[Q] Benefits?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by dabic202, Apr 14, 2013.

  1. dabic202

    Hi Everyone!

    I'm just wondering, which benefits (Upsides, Downsides) does the three factions have?
    NO, Im not trying to find a way to say that NC players are the best just because all i know about benefits is that the TR has increased fire rate and dual cannon on the Heavy tank (Lol cant remember the name even though i used it 1 month ago when i played TR) and the VS has increased fire rate and lowered recoil.

    This question just came out of curiosity because im curious not because i want to say that some factions are bether more nooby than others, im just checking to get even bether known with the factions even though i have at least 400h playtime in total... (No again that was not to try to bragg... xD it isnt even impressive, because it isnt much i think, dont comment on my playtime... its not worth it...)

  2. applepienation

    From what I know:
    NC: Low ROF, High damage per shot, high bullet drop. Tough to kill but slow.
    TR: High firerate, large clip size. Easier to kill.
    VS: Low recoil, no bullet drop. Maneuverable
  3. dabic202

    *Facepalm... You sir must learn how to read a full text... ;)
  4. dabic202

    Thanks dude you Actually helped me. =) unlike that guy Total_underkill...
  5. dabic202

    EExactly... Also note: its like 02:30 AM here...
  6. Xind

    NC Advantages: 200 Damage per shot weapons, Best CQC MAX/Best AV MAX, Reaver Air Hammer, Highest Damage MBT (not DPS), Best HA AV weapon.
    NC Disadvantages: Slower firing weapons, Lack medium range MAX AI Weapons, Reaver is a Flying Brick, Vanguard is considered bad(???)

    VS Advantages: No bullet drop on shotgun slugs, Mother natures natural night camo, Strafing MBT /w good secondary, Solid ESF.
    VS Disadvantages: Mediocre Max suit, Lancer is mediocre, Spandex, No bullet drop doesn't come up in 75%+ of fights,

    TR Advantages: Most ammo in Magazine, Best Infantry Farming MBT, Best (arguable) ESF, Solid AI MAX, Best HA AA weapon, Best Pistol.
    TR disadvantages: Long reloads, worst AV MBT, worst AI/AP mine, Lack of Vanu booty

    In conclusion, NC has the most advantages in addition to disadvantages. TR/VS share pretty evenly the High RoF trait and their respective other faction traits (extra bullets in magazine and no bullet drop) don't come up in every battle situation or engagement. It can be argued that extra bullets in magazine is more valuable than no bullet drop and I would agree with this statement, but it's really not significant enough to be a faction trait especially after the re balancing of total ammunition reserves across the board.

    Other things: I personally view the MBTs as more even than most people in the role of Anti-Armor. But since that is not the prevalent use of tanks they are hopelessly skewed.

    I also view the state of all ESFs as closer than most people would like to admit. That said as a ground pounder and not a flyer.
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  7. Chiss

    Honestly, the differences in weapons are very minor. All empires have good weapons.

    TR have the best ESF
    VS are a close 2nd
    NC have the notably worst ESF

    VS has the easiest to use MBT (and the best in my opinion)

    NC have the best MAX for CQC
    TR have the best overall AI MAX
    TR will have the best AA MAX by a long shot (dual burster + lockdown)

    ESRL's are pretty even...
    many say TR have the best ESRL
    i personally think VS have the best ESRL

    Other than that... therse no big differences, everyone is the same. yawn.
  8. dabic202

    Thanks ALOT dude, now i know idk most about it and it sounds pretty fair probably some new tactics to try tomorrow because im not going to study because im sick xD...

    I would personally like to add you in game, so if you want and you are NC or have a NC accounts add me: Dabic
  9. Xind

    I appreciate that, but I play TR exclusively on Waterson server. And I am unable to give out my Identity...my loved ones would be in danger.
  10. dabic202

    Ok i understand ;) But thanks for your help anyways. -Dabic
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  11. dabic202

    Thanks for another tip, appreciate it ;) But how did you get your signature? i cant seem to get my URL to work...?[/quote]
  12. Frosty The Pyro

    TR has bigger magazines
    VS has faster reloads and tend to have slightly faster projectiles
    NC have very acurate first shots when ADS
  13. dabic202

    Ok. :)
  14. VanuSovereignty

  15. dabic202