NS-44 Commisioner

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kon, Apr 16, 2013.

  1. Kon

    The New NS Revolvers is on the PTS available in all varieties


    get on the PTS and try them they are AAAWWEEESSSOOOMMMEEE!!!!!!!!!
  2. Sturmwaffles

    1000 certs. :c.
  3. Mechspectre

    Do they all have the same stats?
  4. Aquilae

  5. bodmans

    promotional cosmetics i guess, so yes
  6. Aesir

    There is also a shorter version, which deals less damage but has better RoF. At CQC the short one also only need 3 body shots to kill a HA. While the Commissioner is more like a medium range pistol, still 3 rounds to kill a HA at close range is mighty ..
  7. Kon

    2 Hits Infils tho, underboss doesnt do that,
  8. Maljas23

    Just got off the PTR after trying them both out, and honestly I'm pretty torn on which one to buy atm. Leaning toward the Commissioner atm, but will see when they get to live.
  9. treeHamster

    When is the update? Tomorrow morning?

    Edit: 1000 certs for a pistol?!? Come on....
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  10. Sebastien

    That muzzle looks very disappointing.
  11. sustainedfire

    No word yet, though im guessing Friday.

    Its getting late, and there is typically an announcment that the servers will be down for a few hours, followed by people complaining about how it cut into their play time. :eek:
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  12. Fiatsu

    It's a common pool pistol?
  13. sustainedfire

    Anything with NS attached to it is common pool.

    Expect common pool everything.

    NS SMG, NS AS, NS Grenades, NS Knife.

    Even the upcoming buggies are NS
  14. Aesir

    If you make a bodyshot with the commissioner at point blank and than instantly knife ... it's almost like Infiltrator shotguns are back... xD
  15. Radec594

    Screw the Commissioner, I'm in love with this little beauty.


    Kicks way less and fires faster.
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  16. GSZenith

    1k cert -_-
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  17. RHINO_Mk.II

    Expect everything new to have either 1k pricetag or suck from this point forward.
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  18. Bill Hicks

    anyone got a vid of the underboss?
  19. Xhaleon


    Pick your poison.
  20. SgtBreastroker

    Oh well, better start saving on my accounts.