NC being fed alert certs on Helios. disgusting

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Llaf, Apr 16, 2013.

  1. Llaf

    Seen lots of other threads popping up about how unfair alerts are when a server is severely pop imbalanced. Just wanted to add to that whole set of threads by saying I agree. It is extremely evident how unfair these alerts are on Helios, the NC has won nearly every single alert since the alerts came out, most of them dominating victories and/or full continent caps. The NC here are being force-fed certs by this system, and if it is allowed to continue, could possibly throw character progression even further out of whack than it already has been by the cert-pocalypse. Fix the population on Helios, I don't care how, just fix it.
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  2. Chiss

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  3. Llaf

    Don't wah me, it is a perfectly legitimate reason to be pissed. Until you come here, until you see what its like, don't you dare mock me.
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  4. Copasetic

    It's a legitimate point. The longer this goes on the more the other two empire populations will decline, with some of those people choosing to leave the game entirely.
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  5. Recce

    Um, the continent on which the alert takes place is usually split 33% each way ito population?
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  6. Paperlamp

    It is a legitimate complaint, the small % of bonus XP for being on the underdog factions is completely negated by the overpopulated one getting huge rewards from alerts. There's more incentive, XP wise, to further imbalance population and go NC right now 'cause you're guaranteed lots of easy XP from alerts.

    Personally I'm close to being done with the game, can only really find any good fights on weekends and for a few hours in the evening on weekdays anymore. 3KDC swarms both the other factions during late night/morning, and NC usually has Indar from taking it when most are asleep and their population is ridiculously high. Will wait to see how the Connery/Helios merge goes I guess.

    No, at high activity times that can be the case, but especially when it's on amerish/esamir, many people just stay on indar so that the overpopulated faction can't cap it during the alerts. The overpopulated faction pretty much gets a free continent or two while these alerts go on, sometimes it'll be the alert continent if there aren't enough people on to bring it to 33/33/33, when there are enough to cap the alert pops, NC's mass numbers over their limit take something else.
  7. Jrv

    Thread is full of crap, every Alert I've been in over the past few weeks has been relatively even pop. Hell, Terran even had 45% the other day on the indar alert, and I'm pretty sure Vanu won a few alerts this week as well. Most every alert is 33/33/33 though, or at least around it.
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  8. 13lackCats

    What kills me is that these types of posts actually make it worse.
  9. maxkeiser


    For the love of god please stop the god damn whining.
  10. Zaik

    hey everybody come play helios nc for free certs
    -Liaf, 2013
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  11. Paperlamp

    Game isn't fair.
    Game can be fixed, unlike life.
    Reason to "whine".

    Thinking good, whining about people thinking bad.
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  12. Recce

  13. Paperlamp

    When there are lots of players on, the alert continent might have more even balance due to the player limit being reached. But with that limit being a much smaller % of total VS and TR numbers, NC has tons of players who can't be on the alert continent, so their numerical dominance moves over to the other continents. Sometimes TR/VS don't even bother with the alerts though because they don't want the NC capping indar while too many of them are at an alert.

    When there aren't lots of players on, NC just dominate the alert continent with 50+% of population on that cont, without much sacrifice on the other continents. Example:


    +18% XP for fighting while vastly outnumbered, or ~10k+ XP at the end, tough decision eh?
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  14. dabic202

    We made the other this kind of theme topic popular... dont help me make this one popular too xD i wont be on this one i guess im finish with the argument, PS: i dont like arguments it feels like im angry on someone, i am not really.
  15. dabic202

    If i understood you right, yes IKR its annoying people are making this tiny tiny problem into a big deal...
  16. Recce

    So basically other factions don't want to fight on alert continents because they might lose Indar (really?), and then they cry that they don't win the alerts because they were not on the alert continent because they were fighting on Indar? I thought the purpose of alerts was to get everyone off bloody Indar and to fight on an evenly populated continent for an hour or two.
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  17. Zenith

    The U.S servers are so strange, in the EU the NC actually tend to lose most alerts, with TR/VS zerging everything in sight.
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  18. Gisgo

    If everyone joins the alert the population is perfectly even 33-33-33.
    If people doesnt join the alerts (or just logs into their NC character) because they think they might lose, then you know who is to blame.
    Faction hoppers for faction hopping and SOE that lets them do it without a cooldown.
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  19. Laraso

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  20. Zenith

    Just have a one faction limit per server. Problem solved.