No Bullet Drop + No Damage Reduction Over Distance is Overpowered and Unnecessary.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Phrygen, Apr 18, 2013.

  1. KageRyuuUjiMakai

    Technically VS weapons are all supposedly plasma based, you know the fourth state of matter, now whether or not that means the projectile should be affected by gravity, I can't find a concise answer anywhere but I would assume so seeing as it's still matter.

    Regardless I'm amazed at how thoroughly unimaginative you VS are, seeing as you're supposed to be scientists or something like that or maybe that's just your cult leaders, either way you have by far the best trait imaginable and yet you still complain, you can mount a suppressor without any noticeable negatives thus becoming even harder to fight at night. Bunch of ungrateful alien worshiping science cultist space ninjas if you ask me.

    Really though I always felt that the VS were kind of the middle road between the TR RoF and the NC High power, but now that their damage drop is the same, I guess they should change their wiki page to remove these sections.

    "Although it does not have the impact of the NC weapon systems, nor is it able to equal the rate of fire of the TR weaponry, it is incredibly deadly over a wider area due to the viscosity of the energy. All VS weapons benefit from the lack of a concussive round. The drawback to having this high accuracy is the degradation of potency over distance. While conventional weapons have bullet drop, VS weapons suffer from a reduction in power over the distance traveled (if the weapon is the first sniper) and other weapons may keep the same power over distances and gain a low amount of bullet drop."
  2. Vikarius

    Wrong, adding a suppressor basically makes our rounds move slower then we can sprint.

    For months and months I have been pushing for everyone to have equal bullet drop and damage dropoff, since plasma as you said, would be effected by such anyway, and instead of no bullet drop for vanu they would get highest bullet speed or rather round velocity as their faction trait. Not only would this make more sense but it would be a trait that can be effective at ALL ranges. The game is built around objectives, objectives that take place in ranges where there is ZERO bullet drop for ANY faction. The damage dropoff change actually is a nerf for all intents and purposes if you consider the previous sentence, since in those ranges they would at least be doing more damage then TR in some cases.

    Having highest velocity weapons, by maybe a difference of 100m/s from TR+NC would be perfect, and not game breaking, and the Magrider main cannon as well as scythe primary weapons could have their velocity adjusted to match this new trait, and as for the magrider main cannon having higher velocity then the vanguard and prowler counterparts, it would have better synergy with weapons like the saron

    I am hoping this damage dropoff changes are just the first step in the devs really using the above suggestion I have pushed for and will continue to do so
  3. MNO

    Take away the no-bullet drop, 99% of players will be back on top of their game within 20 minutes. If you think bullet drop makes any different whatsoever you should play VS. If you thought logically for a second you'd understand that bullet is actually a good thing with any weapon for decent vertical recoil, since an arcing bullet is more likely to land.

    I don't think no bullet drop is a positive or a negative, it's a nonfactor, unless of course you're new to FPS games, then it might be a bit of an upside, but lets face it - who is.

    I'd rather have bigger magazines please. Feel free to ask SOE for this change on my behalf, so I can destroy all the scrubs with even more ferocity :eek:
  4. xGreedFuSioN

    You do realize they still have bullet velocity right?
    Big flippin deal you don't have to aim an 8th of an inch above their head cry cry cry.
    besides they're projectiles are pretty slow in general, so they're still not very well off.
    plus at what point do you ever enguage at 100+m? Hardly ever.
  5. S0LAR15

    Can someone close this ill-informed-whine-about-a -VS-nerf thread please?
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  6. KageRyuuUjiMakai

    The percentage based velocity reduction (possibly as much as 50% combined) is the same for all factions using Sup and SPA, and since the update the VS have the highest velocities across the board, save for shotguns and pistols which isn't considerably less than the other factions, so don't pretend that it affects VS more than anyone else, and I very much doubt you can run faster than 300mps.

    Regardless, no where in my post did I even mention damage drop, so I don't know why you insist on bringing that up, but you are correct, it does hurt VS in medium range, if only slightly as the situations where less than 100 points of damage making a difference in TTK is ridiculously rare, seriously maybe right along the 45m mark.

    And in regards to your pity party about tank shell velocity, NC velocities are 200ms standard, 275ms for AP, and 175ms for HE, TR is 225ms standard, 250ms for AP, and 175 for HE, while VS is 200 Standard, 225ms for AP, and 175 for HE. So you're complaining about 225ms for AP against tanks without the ability to strafe? Seems pretty petty to me. As for ESF weapons:

    Needler 800rpm 300damage 750ms
    Banshee 800rpm 140direct/200indirect 500ms
    Rotary 1500rpm 237damage 650ms

    Saron 732rpm 325damage 600ms
    Light PPA 200rpm 425direct/250indirect 250ms
    Hailstorm 1200rpm 308damage 600ms

    Mustang 667rpm 400damage 750ms
    Mustang AH 180rpm 175x8damage 550ms
    Vortex 1000rpm 388damage 650ms

    So are you really complaining about the Light PPA which is apparently a very effective antitank weapon? Because you sure as hell can't be talking about the minute difference between 600ms to 650/750ms when dog fighting.
  7. MasterTater

    Well - a lot of them do - already tons of "free to use" cheats already out there and guess what - there is still no anti cheat protection except a GM which goes online 2 hours a day,
  8. MasterTater

    LOL dude you dont have the fk of a clue how the details look like on Vanu weapons - you did not even mention the outrageous dmg drop of the Light PPA which already got the slowest RoF AND is completely useless behind 100 meters. And the dmg which you stated is infantry only - the dmg is completely curbed by Vehicle armor

    But ty for your fact free nerdrage and stating only half of the numbers to QQ cry-bytch bullsheit into this thread
  9. MasterTater

    All those faction advantages are complete rubbish anyway as they are so rotten unbalanced to the core and for VS so useless situational that the permanent useful and always active advantages of TR/NC will always exceed completely useless "no bullet drop" which might play a role in maybe 10 percent fire fights.


    No bullet drop can be achieved by TR / NC with the use of High Velo Ammunition.
  10. Slyguy65

    LOL outsnipe...a sniper...A VANU SNIPER AHHHAAA.

    Son...with the default vanu sniper I can roll close/mid/and long range with with the no damage drop will be even easier to PEW PEW at long ya this guy has a point, you clearly don't see it cause your VS...go TR and try

    OUT SNIPING a sniper...seriously
  11. Bill Hicks

    Oh excellent experiment. Make a VS alt use a weapon you are not used to. Fight against a few people and get killed = VS are balanced.

    Can i haz no boolet drop my saw too ?
  12. Bill Hicks

    Bullet drop makes a massive about difference. It could mean killing the sniper on the hill before he can headshot you. I means being able to shoot without a split second of adjusting your shot. Now you have an advantage against anyone you has to adjust.

    I played VS throughout beta and in the early days of full release, so I'm fairly accustomed to the VS carbines, as I primarily played LA. If you're implying that I got killed a lot, my KDR was 100:34 in the ~1 hour I played on an almost entirely uncerted character. But we all know how unimportant KDR is. Anyway, the VS are balanced at range, as I said before. The NC (which is my primary faction) still outperforms them at range, which is acceptable, in my opinion, due to the VS excelling at CQC against NC. I didn't get to try them out much against the TR post-patch, which could prove to be an entirely different kettle of fish.
  14. Vikarius

    Incorrect, they do not have the highest velocities across the board.
    Try again.

    You can keep posting childishly, but you are only hurting yourself with your little hissy fits
  15. Bill Hicks

    You do know that almost every fight and every fight the matters ( fight for the control point) is CQC that means the VS are OP.
    I do not see any difference in long range ability between factions. The only advantage is the gauss saw.
  16. Strottinglemon

    Haha! Another primitive warmonger that still uses "bullets". It should be no surprise that our pristine energy weapons have advanced past your metal barfing contraptions. Our scientists simply figured out how to keep the energy bolt from dissipating by using electromagnetic fields, drastically reducing ranged damage falloff. Our weapons are just more advanced than yours. Get over it simpleton.
  17. MaddPhish

    Testing bullet drop. Hopped onto a newly minted TR infiltrator and headed for a hill south of The Crown. In my sights about 400m away was a line of Engineers on their AV Turrets. An Engineer filled the space between the center two most mil dots if the default scope of the default rifle. Total adjustment for bullet drop on this shot was one mil dot. NC's default rifle with default scope yielded similar results.

    Burst firing at Vanu soldiers in the hills around Zurvan with a new favorite the accurate LMG T9 CARV with iron sights showed no need to compensate at ~100 m. Five round bursts usually landed 1-2 hits, usually the first being the hit that landed. The Gauss SAW proved to have too little inherent accuracy to test very thoroughly in this manner, it is however a close combat monster. The Medic's AR showed no need for compensation on the VR range.

    All of this leads me to conclude bullet drop is a non-issue really. To hear some people tell it I was expecting this to be like shooting the VSS Vintorez on STALKER.
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  18. Mambakiller

  19. ent|ty

    Did they nerf that in the last few days or so? Seemed to me from the patch was that the Light PPA even got lighter... or suddenly I had such an unexplained skill drop that I couldn't kill any infantry with it anymore.
  20. Prudentia

    I just want to say One thing:
    CQC: Fullauto
    Far range: switch to singlefire... nope don't do it, VS are bugged for months, we have bulletdrop if we switch to singlefire mode, just as you. If you want to test it, go into the VR, grab a weapon like the Corvus (the long range medic gun, just so you can see how funny it really is) and try to hit the tiny red dot on the sides of Prowlers in fullauto with tap firing and singleshot mode.
    Yeah "vanu weapons, now the best at range without bulletdrop"