When SOE said...

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Vansoth, Apr 18, 2013.

  1. Vansoth

    You forget that SMGs still have much better hipfire accuracy than an onslaught. Increasing the ROF by 15 does in no way compensate for the extra damage drop off they gave them. Most players would not even be looking at the onslaughts if the mercys were left untouched. If they had lowered the rof of the mercy to match the mutilator/heavy cycler ROF then I would understand the changes.

    I have already canceled my membership auto renenwal after these changes. If SOE can do some clever changes and add to the class as a whole then I would gladly come back and play once again. I just don't have any faith in them anymore and will not spend anymore money to feed their cash grab buff/nerf tactics.
  2. Zaik

    what in the crap are you talking about

    TR M6 Onslaught
    • Rounds Per Minute: 475 changed to 490
    • Short Reload Time: 2.4 seconds changed to 2.2 Seconds
    • Long Reload Time: 3.0 seconds changed to 2.8 Seconds
    • Minimum Damage: 112 changed to 100
    • Minimum Damage Range: 65 meters changed to 50 meters
    • Projectile Velocity: 450 m/s changed to 440 m/s

    they're just better unless you were using them from 60m away or something, which is what the mercy was always for.

    also cosmos has a 2.15 hipfire cone of fire now, worse than any TR AI weapon.