Why does it bother all of the ANONS about the revolver prices?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Nyscha, Apr 18, 2013.

  1. Eddie MEth

    That whole complaining is pointless. There is same weapon variant for regular cert price so what to whinne about? I would understand it if golden version would be better or something, but that kind of attitude is toxic. Lot of game developers doing things like that, not because most players would go crazy to get that weapon, but to get some money, from richest or most obsessed/intrested in that kind of skin, at relatively low cost (wow changing part of texture to gold instead of silver, thats whole lot of work hours), basically free action with good income margin. If you don't have money to buy, or don't need limo, you're not buying it, or chosing cheaper car. Who will forbid guy with more money than you to buy something better (in this case looking) that you? If they won't start selling every new weapon with build in pretty skin variants, I don't have problems with it. I don't really want to see battlefield scattered with golden weapons and vehicle wrecks I've had enough of it in CoD:)
  2. Chiss

    Just because you can afford it does not mean you can afford to buy it ;)

    I have a lot of money in my bank... I can afford a lot of things, but i cannot afford to buy a lot of things, as i have to use it on my bills/food/etc.
  3. K3STR3L

    Last I heard you didn't have to spend SC on food and bills?
  4. ent|ty

    1) Oh, so paying outrageous prices for a digital row of arbitrary values is SUPPORTING a developer, then why not charge 10,000 SC. After all, a fanboi can rationalize any price, as long as its under the banner of 'support'.

    2) We don't owe a developer 'support', unless we are a stockholder, this is our investment, and we are going to get dividend checks from it.

    3) I'm just a customer, wanting a FINISHED, TESTED product. So sorry, I don't buy into this fake 'indie developer' thing SOE is trying to masquerade is (or at least Fanbois are trying to represent them as). I'm not fooled.

    Minecraft was an indie project. It allowed me to play an early version of the game (that was for all intents and purposes FINISHED circa 1.3 beta, but they figured on more), so I bought the game for $13 and I guess I was supporting them, then bought a second at $20 on Alpha release because I loved Minecraft so much.

    But if Mojang started selling enchanted swords and 'micro transaction' type crap, I would not be very happy.

    If SOE wants true longevity, they need to go Valve way (pre micro transaction) where the release a game in whole, and allow the community to develop mods and games on it. Thats where new sales come from.

    There's a reason why 10+ years later, people are stilll playing Counterstrike. Think PS2 will last that long? They got a long way to prove that.
  5. Shasbot

    Only good thing about this is that you can trial each gun 3 times.
  6. Chiss

    Maybe that's all the SC he has, and hes saving it for more things in the future, and as a result, cant afford to blow 1/3 of it on a skin.
  7. CaptainTenneal

    Wow, this is a free game people... how else are they going to make money? Let people pay for their golden guns, and thank them in game for keeping the game going. I swear, some of you are prepping for your Occupy Sony protest :confused:
  8. Mindjacker

    Bought the standard version and have to agree with the OP just thought the gold one looks a little bit too yellow and the white one looks best anyways hehe ( but that's just my personal taste). I love this pistol :) - thx dev's

    PS. i would get black camo in a second lol
  9. SgtScum

    Some people want a Lamborghini but are upset about how costly it is..

    At least in this case there is zero difference between the regular, gold and black models other than skin color so if you do want the bling welp guess what?

    You have to pay for it.
  10. foesjoe

    I've already invested enough money into this game. And I "should" not be doing anything. SOE are a manufacturer of video games. I'm a consumer of video games. As in any other market, I'll only buy the products I deem worth it. And a digital golden revolver for $20 is certainly not worth it in my opinion.
  11. Zaik

    i almost bought the gold commissioner instead just to get the hate tells after killing people with it.
  12. MNO

    Good for you, it's great that you support the game, even if someone only buys one camo, that's better than nothing.

    I get you, $20 revolver isn't worth it for me either, and I wouldn't buy it, but I have no qualms with the price because I know other people will be happy to buy it, $20 for a bit of gold - again who cares? Good for them.
  13. FightingFirst

    Ive got no problem with it. You can get the same stats in the base gun and you can pay more to look different. As long as they both have the same stats then it is fine.
  14. Drengin

    I bought the black version because 1) It looks cool and 2) I'm happy to support a game that I spend an absurd amount of hours playing. Some people have extra money that they are happy to spend supporting developers, and more power to SOE for giving them ways to do so without giving ingame advantages.

    And honestly, if you think that's bad, Path of Exile (which runs exclusively off micro-transactions) lets you design your own unique item (that you still have to find the hard way) for $1000. Yes that is the right number. If SOE wants to release a $20 cosmetic gun, as long as you can get a non-cosmetic version in the usual ways, I have no issue with it.
  15. Goretzu

    It's the precendent it sets and the path it marks out.

    If you've ever played an EA F2P game you'd know exactly what I mean. :(
  16. Zakuak

    I was hell bent to buy the gold one but once I got in game I did not like the way it looked so I got the regular commissioner chucked a camo on it and away I went.

    Badass weapon btw =).

    I see some valid points about the excessive pricing. I'm sure the SOE guys are giggling right now and writing up more "gold" ideas after seeing that yes in fact some people will buy the more expensive duplicates based upon price. I would hope this small fancy does not spin out of control and raise prices across the board, that would suck. Some fun for SOE and fun for those who are willing to shell out the extra SC for gold items, ok no big deal...lets just not get out of control with the idea.
  17. Drengin

    I'm sure everyone feels the same way. As long as they don't get too carried away, I think the occasional cosmetic gimmick to support SOE is fine.
  18. Aurelious

    Its basic marketing. Is a $500 coach purse really better than a $20 purse bought at Walmart? Increasing the price increases demand for it. The gold version is just a way to show off to everyone else what you have and in a way what you paid for it. Nothing wrong with that. There are cheaper alternatives just as good. And if you decide to buy the pricier version, more power to ya.
    • Up x 1
  19. ItchySox

    I see the 'politics of envy' are alive, well and working for SOE in this thread. :) Welcome to 'hyperreality' Folks and always remember, shopping is a 'cultural' activity. Oh and feel free to tell me to **** off. ;)
  20. YoXn

    Yea. but Golden eye was a killer game. That's what made the whole Golden gun famous.