Is the population count decreasing

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by hwdge, Apr 13, 2013.

  1. nella

    Many outfits on Miller are losing A LOT of members. Outfits that could run with 6 squads 2 months ago are now down to 2 squads at best.
  2. QuantumMechanic

    Still waiting for Connery and Helios to merge.
  3. Trucky

    Those glory days ps2 had at the begining arent going to return, not till the fix the game and stop nerfing vehicles.
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  4. WalrusJones

    I wonder if the server merges are to blame, partially.

    I mean, we rarely see combat out of continent, because its hard to motivate players to play on more then one at a time (Or ever, thanks to some players.)

    We then see players play less due to... Them getting slotted on Esamir, and due to the 80-20 rule, only 20% of the people stay logged on outside of an alert continent/indar.
    Then we see people who don't play for weeks due to continent availability....
    Who then quit all-together from indar turning to a ghosttown from lower loggin rates from people logging in and seeing ques to go onto indar.
  5. Hatamoto

    SOE is the Uwe Boll of the gaming industry ... they are so much alike its scary, atleast on the surface. I have no idea what logic SOE follows in bussiness but they sure as hell arent out to make big titles and support them properly, atleast they know their limits from the get go. Just like Uwe.
  6. VSDerp

    but still on forums ? lmao
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  7. holycaveman

    LOL I also think part of the problem is everyone is so spoiled and unhappy if they don't get their way. Shoot everyone whined about air, but when air was the strongest the population was also. Nerfed air, and not look at the population? Not saying that was the reason. But there are way too many whiners in this game. I mean look at the forums!! Just about every single thing is whined about. I whine too. Yet I have not found a better game out there.

    I think it needs a twist of some sort. Not sure what that would be. the more awesome weapons they make, the harder it is to stay alive. No one likes to die. Would be tough to please everyone, that is for sure.
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  8. Aisar

    I have to mention that I just tried to play as NC on Connery I saw one single full size platoon going (I really tried to get another to show up on the platoon screen, no good) and they weren't even communicating. Now coming from Mattherson, this is shocking. Is this what Connery and some servers have to deal with, don't have the words. This is late primetime on a Saturday night, on a west coast server mind you, wtf is going on?
  9. Doktor Fink

    Pure speculation on my part, but I think connery TR lock platoons to outfit only. I have no idea why, but there you go.
    On VS at least, We have lots of open platoons during primetime.
  10. Chubzdoomer

    This is priceless when you look at what Liquid23 posted (more or less implying that the game isn't losing players, and that we're just looking for reasons to complain).
  11. Tnsr

    SOE probably isn't surprised on the population decrease. How could they? They are not far away from hoaxing.
  12. 99Problems

    Its real easy to help keep the population.

    1. Buff vehicles... Especially MBTs
    2. Enclose Bases so Infantry have to enter to cap. Make it where vehicles cant enter the main complex.
    3. Make the bases more defensive in nature. Create more choke points.

    Basically this will accomplish 2 things. Bases will be owned by Infantry. Everything else will be owned by vehicles. None of this ... Lets make infantry as powerful as a tank. No more weak sauce paper tanks. Infantry can still get their jollies off inside base caps where the vehicles are stuck outside. The second thing it will do is slow the game down. Allow longer more meaningful combat. Half the time I don't even pay attention to where I am fighting because I will be swept up to the next base before it matters.... slow it down and make each cap count. Make vehicles have to PUSH to the next base... not just stroll over, blow up, and zerg till its capped.

    Basically learn from PS1 and actually make a good game.
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  13. Aisar

    I am trying to find a server to play NC on, I am going to keep my TR on Mattherson my main TR character. I was talking about NC.

    If there's a server with a solid NC community regardless of being East or West and wants to recommend it that would be great. Not so sure about Connery NC based on my short time there.
  14. Selerox

    Cobalt is feeling busier than it has done for a while. Unless you're lucky enough to be on a the right continent when an Alert hits, you'll be waiting in a warp queue for the next 25 minutes.

    I can't see the hex lattice system making it any quieter.
  15. colt .45 killer

    Someone get this man a ******* medal, he's taken the words right outa my mouth.
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  16. Bloodmyth

    On Miller (eu) it really isn't hard to find battles, there's always a queue for Alert and I see Zerg fest fights from outfits and we didn't have a server merge, guess I picked lucky ;)
  17. Salamanerd

    The Vanu are much more team oriented with more open platoons. Mostly because vanu were forced to work together to get anything done when outnumbered. I seen a single platoon of vanu hold off 2 platoons until they backed offf.

    But for NC I have a theory,

    They are more on the zerg side of things, and tend to be hilariously defeated by TR and VS. The NC are so numerous on connery they just zerg with what they see, not actual strategy most of the time. They tend to be easily diverted and distracted from real threats with very little real leadership to notice the intent behind an attack or defense.

    With no population shortage, the NC are content to just run up and start shooting, sure that their numbers will win over tactics.
  18. TintaBux

    We really need new game modes and continents after the new hex system is done, it has to be a priority, more people are leaving as the game is just the same over and over again.
  19. PyroPaul

    That has more to do with the fact that SoE doesn't fix problems, just nerfs/buffs things into oblivion.... effectively applying band-aids to fix broken bones and internal bleeding.

    They didn't fix the problems with air...
    they Nerfed Air's damage and Buffed anti-air's damage so that being in a bird was tantamount to suicide.

    Oh, Air was a problem because the synergy between Rocket Pods and High Mobility ESF is MASSIVE, and Rocket Pods should of been replaced with some sort of Lock-on anti-tank missile instead?

    Nah, lets nerf air till it is broken! that will fix the problem!
  20. Marinealver

    lol I log back on from time to time (only to CTD out of the game) Still I will admit I am disappointed with the gameplay and the metagame as well as the optimization. I'll keep checking back hoping for improvements.
    That has always been a problem with forumside (or any videogame forum boards out there) Most companies treat them as if a politician listening to a general assembly, look for trends see which are effecting the game in a way that needs addressing and make solutions to that problem. Now the Buff/Nerf war is never going to end and they know it so the forums don't get that much attention when regarding those.

    Now for a better game out there, IMHO Planetside 1 was (and still is) a better game, however being a strictly PvP MMOFPS it is dependent on the players and since it is still a subscription based game and Planetside 2 is a F2P game very few people (and I do literally mean only a few)can be found playing it at a peak time. Planetside 2 has gaps in the gameplay, Those gaps are surreptitiously filled but you can still see them. For example redeploying killing your character and the fact you have to die to get inside a drop pod (in the past game you had to take a shuttle). Still it is the only MMOFPS available to me that other people are playing.
    True, I would like that, most of the changes were made to say "streamline" the game to make it easier and faster to get to the action and add more "modern" FPS elements. I look at those changes and said they made a CoD/BF online.:(
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