it with data and not bias. And the question was which weapon had the highest recoil.

    So before you go getting your knickers in a twist, I would suggest you look at your biased nature and the urge to try and defend something that wasn't even being suggested by myself. But your statement does remind me of something someone used to say and that was "you wouldn't flinch unless you knew you deserved it". And you just flinched with your statement.
  7. Separatists

    1 high dmg shot= less possible reaction time, than 5 tickling shots. less possible reaction time= higher chance of killing. less damage per shot= anyone being able to jump out of w/e theyre in before they die, unless you have some seriously slow reaction time.
  8. Xind

    I see this argument all the time. That extra .75 bullet means when you encounter an enemy with 800 RoF, you win in direct combat, usually with 1 or 2 health bars remaining.
  9. Xind

    Actually, the Carv and Gauss Saw have the same clip size and ammo reserve. Where are you NC guys getting your information?
  10. CupBoy

    The Carv and the Gauss Saw perform almost identically, getting the same score and kills.
  11. GhostAvatar

    And that is something that irks me. No one but NC has a 200 damage LMG, carbine, AR etc. No one but VS has a 0 bullet drop weapon. Yet VS and NC, in a few instances, have access to one of the highest RoF weapons in that class. And the TR doesn't even have access to the highest RoF carbine WTF!!!!.
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  12. BuzzCutPsycho

    The root cause of this problem are the TR starter weapons which leave quite a lot to be desired whereas purchasable weapons become seemingly mandatory to make up for this. The following weapons have an insane horizontal recoil of 0.225/0.225 which makes them frustrating to use and wildly inaccurate.

    T9 CARV
    T9 CARV-S
    T1 Cycler
    T1-S Cycler
    TRAC-5 S

    Compare this to the NC/VS which have each have one weapon that has this recoil.


    Personally I feel that this horizontal recoil is too high for any weapon and each of those weapons (VS/NC included) need to have it dropped.

    A lot of TR use the same basic weapons now which are TMG-50s, TAR, and Jaguar. I'd like to see more options and turn these into side grades instead of straight upgrades off the starter weapons.
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  13. Ranik

    Let me sum up this thread.

    "Do you think it's possible that with the repeated nerfs and arbitrary changes across the board TR might be at a disadvantage at this point?"


    so far it's par for the course for any TR complaint thread.
  14. Pat Cleburne

    If the developers gave TR access to NC/VS weapons for a week the players on those factions would lose their minds from the ownage we would bring. Not a doubt in my mind.
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  15. PS2Freak

    GR-22 is one of EZ Kills weapon on NC side. it is most effecient in my hands. God knows, i want have your "problems" tr.

    That dude say, GR-22 got INSANE Horizontal recoil like their Tr weapons @ Nc dewds .

    HA HA HA HA.


    GR-22 is most Fun and accurate and rewarding weapon for Medic!

    what i miss when i use gr22 ? right. more bullets.. and who got them ?

    Overpowered Terran Republic.

    TR, Stop Sissies threads! You are making JOKE of yourself..

    another case for "tr-perceived-we-are-victims disease"
  16. TintaBux

    If they did that, TR would go crazy with how much they are getting owned, the forums would be in meltdown with TR whining threads.
  17. Pat Cleburne

    Lets give it a shot then. The developers should open all faction weapons and classes to all for a period of time. If everything is truly balanced it should be easy to see.
  18. PS2Freak

    i think even - horizontal recoil in ADAD QCQ situation is actually benefit and not illness.

    tr, drink kefir!
  19. Goden

    I get this sneaking suspicion that most players would be using NC guns if they did that lol.
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  20. PS2Freak

    i bet, nc would all switch to Tr guns.
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