Do you notice few people going medic

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RHYS4190, Apr 13, 2013.

  1. Chinchy

    A speed medic wins every time when you can out run 80% of the mutants.
  2. SinerAthin

    I'm guessing you played after TBC?

    No wonder you got sick ;)
    I played on Vanilla and preferred the PvP there. Was a few balance issues, but it was pretty crazy, fast and fun.

    But then the game became dominated by healers, tonnes of HP to enable all the blind people with zero reaction time to play. And world PvP, my dear love, went down the drain :(

    I don't like being oneshot, but I don't like people living forever either. I appreciate a middle ground.
  3. Devrailis

    I actually see a lot of people play medic.

    What I don't see, is a lot of people who play medic competently.

    Yes medics, your medi-tool CAN actually revive people. I hear it's worth good certs too. :rolleyes:
    • Up x 1
  4. Chinchy

    Less people playing medic right means more, certs for me.
  5. TeknoBug

    No, just before TBC, I think I played through 1 month into TBC (that was released Dec 19 2006?)
  6. Clonecenter-resident

  7. WalrusJones

    You realize the games dynamic scaling made it so specimens were five difficulties easier solo..... -.-
  8. TeknoBug

    AFAIK the Carnage and GR-22 are very identical in almost everything except the Carnage has a nasty recoil kick to the left whereas the GR-22's sideways recoil is almost non-existent.
  9. RHYS4190

    seems the engineers do definitely have the better gun's. Guass s has horrible recoil compered to the merc which is a standard gun it really easy to keep that thing on target.

    And the SAW really is a total superior to the Guass S in accuracy and fire power/ you got more accuracy bigger clip more damage per bullet/ I do really think medic class is under powered on all the factions.

    I think easy way to fix this is buff the NS-11A and every one will reap the rewards. I rather sick of people complaining about every one elses weapons/ BEST thing BF2 BF3 did was decided ok we going ot give every one access to the same weapons.
  10. RHYS4190

    nah mate you got them mixed up/ carnage recoil is non existant where as the GR-22 has a very sharp pull to the right which makes it horrible to use.

    IF they fixed that we have a really good all rounder weapon. to use that gun at all you have to fight it all the time it simply not worth the effort ether.
  11. SinerAthin

    Sounds like you were too late to the party then :p

    At least you left before it got turned into Panda-Craft, lol
  12. Aisar

    I have not played Medic in at least a month and don't plan on touching the class ever again. It's not fun, it's not satisfying, it's not appealing. I play HA, Engi and MAX exclusively (Infil very rarely) with every vehicle type save Gal thrown in as needed.
  13. Nocturnal7x

    I understood you bud :p bunch of Killing Floor lacking noobs on these forums.

    anyway, Id bet its because of desync and lag, my friend plays a medic and often, very often gets screwed for XP for revives / heals because this game is bad.
  14. WalrusJones

    Of course, the new wave of KF'ers are laggards who think the Tommy Gun has backbreaking recoil....
  15. Bill Hicks

    Before they nerfed the crossbow, a medic could solo the hardest mode. Of course the sharpshooter was and is completely op
  16. }{ellKnight

    Completely disagree. I rez a lot of people and as a TR I kill a lot of people with my TRV (the fastest firing AR in the game). I rarely see low level tool medics around mostly everybody has rank 3 and above.
  17. WalrusJones


    HOE mode...

    And 5000 pound ammunition.... MMMMHMHHHMMMMMMMHHHH.
  18. Sen7ryGun84

    Its kind of funny on my server (briggs). Playing my TR toon I don't see many medics at all but huge amount of engineers so I play medic to fill the gap and make some points. On my NC character the field is loaded with medics soil make heaps more points playing engineer.
  19. vastaitku

    My black nurse has her meditool maxed and is gonna give you all the sexual healing you need, mm-hmm! [IMG]

    I think the combat medic is very useful when trying to defend highly contested capture points with few people.
  20. Dubious

    There were more medics before cause they could survive a gun fight, but now everything is OHK