Regarding Claymores. (They Suck)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by -Synapse-, Apr 12, 2013.

  1. Gustavo M

    Yeah. Claymores does "suck", all right.
  2. Ztiller

    I believe that most people think they suck, because they lack the brain capacity to treat them as Claymores, and not as Proximity mines. They hide them in plain sight, instead of around corners.
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  3. Fenrisk

    If your not going to read the thread don't bother posting. Your point was countered on page one.
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  4. nella

    If anything, they should all be like the claymore. You actually have to think when planting a claymore, and people can spot badly placed ones.

    Don't buff claymores, nerf NC & VS AP mines.
  5. EvilPhd

    Put it on the side on the door, not in the middle silly!
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  6. GamerGawd

    TR clay is the worst design possible. Might as well put a disco ball over it.
  7. -Synapse-

    Good point, but I put them in the middle to make them easier to see for the sake of demonstration. Normally I would have hid it around the corner.
  8. Goretzu

    That's the point though you can't do that as well with VS and NC mines because the trigger distance is central and the total blast distance is smaller.

    So you stick a NC/VS mine behind a door pillar and 1) it may not tigger at all as it won't cover the whole door way, 2) it may trigger but not hit them as they are moving across the circular blast area.

    NC and VS mines are very different to TR ones, they can't really be used in the same ways.

    TBH I think they should just make all weapons exactly the same, as every single difference just ends up in endless whining threads, but it is near impossible to balance the different types of mines to be exactly the same because the operate differently (with pros and cons for both types).
  9. Jube

    Ok I'll say this again for those who didn't read it the 1st time. The placement isn't the issue, THE GREEN LASERS ARE THE ISSUE!
    People get it through you heads! Having a laser show designating where your mine is located is just ******* wrong!
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  10. Grotpar

    They should do the laser thing more like in Tribes Ascend.

    Prism mines there are fairly hard to see unless you're about to run into them.
    But Claymores can be seen from the moment they render because the lasers are incredibly obvious.
  11. GamerGawd

  12. Xind

    You're gonna need to drop 40 RoF off of it too.
  13. Tobax

    Agreed that the TR's Claymore needs to be an AP mine like NC and VS.
  14. Herrick

    Can you stop attention whoring in /vg/ every hour of the day?
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  15. Oreo202

    Will do, considering 45 extra RPM doesn't really matter.
  16. Xind

    Surely it doesn't. So why don't you use the VX6-7?
    It reloads faster, has better accuracy, and more bullet velocity.
  17. Oreo202

    I can't burstfire it as well.
  18. Jube


    Perhaps this is a better illustration of what needs to be fixed about this mine. Please note the laser show needs to be removed from the claymore.
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  19. Nyscha

    I like how the OP has angled the photos to make the NC/VS one look smaller than they actually are.

    I always see bouncing betties and I always see VS mines when I'm on another character.

    But I never see this ********.

    Spot the claymore a few seconds after I took that picture I went to disarm it with my flak armor medic but sadly a friendly ran past and blew it up and died instantly.


    Also turn off this crappy music in this video and take some tips for claymores from the godfather of fps' games, battlefield 2.

    Place claymores like that and enjoy the free kills.

  20. }{ellKnight

    I'd like to point out that a VS or NC AP mine placed there would sink COMPLETELY and you wouldn't see it AT ALL and still die to it. I've had it happen countless times to me, the damn thing sinked bellow the ground just enough for it to be completely invisible. Dunno if it's just certain surfaces or it's random. So the NC and VS are benefited by this bug more than the TR.
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