what happened to the shotgun whine?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by GSZenith, Apr 20, 2013.

  1. Ranik

    Right. Sounds a lot like justification for aimbotting. Who cares about fun combat. Cheap gameplay for everybody.
  2. Devrailis

    I've never complained about shotguns in general.

    It would be in poor taste given that I pack dual-triple-barrelled automatic-variants that make pump-actions look like limp toy pool noodles.
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  3. Drippyskippy

    Just takes a lot of energy to create logical arguments against shotguns (most of it is already known/have already made posts about it) especially when it either falls on deaf ears by SoE or get replies from shotgun supporters who primarily act like children to come to their defense. Just not worth my time anymore personally. Maybe others have stopped talking about it because they thought the shotgun nerfs a while back actually balanced them, they would be very wrong.
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  4. NoXousX

    Shotguns are still OP, but I think we're all just glad something was done about them.
  5. Sebyos

    Honestly they are still OP, but I guess people gave up.

    In my opinion, the game would be better without them and these noobs getting easy kills without skill. At least nerf the pump actions to oblivion.
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  6. Jakey

    Logged in.

    Capping a tower base, LA TRAC-5, guarding a cap point.

    Hear someone running to recap the point, so I set my sights on the door.

    He runs in, I spray him, he ***** himself and runs out.

    I run out the other exit, around him and spray him in the back.

    He turns around and OHK me with a pump, 2 bars of health left.

    Logged out.

    Classic example of how strategic play is being destroyed by OHK shotties - I used my experience of the game to get the jump on him TWICE, yet I still loose to sum nub who can spin and get a lucky shot on me.

    The only way I can see that scenario panning out differently, is if I had had a shotty too - then he would have been OHK when he stepped through that door. This is not skilled play for me. I don't have to think. It's just point and click. Which isn't fun. This is why I don't use the shotgun. OHK's aren't fun.

    If this had been pre OHK shotty, we could have had a half decent fire fight. I probably would have won, but then maybe he would have thought "hey, I lost that because he ran around the back of me, maybe I should try that next time". He would have learned a trick from a more experienced player, and then used it to his advantage the next time. It's the same for me - If I get owned by a better player, I think 'what did I do wrong' (or 'what did he do right' ;) ), and this leads to me improving my game. This makes the game more fun for everyone IMO as you actually gain experience from strategic play.

    As it stands. that guy isn't going to learn, he's just going to do the same thing, blindly run in to rooms with a shotty going PEW PEW PEW in the hope to get a lucky shot. No strategy, no skill, no experience.
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  7. PS2Freak

    Yes, please everybody rage quit. hey, man today acts as woman.. ohnooo. i killed by shotgun... i , skilled tactical "aiming at head" super tr sprayer.... and now i am dead, rage quit, dress up my dramaqueen clothes and go to forum to make a post.

    i dont know about which skills the player above me speak, he using exact same point and click skill...
  8. GSZenith

    and you gonna keep running after someone with a shotgun and keep going even after he vanish behind a corner :(
  9. PS2Freak

    exact, Zenith, notice hes perception of himself as skilled player.... he didnt use his brain at all, if i am honest.
  10. Pengalor

    >fails to kill someone when unnoticed behind them (with plenty of opportunity for at least one headshot since they don't know you're there)
    >Claims they "outplayed" the other person

    Har har har.
  11. Rown

    Only other FPS I've played expensively is Natural Selection 2. Shotguns there are awesome, they can 1 shot kill skulks and give Fades something to think about. However, there skulks are dog sized and jump at you from the ceiling or from vents, fades can teleport at will and shotguns need skill and a steady hand. If you're a newbie they're useless. If you're a good player, they are worth their weight in resources.

    In PS2? you wave the shotgun in the enemy's general direction and click, guaranteed kill. No aim, no control needed, skill ceiling is so low that Hermes Conrad would have trouble limboing it.
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  12. Rift23

    The whiners must have bit the bullet and whipped out their credit cards.
  13. Pie Chasm

    People have come to terms with the game being pay to win.
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  14. Sorusi

    I realised there is no point in trying to convince the devs thru this forum and that most people who post here are just trolls.

    The inf weapons in this game is both un-interresting and unbalanced.
    The vehicles is in the same situation. (air - armor - inf synergy that is)

    Shotguns is just one of the things i find wrong with this game, but it captures the "essence" of what is wrong, low skill & low TTK.

    So i simply just don't play as much anymore and when i do, i avoid CQC (even tho it is my favorite combat)
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  15. nitram1000

    I bought the Deimos and to be honest, shotguns are not that easy to use I have gotten a killstreak of about 8, which is good but have gone up to killstreak 20 with my HA LSW before. You sacrifice a lot when equippinga shotgun, it really is only useful when up close in which case you deserve the one **** kill.
  16. Lancener

    I still hate them, I feel like they should be a 2-hit kill they still have fast enough fire rate to justify it. Only real downside to a shotgun is can't do much at range, stay in a building and only thing that will kill you is someone else with a shotgun. I bought a pump-action and I still say it could use a nerf, it takes no skill to use and has high rewards.
  17. illgot

    lol, just noticed who you were due to WASP :)

    I personally log in to each character for about 10 seconds and close the game. I still have not received my certs for duplicate items. Not worried though, what do I really need certs for when I only log in to collect them to begin with?
  18. TheBillOf3D

    If that were true, the shotgun should have gave me a godlike kill streak compared to my carbine and I'd still be using it. But it was too situational to use like that and usually against those that want to run and gun without thinking and just out twitch the other player. A play style that always seemed too cartoonish and deserves to be one shotted.
  19. Jakey

    o_O I'm talking about the difference between holding a target in shot whilst TR spraying (as you so eloquently put it)' e.g. adjusting for recoil, COF, moving target, etc., and. . .


    I'm a fan of longer TTK's, as it makes people think. But this has been argued much better than I can put it. So, suffice to say, shotguns lower the ttk to almost nothing, IMO this is bad, as it reduces the skill factor of a player to almost nothing.

    If you had read the post, you would have seen that I didn't run after the guy around a corner (I completely agree, this would have been a stupid decision). I ran out of the other exit, around and behind him, to get the jump on him again. As I see it, this was the best of a few decisions I could have made:

    1. Run straight after the dude with a shotty
    2. Stay in the room the dude with a shotty now knows I'm in
    3. Run out and behind the dude with the shotty and try to gib him in the back before he can close
    4. Run away, jump out of the base, hide, redeploy to the nearest friendly base, re-equip with a shotty, jump in a mozzie, fly back to the base, get shot down but jump out just before it explodes, run back up to the cap point, and gib the dude. . . ahhhh he's gone :(

    Or alternatively arm myself with a shotty from the get go and play the same OHK game.

    The pump action OHK has no counters in CQC, and the only way you can beat it is with another pump or lure that player in to a longer distance shoot-out (hard in CQC ;) ). Anyway, no counters except distance is a very short-sighted development.
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  20. ent|ty

    I just take it in-game now and sarcastically applaud my enemy when he 1-shots me, as well as a few choice other insults in a /tell.