Can Not Log Into Servers Or Delete Characters Or Anything!

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Elf Ranger William, Apr 13, 2013.

  1. Elf Ranger William

    I've Been Playing This For A Bit. I Was Playing With My Friend When He Asked If I Wanted To Switch To Another Team. I Said Yes. I Got Out Of My Character And Clicked On My Other Character And Pressed Play...........And It Just Sat There Saying "Logging In". I Waited There For A Bit, Then I Got Out And Tried Again, Still It Didn't Log In. I Tried To Delete My Characters But It Would Not Let Me. PLEASE FIX THIS!
  2. SgtBreastroker

    Yeah, it has been happening to my VS character. I play with some friends on my NC then when I want to switch over to my VS it won't load into the game. It just stays there on "Logging In".

    I'm not sure what causes the issue though, would be interesting to see if anyone else is experiencing this issue.
  3. tickay

    Im from the briggs server and im having this problem again....
  4. Nexus Shroud

    I usually play between nc and vanu and i've had no problems till 2 or 3 days ago and everything you've had happen is now happening to me aswell. as far as i know there wasnt anything special that happend it just stopped working, all of my characters are on briggs.
  5. Shasbot

    Don't type like that.
  6. tickay

    oh im in already .I guess you just have to wait a little longer to get in.
  7. ReDjEt77

    Im on BRIGGS server and taking too long to load after character select. Needs to be looked at.
  8. Elf Ranger William

  9. Elf Ranger William

    I'll Type Like This If I Want!