Everytime a teammate shoots at a console.....

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Dragonblood, Apr 12, 2013.

  1. Dragonblood

    ....I have the urge to shoot them.......especially outlying consoles at Amp stations.
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  2. Ztiller

    Well, if you were just about to hack it, i see no reason to suppress that urge. That terminal is much mroe valuable than him, and if there is an infiltrator right next to him, he needs to learn.
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  3. Soundmonitor

    I actually screamed in proxy once, but now I will just shoot people.
  4. Dragonblood

    I find it horrible that one dumb individuum can ruin a whole attack....sometimes your team needs that vehicle console to spawn another sunderer.
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  5. Aimeryan

    If terminals took two people to destroy, something like a shield regen that took more firepower than one person could put out to overload, would improve the situation a lot for infiltrators I think. It would require two people thinking about doing the same thing rather than some bored guy having an idiot moment.
  6. Cirevam

    What if it's an engineer? If you ask them to stop they can repair the console once it's hacked back, and if they blow it up they can repair it anyways. Personally I've found it quicker to roll a Fury Flash around, blow up the console in a second or two, then repair it instead of finding or switching to an Infiltrator.
  7. vilehydra

    First thing I do when I'm defending a undermanned base and know an attack is coming (especially gal drops, because they don't bring sunderers) , blow up the god damn sunderer terminal.

    It's really stupid that I can even pull a sunderer there, and even more so that they can pull a sunderer. It was a bad move in beta and is still a bad move now, it really butchered logistics beyond the point of no return.
  8. AceMF

    A real infiltrator would have already been in that amp station and had that terminal hacked, pulled and deployed a sunderer, got all the gens cooking, and be kicking back in a hacked turret with prox mines behind him farming noobs running out of the spawn.
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  9. Sorro

    There are also reasons to blow up a terminal. If you blow up a friendly terminal at a base you own you deny the enemy a place to spawn tanks and Sunderers close to their objective. My squad does it all the time.
  10. Dragonblood

    yeah, but there are enough bloody idiots that already do that for you. The consoles are more worth for the attackers than the defenders.

    And yes, I know that engies destroy hacked turrets and repair them....that's k and not what I am talking about.
  11. Nyscha

    He'd be in and out before the battle even started.
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  12. Aimeryan

    And be bored all the while too.
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  13. Get2dachoppa

    I've had faction mates shoot consoles (with rocket launchers, no less) while I'm standing right there trying to hack them, nearly killing me in the process. :mad:
  14. DFDelta

    I've seen infis destroying enemy consoles while we were on the attack. Note that this were consoles behind our current lines, so there was absolutely no reason to destroy it.

    Shot him and hacked the console, cue 2 guys from another outfit walking next to me and spamming v-1.

    Felt good.
  15. iller

    I've done both at the same time.
    Didn't even care if there's no advantage to it, it's the only utility SOE gave us so I'll happy use one mechanic (TK'ng) to ensure other players know who's measly XP it is
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  16. Skeith

    then do it

    you suppressed him for the greater good
  17. drNovikov

    I used to talk in proxy or even stand between those idiots and terminals. Now I just shoot them in the head and explain later.
  18. drNovikov

    What if an engineer blows up a console in an enemy base? He will not be able to repair it. Only enemy will be able to repair.
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  19. (-)IONS

    I'de be looking at my sweet buxom female Vanu a$$ in a mirror. Aww yeaah baby!
  20. Rift23

    The cluster under the biolabs is the worst. Shield drops, I go to hack and suddenly I'm dodging tank rounds from my own team trying to get 200xp from blowing up 4 terminals at once.