The Worse Change Ever...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NoctD, Apr 19, 2013.

  1. Sebastien

    This is only a problem in the current build, I'm sure this design was intended for the Lattice.
  2. Naceo

    Still, they probably should consider implementing something to disable spawning on hopelessly camped bases. If only for those who can't take a hint.
  3. Stormlight666

    LLU beacons are basically Capture The Flag. The base spawns a beacon (flag) and you have to run it back to the nearest connecting base. Thing is the beacon carrier can't spawn a vehicle or cloak. If it's stopped, an enemy could return it to the base.
  4. Rudette

  5. Cyridius

    I hope you realize you could do that before. Points never flipped back by themselves. All it does now is take longer.
  6. FateJH

    Why is the lack of ambiguity in that activity a good thing?

    Not sure I follow. Does that mean you can no longer hit the cap point and run, i.e., the deplorable version of ghost capping?

    I'm calling BS on this one. You will still be able to attack across lanes - there's no way to stop people from being able to do that - so adjacent enemy territory is just as dangerous as it is now. In fact, it's now even more dangerous because that lane could be capped further down the way and there's no chance of it flipping control within a realistic amount of time, forcing you into a hold the line situation against an enemy you have no influence in actually pushing back. The base that is attacking you may not be something you can capture.
  7. Devrailis