Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by MidKnightRaiders, Mar 19, 2013.

  1. PyroPaul

    the S versions of a weapon is intended to be a slightly weaker version but with a larger degree of customization, as well as having access to a unique function the normal variant doesn't have (under barrel launcher for rifles/carbines)

    Problem with the LMG version is simply that it has nothing that is better then the Default SAW.

    the TR and VS LMG have a very sparse selection of add-on's, so when you finally get the S version it allows you those things which the default doesn't have. NC on the other hand have a very healthy selection of add-on's for the default LMG, as well as an Advanced version of one of the rail additions.

    what ultimately happens with the SAW S is that, instead of being an more customized version of the default SAW, it becomes a bastardized in-between for the EM6 and SAW which ends up with all the negatives of both.
  2. Alarox

    I see no reason to take it over the EM6 or Gauss Saw. EM6 all-rounder or Gauss Saw long-range precision.
  3. ChaosRender

    I am curious how this tread turns out as I don't like the lack of usefulness in the stock Saw but do like the higher ammo per mag. So that only leaves the EM1, Saw S and the EM6 and I am curious which people like most.

    From what I have seen from limited testing
    EM1 is good CQC
    The Saw S is just a straight upgrade to the default
    And the EM6 is the jack of all trades.
  4. Word Of Madness

    The SAW-S is a lot closer to the EM6 than it is to the Gauss SAW. The SAW-S has a lower ROF, more recoil, smaller magazine and smaller overall ammo capacity than the EM6. In return it gains increased projectile velocity and access to soft point ammo. It's not really worth it IMO.
    • Up x 1
  5. TintaBux

    So far more accurate than EM6 with SAW S, though feels the same, something like about it more, can't catch what it is.
  6. X3Killjaeden

    EM1 is laughable CQC, use the Anchor. In VR everything looks kinda awesome because TTK on standing targets is very low on all guns. Even Battlerifles right now seem "super awesome" at 20m.
  7. ChaosRender

    By limited testing I mean weapon trials in combat with players, and the EM1 preformed just fine the only down side I see that while fast for a NC LMG it is inferior to TR and VS weapons of the same type. Also the Anchor only has 50 rounds while leaves it out of the category.
  8. X3Killjaeden

    And also inferior to EM6 for dps except advanced laser. And Anchor basically is EM6 in terms of damage and has advanced laser. If you can't kill somebody with 50 rounds... you have other problems. Because the reload of the Anchor is one of the quickest for NC LMG, you just have to reload more often. Anchor combines the dps bonus of the EM6 with the good handling of the GD-22S and the advanced laser of the EM1. Plus it has a unique model...
    There's a reason why basically no-one uses the EM1
  9. Flashtirade

    b-but I use the EM1 ;_;

    There are a lot of statistics going against the EM1. However, I still enjoy using it. It's the unloved child of the Orion and the CARV.
  10. Shadowsun

    lack of usefulness in the stock Saw
    u w0t m8?
  11. ChaosRender

    If you want to run Advanced fore grip and compensator it is a nice average gun. If you want a silencer, or better hip fire, or in general a more versatile gun the Gauss Saw just wont cut it.

    The Gauss Saw is good for sniping, and that only need a 30 cert investment, what I am looking for is a LMG with more than 50 rounds and is over a good weapon, and the default Saw is not that.
  12. Tythes

    Personally, I found myself going back to the SAW-S for longer range. I put a 2x reflex, foregrip, compensator and HVA. It has a similar feel to the EM6 which I use for shorter range but has the highest projectile velocity of any NC lmg. I've found that for me ROF and projectile velocity trumps accuracy and low recoil when engaging at long range. That's why my favourite LMG in game is the SVA-88 :D I've purchased every single NC LMG but always found something I didn't like about them for long range. Here are my thoughts:

    GD-22s: Hard to land hits on moving targets at range due to it's low default velocity and no HVA.
    SAW: Too inaccurate while moving +ADSing. I like to move while I shoot, personal play style.
    EM6: Very close contender! Slightly more accurate due to lower recoil. However, the SAW-S has 45m/s faster velocity.
    Anchor: Awesome gun but no reflex 2x and no HVA makes it a non option for long range.
    NS-15M: I wanted to love this gun! On paper it sounds amazing: it has amazing projectile velocity, quick reload, high ROF, accurate ADS move, 0.75x ADS move speed and has all key attachments (compensator, HVA, 2X reflex). In practice however, I found the recoil of this gun extremely chaotic and very hard to compensate for! I might give this one another go in the future though.
  13. Shadowsun

    Well then you aren't aware of the potential that SAW has,i myself have around 15000kills only with NC lmgs and after playing with every LMG even the new one,got to say with the skills i developed over 25days playtime(when to crouch,when to strafe left/right ,when to strafe only one side and how to,when to bunnyhop and most importantly how and when to do short bursts with lmgs especially with Gauss Saw,like 2-4shot bursts in closeC and medium-long)the GaussSaw is the absolute Alpha badass LMG of them all(take into account HEADSHOTS 200X2/1khp enemy and 500RPM compensates for its recoil i.e. you can put many bullets at one target without feeling that you are shooting blanks, like withT9-carv),close second would be EM6.BUT i guess it all depends on how you want to play and or do you want to try something new with the thing you aren't doing really well /some variation can't hurt.And btw you won't find an LMG with 50+mag rounds that has the attributes you are looking for because(just look on how many LMGs there are,every has their own specific/unique stats).And at the end if you do have problem with CQC gaussSAW try short bursts while bunny hopping ,it works but unofortunately/fortunately if you are SKILLED enough.