Falcon post-GU07

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Intruder313, Apr 19, 2013.

  1. Intruder313

    • dramatic reduction in gravity makes them far easier to aim, especially at longer ranges
    • significantly higher velocity, again making it easier land hits, especially vs. moving targets
    • their visibility helps you correct your aim
    • lower damage reduces "Alpha", not a big deal except when catching a tank from behind.
    • lower DPS overall despite slightly increased RoF
    • rocket trails make you easier to pinpoint
    Overall while the DPS has dropped they are so much easier to use and thus have more effective DPS as target-range increases.

    I feel they are now better overall and will use them more often.
  2. mindbomb

    i pretty much only used the old falcons on deployed sunderers near amp station walls, where only dps and projectile visibility mattered.
  3. Drstrangewolf


    New animation just like the old one a dumbfire rocket that causes alot of damage
  4. Icedaemon

    I disagree. The old Falcon had a nice arc that one could compensate for fairly easily. Having a projectile which practically flies straight is easier to use for newbies, but less fun and can't do some of the potentially cool things which an experienced player could do with the prior version. The new big obvious noisy projectile is relatively easily avoided by infantry and quickly reveals the shooter's position, meaning that the NC MAX is now significant worse at flanking, which is what a good AT MAX ought to go in for as even a bog-standard lightning will out-DPS you. The obvious projectile alone makes up for the projectile speed boost. I'd say that the old arc was so minor that reducing projectile drop is almost a matter of taste rather than a buff - even a shrike dropped a lot more than a Falcon shell.
    • Up x 2
  5. RobotNinja

    Mmmm-hmmmm, mmm-hmmmm...but more to the point, I love Christmas as much the next guy but your Christmas themed forum sig is woefully out of season.